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EXFOR Search Engine.
[ Inverse Geometry ]
Direct Geometry
The source of data is the EXFOR fund prepared and maintained
by the
Nuclear Reaction Data Centres Network
Only one value in each field.
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Target Nucleus :
Z (digits) or Chemical symbol (letters) and Mass number (digits)
Z or Symbol : 
 A :  
Incident Particle :
A Alphas
D Deuterons
E Electrons
HE3 He-3
N Neutrons
P Protons
T Tritons
Sequence : Be-8,Pb-208,Li-7
Energy / Angle range :
Low limit (X-min) :
High limit (X-max) :
Each field in this form is optional - may be blank.
M0025 - M0040 M0075002 - M0080010 M0128, M0229006
Inc-Source :
Source of the incident particle beam
A-BE Alpha-Beryllium
ARAD Annihilation radiation
ATOMI Atomic beam source
BRST Bremsstrahlung
CF252 Spont.fission of Californium-252
CM244 Spont.fission of Curium-244
CM246 Spont.fission of Curium-246
CM248 Spont.fission of Curium-248
COMPT Compton scattering
D-BE Deuteron-Beryllium
D-C12 Deuteron-Carbon 12
D-C14 Deuteron-Carbon 14
D-D Deuteron-Deuterium
D-LI Deuteron-Lithium
D-LI7 Deuteron-Lithium 7
D-N14 Deuteron-Nitrogen 14
D-N15 Deuteron-Nitrogen 15
D-T Deuteron-Tritium
EVAP Evaporation neutrons
EXPLO Nuclear explosive device
HARD Hardened
KINDT Kinematically determined
LAMB Lamb-shift source
LASER Laser scattering
MPH Monoenergetic photons
P-BE Proton-Beryllium
P-D Proton-Deuterium
P-LI7 Proton-Lithium 7
P-T Proton-Tritium
PHOTO Photo-neutron
POLIS Polarized ion source
POLNS Polarized neutron source
POLTR Polarized target
PU240 Spont.fission of Plutonium-240
QMPH Quasi-monoenergetic photons
REAC Reactor
SPALL Spallation
TAGD Electron tagged
THCOL Thermal column
THRDT Determined by threshold technique
VPH Virtual photons
Outgoing Particle / Process :
0 No outgoing particle
A Alphas
B- Decay Beta-
D Deuterons
G Gammas
HE2 He-2
HE3 He-3
KN Kaons,negative
KP Kaons,positive
N Neutrons
P Protons
PI0 Pions,neutral
PIN Pions,negative
PIP Pions,positive
T Tritons
ABS Absorption
EL Elastic scattering
F Fission
INL Inelastic scattering
NON Nonelastic (= total minus elastic)
PAI Pair production
SCT Total scattering (elastic + inelastic)
THS Thermal neutron scattering
TOT Total
X Process unspecified
XN Variable number of emitted neutrons
YP Variable number of emitted protons
(e.g., n + p)
Product Nucleus :
Z (digits) or Chemical symbol (letters) and Mass number (digits)
Z or Symbol :  
  A :  
Quantity :
Reaction parameter
Angular correlation
(Angular correlation)
(Alpha to fission fragment angular correlation)
(Alpha to heavy fragment angular correlation)
(Fragment to fragment angular correlation)
(Angular correlation neutrons/deuterons)
(Neutron to fission fragment angular correlation)
(Angular correlation neutrons/protons)
(Angular correlation neutrons/tritons/alfas)
(Angular correlation protons/deuterons)
(Angular correlation)
(Angular correlation of particle pair specified)
(Angular correlation alphas/alphas/fiss. prod.)
(Alpha to fission fragment angular correlation)
(Alpha / gamma angular correlation)
(Alpha to heavy fragment angular correlation)
(Fragment to fragment angular correlation)
(Angular correlation neutrons/deuterons)
(Neutron to fission fragment angular correlation)
(Angular correlation neutrons/protons)
(Neutron/triton/alpha angular correlation)
(Angular correlation protons/alphas/fiss. prod.)
(Angular correlation protons/deuterons)
(Angular correlation protons/protons/fiss. prod.)
(Partial reaction, angular correlation)
(Partial reaction, ang.correl. gammas/neutrons)
(Ang.correl. of particle pair spec., partial)
(Ang.correl. of particle pair spec., partial)
(Alpha / alpha angular correl.,partial reaction)
(Alpha / gamma angular correl.,partial reaction)
(Alpha / He-6 angular correl.,partial reaction)
(Deuteron/alpha angular correl.,partial reaction)
(Gamma/gamma angular correl., partial reaction)
(Gamma/neutron angular correl., partial reaction)
(Gamma/proton angular correl., partial reaction)
(Neutron/proton angular correl., partial reactio)
(Angular correlation of prompt fission neutrons)
(Angle-energy correl. of prompt neut./fiss. frag.)
(Angular correlation of prompt fission neutrons)
(Angular correlation of prompt fission neutrons)
(Ang.correl.of prompt fiss.neutr.of certain en.)
(Partial ang.correl.neutrons/He2,spec.reac. seq.)
(Alpha/fragment angular correl., ternary fission)
(Fragment/fragment ang. correl., ternary fission)
(Angular correl. light chg. part., ternary fiss.)
(Ang.corr.gammas/alphas rel.90 deg., tern. fiss.)
(Ang.corr.gammas/light c.p.rel.90 deg.,tern.fiss)
Angular distributions, general
(Differential c/s with respect to angle)
(Differential cs d/dA Mott scattering)
(Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi/Sigma)
(Differential c/s d/dA relative to 0 deg.)
(Differential c/s d/dA relative to 90 deg.)
(Differential cs d/dA Rutherf.scatt.)(Angular distribution, relative to scattering by point nucleus (Rutherford scattering))
(Diff.cross section d/dA for thick target)
(Angular distribution of alphas)
(Ang.distr.of alphas vs.fiss.frag.,rel.90 deg.)
(Angular distribution of alphas * 4pi/Sigma)(Differential cs with respect to alphas * 4pi/Sigma )
(Angular distribution of alphas rel.90 deg.)(Ang.distr.of alphas,diff.sig/sig(90deg))
(Ang.distr.of alphas rel.90 deg.f.thick target)
(Angular distribution of of deuterons)
(Angular distribution of deuterons * 4pi/Sigma)
(Angular distribution of fission fragments)
(Angular distribution of fission frag. rel. 90deg)
(Angular distribution with respect to gammas)
(Angular distribution of gammas 90 deg.)
(Angular distribution of 3He)
(Differential c/s d/dA of heavy fission frag.)
(Differential c/s d/dA of light fission frag.)
(Angular distr. of light fiss.frag.rel. 90 deg.)
(Angular distribution of neutrons)
(Angular distribution of neutrons * 4pi/Sigma)
(Angular distribution of protons)
(Diff. cs d/dA for protons Rutherf. scatt.)
(Angular distribution of residual nucleus)
(Angular distribution of tritons)
(Diff.cross sect. with Treim.-Yang angle)
(Integral over of ang. distr.)
(Differential c/s d/dA, compound nucleus contrib)
(Differential c/s d/dA,direct interaction contr.)
(Particle emission angular distribution)
(Differential cross sect. d/dA, direct formation)
(Ang. distr. of neutrons, direct formation)
(Integral over inc.en. of partl.ang distr. gams)
(Ang. distrib. prompt fission gammas rel.90 deg.)
(Angular distribution of prompt fission neutrons)
(Ang. distrib. prompt fiss. neutrons rel.90 deg.)
(Ang.dist.of prompt fission neuts,ternary fiss.)
(Angular distrib. of primary fission fragments)
(Ang. distr. of primary fission frag.rel.90 deg.)
(Ang.distrib. of primary light fission fragm.)
(Diff.cross section for spec. reaction seq.)(Diff.cs for partial reaction specified by sequence of outgoing particles)
(Angular distr.of deuterons, specif.react. seq.)
(Angular distr. of tritons, specif.reaction seq.)
(Angular distrution of alphas, ternary fission)
(Angular distr. alphas rel 90 deg.,ternary fiss.)
(Angular distr. fission frag., ternary fission)
(Ang. distr. fiss. frag. rel 90deg,ternary fiss.)
(Ang. distr. of fission neutrons,ternary fission)
Angular distributions, partial reactions
(Partial diff. c/s d/dA,direct interaction contr)
(Particle emission partial diff. c/s d/dA)
(Partial diff. c/s d/dA for electric polar. given)
(Partial differential cross section d/dA)
(Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 4pi/Sigma)
(Partial diff. cs d/dA * 4pi/Sigma f.thick targe)
(Partial diff. c/s d/dA relative to 0 deg.)
(Partial diff. cross section d/dA rel. to 90 deg)
(Partial diff. cs d/dA Rutherf.scatt.)
(S-factor for partial diff. cross section)
(Partial diff. cs * total spin transfer)
(Thick-target angular distr., partial reaction)
(Partial angular distribution of alphas)
(Partial angular distribution of deuterons)
(Partial diff. gamma em. cross section d/dA)(Diff.partial gamma-emission cross section)
(Partial diff. gamma em. c/s d/dA 90 deg.)
(Partial diff. gamma em. cs d/dA f.thick target)
(Partial angular distribution of He-3 particles)
(Partial angular distribution of neutrons)
(Partial angular dist. of neutrons 90 deg)
(Partial angular distribution of protons)
(Partial angular distribution of residual nucl.)
(Partial angular distribution of tritons)
(Partial angular distribution, cumulative)
(Partial angular distribution, direct formation)
(Ang.distr.of discrete gammas incl.isom. trans.)
(Ang.distr.of discrete gammas excl.isom. trans.)
(Partial angular distrib., undefined reaction)
(Partial angular distrib., undefined reaction)
(Partial angular distr. of gammas, undef. react.)
(Prompt partial diff. gamma emiss.cross section)
(Partial angular distr. for specif.reaction seq.)
(Partial angular distr. of neuts.,spec.reac.seq.)
Double differential data
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA/dA)
(Angular corr. 2 alphas (rel.angle)-fiss. fragm.)
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(a)/dA(a))
(Angular correlation betw.alphas,rel.angle)
(Ang.correl.betw.alphas,rel.angle, non-coplanar)
(Angular correlation alphas/gammas)
(Angular correlation betw. fission fragments)
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(n)/dA(a))
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(n)/dA(d))
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(n)/dA(n))
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(n)/dA(p))
(Ang.corr.protons/alphas(rel.angle)-fiss. fragm.)
(Angular correlation of 2 protons (rel. angle))
(Ang.corr.2 protons(rel.angle)
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(p)/dA(a))
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(p)/dA(d))
(Double diff. cross section d2/dA(p)/dA(p))
(Double diff.cs for angles of t-a pair vs. 6Li)
(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE)
(Double-diff.cs integr.over partial ang. range)
(Total spin transfer * d2/dA/dE)
(Double-diff. cs for thick target)
(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE of alphas)
(Double-diff.cs d2/dA(a)/dE(residual nucleus))
(Double diff.cross sect. d2/dA/dE of deuterons)
(Double-diff.cs d2/dA(d)/dE(residual nucleus))
(Double diff. gamma prod.cross section d2/dA/dE)
(Double-diff.gamma cs integr.over part.ang. range)
(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE of neutrons)
(Double diff.cs d2/dA/dE of neutrons rel.90 deg)
(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE of protons)
(Double-diff.cross section for residual nucleus)
(Double-diff.cs part.ang. range)
(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE of tritons)
(Diff.cs dAngle/d(lin.momentum))
(Double-diff.cs integr.over partial ang. range)
(Double-diff.gamma cs integr.over part.ang. range)
(Double-diff.cs part.ang. range)
(Double diff. c/s d2/dA/dEdir.interaction contr)
(Partial double diff. c/s d2/dA/dE, contr)
(Double diff. emission cross section, d/dA/dE)
(Double diff. proton emission cross section)
(Partial double-diff. emission cs d2/dA/dE)
(Double diff. c/s d2/dA/dE, direct formation)
(Spin-flip probability S(LL)*d2/dA/d(E))
(Ptl.double diff.cs f.angles of t-a pair vs. 6Li)
(Partial double diff.cross-section)
(Partial double diff.gamma-emiss. cross-section)
(Double diff.spect of pr.fiss.neutrons d2/dA/dE)
(Double-diff.cs for spec. reaction seq.)
(Ptl.dbl-diff.cs d2/dA(n)dA(He2),spec.reac. seq.)
(Ptl.double-diff.cs d2/dA(p)dA(t),spec.reac.seq.)
(Spin-flip probability S(SS)*d2/dA/d(E))
(Double-diff. cs d2/dA/dE alphas, ternary fiss.)
Energy/momentum/mass correlation (photonuclear data)
(Energy correlation)
(Effective mass correlation)
(Linear momentum correlation)
(Partl linear mom. correl. of particle pair */*)
(Partial linear momentum correlation of n/p)
Fission fragment data
(Fission-product yield (assumed cumulative))(Fission product yield, assumed by compiler as cumulative)
(Average kinetic energy of outgoing particle)
(Average kinetic energy of alphas)
(Average kinetic energy of fission fragments)
(Average kinetic energy of heavy fragments)
(Average kinetic energy of light fragments)
(Average kinetic energy of neutrons)
(Avg.kinetic en. of fission frag. at given angle)
(Avg.kinetic en. of neutrons at a given angle)
(Most probable mass of fission products)
(Most probable mass of heavy fragment)
(Most probable mass of heavy fragment at reson.)
(Most probable mass of light fragment)
(Most probable mass of light fragment at reson.)
(Kinetic en. of fission frag. with angle)
(Kinetic energy of fission fragments)
(Total kinetic energy of light/heavy frag. pair)
(Temp.of Maxwell.distr.of outgoing neutrons)
(Most probable kinetic energy alphas)
(Most probable charge of fission products)
(Most probable charge of heavy fragments)
(Most probable charge of light fragments)
(Average kinetic energy of binary fission frag.)
(Most prob. mass of heavy binary fission)
(Binary/ternary differential fiss.frag.dist.d/dA)
(Total element yield of fission products)
(Total element fiss. yield of diff.d/d(frag.en.))
(Total chain yield of fission products)
(Total chain yield,
(Fission-product yield, compound nucleus contrib)
(Cumulative fission-product yield)
(Cumulative fission-product yield isom. ratio)
(Cumulative fission prod. yield for ternary fiss)
(Average kinetic energy of delayed neutrons)
(Avg. kinetic en. for specif. delayed neut. group)
(Avg. kinetic en. for specif. delayed neut. group)
( of outg.part.for high en. fission)
( of fragments of high energy fiss)
( at given angle, direct formation)
(Independent fission-product yield)
(Total yield of prompt fission gammas)
(Independent yield of correlated fragment pairs)
(Indep.yield of correl.light/heavy fragm. pairs)
(Diff.indep. fission product yield d/d(frag.en.))
(Independent fission-product yield ratio)
(Independent fission-product yield sum)
(Indep. fission-product yield, incl. isom. trans.)
(Independ.fission-prod.yield for ternary fission)
(Mass yield of sum of ind. yields)
(Average gamma energy for specific group of g's)
(Av.gamma energy as fct.of energ.of emitt. neutr.)
(Average energy for specific group of neutrons)
(Most prob.mass of heavy fragm.f.given excit.en.)
(Most probable charge, for given)
(Total chain yield of excit.en)
(Ind.fission yield for given)
(Abs.yield of pr.fiss.gammas of
(Primary for given exc. energ)
( of prim.frag.for given exc. energ)
(Primary fragm.fission yield for given exc. energ)
(Average kinetic energy of prompt neutrons)
( of prompt neutr.dep.on fiss.frag.en.)
(Energy correl. neutron / heavy fission fragment)
(Energy correl. neutron / light fission fragment)
(Temp.of Maxwell.distr.of prompt neutrons)
(Average kinetic energy of primary fragment)(Average kinetic energy of primary fission fragments)
(Average kinetic energy of primary heavy frag.)
(Average kinetic energy of primary light frag.)
(Avg.kinetic energy of prim.frag.,fn.of angle)
(Most prob.mass of ifss.fragm., pre-n-emission)
(Most prob.mass,pre-neutron-emission heavy frag.)
(Most prob.mass,pre-neutron-emission light frag.)
(Centr.of mass dist.of,dep.on angle)
(Kin. energy ang.distr. of primary fission frag.)
(Primary fission-product yield)
(Primary of correl.frag. pairs)
(Yield of correl.primary light/heavy fragm. pairs)
(Primary fission-product yield d/d(kinetic en.))
(Primary light fragm.fission yield d/dE(fragm.))
(Kinetic energy of primary fission fragments)
(Total kinetic energy of primary frag. pair)
(Most probable kin.en.of pre-neutron emiss. alpha)
(Primary-fission product yield, binary fission)
(Av.kin.en.of tern.alphas energy)
(Primary-fission prod.yield, ternary fission)
(Energy correlation prim.fragment/tern. alphas)
(Most prob.en.of alphas energy)
(Yield of alphas of energ)
(Average of post-neut-emission frag.)
(Most prob. mass of fiss.fragm., post-n-emiss.)
(Most prob.mass of post-neut.-emiss. heavy frag.)
(Most prob. mass of post-neut.-emiss.light frag.)
(Post-neutron-emission fission-product yield)
(Post-neutron-emiss.yield of correl.fragm. pairs)
(Most prob. charge of fiss.fragm., post-n-emiss.)
(Pre-delayed-neutron chain yield)
(Pre-delayed-neutron chain yield d/d(kin. en.))
(Average kinetic energy of spallation products)
(Avg. kinetic energy of alphas, ternary fission)
(Avg. kinetic energy of deuterons, ternary fiss.)
(Avg. of fission frag., ternary fiss.)
(Average kinetic energy of 6He, ternary fission)
( of heavy fiss.frag.,tern. fiss.)
(Avg. light chg. part., ternary fiss.)
( of light fiss.frag.,tern. fiss.)
(Avg. kinetic energy of protons, ternary fission)
(Avg. kinetic energy of tritons, ternary fission)
(Most probable mass of ternary fiss. frag.)
(Most prob. mass of heavy ternary fission frag.)
(Kin. energy angular distr.alphas, ternary fiss.)
(Fission-product yield, ternary fission)
(Alpha yield from ternary fission)
(Light-charged-particle yield, ternary fission)
(Proton yield from ternary fission)
(Triton yield from ternary fission)
(Fragment given/alpha correl., ternary fission)
(Alpha/heavy frag. ang.correl., ternary fission)
(Alpha/light frag. ang.correl., ternary fission)
(Fragment/fragment ang. correl., ternary fission)
(Fragm.gvn/heavy charged partl.corr.,tern. fiss.)
(Heavy frag./light frag.ang.correl.,tern. fission)
(Fragm.gvn/light charged partl.corr.,tern. fiss.)
(Light chgd prt./heavy frag.ang.corr.,tern. fiss.)
(Light chgd prt./light frag.ang.corr.,tern. fiss.)
(Light frag./heavy frag.ang.correl.,tern. fission)
(Most probable of ternary fission alp)
(Most probable charge of ternary fission frag.)
(Ternary/binary fission alpha yield ratio)
(Yield of tern.alpha particles for given alpha e)
Fitting coefficients
(Cosine coef. d/dA = a(0)+Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Cosine coef. k**2 d/dA = Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Cosine coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Cosne coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 0deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Cosne coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Cos coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*sin**2*cos**L))
(Legendre coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*p(L)))
(Legendre coef. k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)*p(L)))
(Legendre coef. d/dA=1/2Sum((2L+1)a(L)*p(L)))
(Legendre coef. 4pi d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)*p(L)))
(Legendre coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)*p(L)))
(Leg.coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA, 0deg)=Sum(a(L)*p(L)))
(Leg.coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))
(Leg.coef. 4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)*p(L)))
(D/da coef. for sin**2 expansion)
(Legendre coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))
(Leg.coef. d/dA=1+Sum(a(L))
(Cos.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)cos**L),fiss. frag.)
(Cos.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum(2L+1)a(L)cos**L, ff)
(Cos.coef. (d/dA)/(d/dA90deg)=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L)ff)
(Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*p(L)),fission frag)
(Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum(a(L)p(L)),fiss. frag.)
(Leg.coef.(d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg)=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)),ff)
(Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)p(L)), ff)
(Sine**2 coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)sin**2(L*Theta)))
(Sine**2 coef. d/dA=Sum(a(L)sin**2L(Theta)))(Angular distr. of fission-fragments, coefficients of the form (d-Sig/d-Omega)/(d-Sig/d-Omega at 0 deg)
(Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)p(L))
(Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)p(L))
(Leg.coef. 4pi/Sig(90deg)d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)),n)
( d/dA=Sum(a(L)p(L)),, tmp.dp)
(Leg.coef. for fit to (4pi/Sig)d/dA emission c/s)
(Leg.coef. for fit to double-diff.emission cs)
(Leg.coef.f.partial double-diff.emission cs)(Double-differential partial emission cross section excluding elastic scattering, Legendre coeff.of the form 4pi/Sig d2-Sig/d-Omega/dE'= Sum((2L+1)a(E',L)p(L)))
(Cosine coef. for fit to partial d/dA)
(Partl.cos coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Ptl.cos coef(d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg)=Sum(a(L)cos**L))
(Legendre coef. for fit to partial d/dA)
( to partl d/dA=1/2Sum(2L+1)a(L)p(L))
( partl.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)))
(Leg.coef. fit to partial (d/dA)/(d/dA, 90deg))
(Par.Leg.coef(4pi/Sig, 90deg)d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)))
(Partl.Leg. coef(4pi/Sig)d/dA=Sum((2L+1)a(L)p(L)))
(Partial D/da coef. for sin**2 expansion)
(Leg.coef. for fit to partial gamma em. d/dA)
(Leg.coef.partl.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)),g's)
( a(L)p(L),g's)
( 4pi/cs(90deg)*d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)),n)
(Part.leg.coef.k**2 d/dA=Sum(a(L)p(L)),dir. form.)
(Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)),pr. gam.)
(Leg.coef.4pi/Sig d/dA=1+Sum(a(L)p(L)),pr neuts.)
( d/dA=Sum(a(L)p(L)),pr.ff,tmp.dp)
( d/dA=Sum(a(L)p(L))cor.a/g, tern.f.)
( d/dA=Sum(a(L)p(L))cor.g/lcp, tern.)
Integral cross sections, general
(Cross section (assumed cumulative))
(Gamma prod. cross sect.(assumed cumulative))
(Cross section,uncert. if cum or +meta, undef.)
(Cross section,incl.isom.trans.,uncert.if cum)
(Cross section, undef.react.(assumed cumulative))
(Cross section (assumed reaction defined))
(Cross section (uncert.if isomeric trans. incl))
(Cross sect.,undef.react.(
(Differential c/s d/dA * 4pi)
(Diff.cs integrated over partial angular range)
(Angular distribution of fission frag. * 4pi)
(Angular distribution of gammas * 4pi)
(Angular distribution of protons * 4pi)
(Cross-section integral over incident energy)
(Cross-section integral over inc. energy at res.)
(Cross-section integral over inc. energy*sqrt(E))
(4pi * integral over of ang. distr.)
(Diff.cs integrated over partial angular range)
(Resonance integral)
(Resonance integral for limited energy range)
(Resonance integral, non 1/v part)
(Resonance int., non 1/v, limited energy range)
(Resonance integral, 1/v part)
(Resonance integral, 1/v, limited energy range)
(Resonance integral, isomeric sum)
(Resonance integral, non 1/v part, isomeric sum)
(Reaction rate (sigma*velocity))
(Reaction rate (sigma*velocity), non 1/v part)
(Reaction rate (sigma*velocity), 1/v part)
(S-factor for reaction rate)
(Cross section)
(Cross sect. (spins antiparallel-spins parallel))
(Cross section, non 1/v part)
(Cross section * root(E))
(Cross section, 1/v part)
(Spin-flip cross section)
(S-factor for cross section)
(Spin-spin cross section)
(Cross section for thick target)
(Gamma-production cross section)
(Cross section ratio)
(Cross section sum)
(Temperature-dependent cross section)
(Temperature-dependent cross section)
(Bound-atom cross section)
(Binary fission cross section)
(Binary/ternary cross section ratio)
(Cross section, compound nucleus contribution)
(Cross section, specif. seq., comp.nucl. contrib.)
(Coherent cross section)
(Production cross section for continuous gammas)
(Cumulative cross section)
(Cumulative cross section sum)
(Cumulative cross sect.(uncert.isom.trans. incl.))
(Cum.cross sect.,undef.react.(uncert.isom. trans))
(Cumulative cross section, excluding isom. trans.)
(Cumulative cross section, undefined reaction)
(Cumul. cross section ratio, undefined reaction)
(Cross section, direct interaction contribution)
(Partial cross section, spec.seq., contr.)
(Production cross section for discrete gammas)
(Delayed-neutron emission cross section)
(Emission cross section)
(Free-atom cross section)
(Free-atom coherent scattering cross section)
(Free-atom incoherent scattering cross section)
(Partial cs due to high-energy fission)
('High-energy' component of cross section)
(Incoherent scattering cross section)
(Independent cross section)
(Independent gamma prod.cs)
(Independent cross section ratio)
(Independent cross section sum)
(Indep. cross section (isomeric trans. uncertain))
(Independent cross sect., incl. isomeric trans.)
(Ind. cross sect., undef.react.,incl.isom. trans.)
(Independent cross section, undefined reaction)
(Independent gamma prod.cs, undefined reaction)
(Indep. cross section ratio, undefined reaction)
(Indep. cross section sum, undefined reaction)
('Low-energy' component of cross section)
(Cs diff.(longit.spins, parallel - antiparallel))
(Spin-spin cs, longitudinal to beam direction)
(Resonance integral, including via isomer. trans.)
(Resonance int., lim.en.range, incl.isom. trans.)
(Cross section, incl. form. via isomeric trans.)
(Cross section,incl.isom.trans.(uncert.reac.def))
(Cross section,incl.via isom.trans.,undef. react.)
(Cross section, excluding isomeric transition)
(Cross section * spin-flip probability S(nn))
(Cs for production of specified no. of fragments)
(Cs for production of specified no. of neutrons)
(Cs for production of specified no. of protons)
(Cs for prod.of specified no.of negative pions)
(Cs for prod.of specified no.of positive pions)
(Cs integral over incident energy f.given level)
(4pi * integral over inc.en. of partl.ang. distr.)
(4pi*integral over of ang.distr. gams.)
(Prod.cs for continuous gammas of given en. range)
(Prod.cs for discrete gammas of given en. range)
(Potential scattering cross section)
(Prompt fission cross section)
(Cross section int. over inc.en.,spec.react.seq.)
(Cross section for specified reaction sequence)
(Partial cross section due to spallation)
(Ternary fission cross section)
(Alpha-emission cross section, ternary fission)
(Ternary/binary cross section ratio)
(Cs diff.(transv.spins, parallel - antiparallel))
(Spin-spin cs, transverse to beam direction)
(Cross section, undefined reaction)
(Cross section ratio, undefined reaction)
(Cross section sum, undefined reaction)
(Unweighted prod.cs integral over incid. energy)
(Unweighted production cross section)
Integral cross sections, partial
(Partial cross section, compound nucleus contrib)
(Partial cross section, spec.seq.,comp.nuc. contr)
(Partial cross section, direct interact. contrib.)
(Partial delayed-neutron emission cross section)
(Partial emission cross section)
(Cross section for electric polarity given)
(Astrophysical s-factor for electr.polar. given)
(Integral c/s over inc.en.for electr.polar. given)
(Partial cross section for electric polar. given)
(Cross section for magnetic polarity given)
(Partial diff. cross section d/dA * 4pi)
(Par.diff.cs integrated over partial ang. range)
(Partial diff. gamma em. cross section d/dA*4pi)
(Integral over of partl.ang distr.)
(Par.diff.cs integrated over partial ang. range)
(Partial cross section)
(Partial cross section * square root(E))
(S-factor for partial cross section)
(Partial cross section for alpha group)
(Partial gamma-production cross section)
(Partial gamma-production cs for thick target)
(Partial cross section for secondary protons)
(Partial cross section,undef.react.,assumed cum.)
(Partial cross section (uncert.if react. defined))
(Partial cumulative cross section)
(Partial independent cross section)
(Independent cross section ratio,partl. react.)
(Partial cross section, undefined reaction)
(Partial cross section, specified reaction seq.)
Nuclear quantities
(Level density parameter)
(Scattering radius)
(Spin-cut-off factor)
(Nuclear temperature)
Outgoing energy spectra
(Double diff.cross section d2/dA/dE * 4pi)
(Energy spectrum of outgoing particles)
(Energy spectrum of alphas)
(Energy spectrum of deuterons)
(Energy spectrum of fission fragments)
(Energy spectrum of gammas)
(Energy spectrum of neutrons)
(Energy spectrum (sum of kin.en.of 3 particles))
(Energy spectrum of protons)
(Energy spectrum of residual nucleus)
(Energy spectrum of tritons)
(Diff.c/s with respect to 4-mom.transfer squared)
(Particle multiplicity f.thick target d/dE)
(Cs number of outgoing particles)
(Gamma spectrum)
(Gamma spectrum for thick target)
(Gamma spectrum as function of angle)
(Energy spectrum of 2nd secondary particle)
(En.spectrum of outg.partl.,dir.interact. contr.)
(Energy spectrum of delayed neutrons)
(Intensity of delayed gammas)
(Energy spectrum for specific delayed neut. group)
(Energy spectrum for specific delayed neut. group)
(Particle emission energy spectrum)
(Partial particle emission energy spectrum)
(Cs,int.over ang. range)
(Cs p ang. range)
(Cs,int.over ang. range)
(Cs p ang. range)
(Diff.cs longit.secondary momentum)
(Diff.cs resid. nucl.)
(Cs,int.over ang. range)
(Cs p ang. range)
(Partial double diff.gamma-emiss.cross-sect.*4pi)
(Spectrum of outgoing particles for specif. level)
(Diff.cs second.momentum of n-p pair)
(Partial gamma spectrum)
(Energy spectrum of prompt fission neutrons)
(Prompt Maxw.distr.of giv.temp)
(Energy spect.of prompt fiss.neut*square root(E))
(Intensity of prompt fission gammas)
(Prompt gamma-spectrum from ternary fission)
(Energy spectrum of primary fission fragments)
(Energy spectrum of primary heavy fission frag.)
(Energy spectrum of primary light fission frag.)
(Total kinetic energy distr.of fiss.fragm.)
(Energy spectrum of alphas, ternary fission)
(Energy spectrum of deuterons, ternary fission)
(Energy spectrum of protons, ternary fission)
(Energy spectrum of tritons, ternary fission)
Polarization of outgoing particles
(Leg.coef.of 1st kind for spin-pol.prob. * d/dA)
(Leg.coef.of 1st kind for spin-pol.prob. * d/dA)
(Sine**2 coef. for spin-pol.prob. * d/dA)
(Leg.coef.of 1st kind, spin-pol. prob*(d/dA)**2)
(Sine**2 coef. for spin-pol.prob * (d/dA)**2)
(Spin-polarization probability)
(Polarization asymmetry)
(Spin-spin asymmetry (antiparallel-parallel))
(Spin-polarization probability of deuterons)
(Asymmetry of fission fragments)
(Spin-polarization probability d/dA)
(Assc.leg.coef.of 1st kind to fit spin-pol. prob.)
(Analyzing power)
(Anal.power,Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*p(L)))
(Asymmetry of polarized particles)
(Asymmetry as a fn. of inc.parallel/perpend.)
(Tensor anal.power,inc.proj.spin normal
(Tensor anal.power,inc.proj.spin parall.
(Cosine coef. for fit to spin-pol. probability)
(Legendre coef. for fit to spin-pol. probability)
(Spin-flip probability, S(nn))
(Spin-polariz. prob., coef. sum in power sin**2)
(Spin rotation function, Q)
(Tensor analyzing power, T(kq), spherical coord.)
(Vector analyzing power, iT(11),spherical coord.)
(Diff. spin-polariz. prob. d/dA of deuterons)
(Analyzing power for deuterons)
(Tensor anal.power, T(kq), spher.coord.,f. deut.)
(Vector anal.power, iT(11),spher.coord.,f. deut.)
(Analyzing power for helium-3)
(Analyzing power for neutrons)
(Analyzing power for protons)
(Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for 2 particles)
(Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE1 f.neutr.,deut.,rel. energ)
(Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE1 f.neutr.,prot.,rel. energ)
(Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for 2 protons)
(Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 f. alpha, 2 protons)
(Anal.power dA1/dA2/dE1 f.prot.,deut.,rel. energ)
(Analyzing power dA1/dA2/dE1 for protons)
( angle and energy)
(Analyzing power / dE)
(Asymm.of polarized angle and en.)
(Total spin transfer angle and energy)
(Analyzing power dA/dE for alphas)
(Analyzing power dA/dE for deuterons)
(Double-diff.spin-pol.probab. for neutrons)
(Analyzing power dA/dE for neutrons)
(Analyzing power dA/dE for protons)
(Analyzing power d2/dA/dE for proton pair)
(Analyzing power d4/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p)/dE(p))
(Tensor analyzing power, T20, spherical coord.)
(Vector anal.power, T(20),spher.coord.)
(Tensor anal.power, T(20), spher.coord.,f. deut.)
(Vector anal.power, T(20),spher.coord.,f. deut.)
(Tensor anal.power, T(20)/dA(p)/dA(alpha)/dE(p+a))
(Tensor analyzing power,T20,spher.coord., partl.)
(Tensor analyzing power, T21, spherical coord.)
(Tensor anal.power, T(21), spher.coord.,f. deut.)
(Tensor analyzing power,T21,spher.coord., partl.)
(Tensor analyzing power, T22, spherical coord.)
(Tensor analyzing power,T22,spher.coord., partl.)
(Tensor analyzing power, T31, spherical coord.)
(Tensor analyzing power,T31,spher.coord., partl.)
(Tensor analyzing power, T32, spherical coord.)
(Tensor analyzing power,T32,spher.coord., partl.)
(Tensor analyzing power, T33, spherical coord.)
(Tensor analyzing power,T33,spher.coord., partl.)
(Analyzing power / dE for particle emission)(Analyzing power /dE for particle emission, excluding elastic scattering)
(Analyzing power dA/dE for proton emission)
(Partial emission diff.spin-polar.prob.)
(Spin correlation parameter, A(LL))
(Spin correlation parameter, C(LL))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(LL))
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(LL))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(LL), for neutrons)
(Spin rotation parameter, D(LL), for protons)
(Tensor anal.power A(LL)/dA(n)/dA(d)/d(E(n+d))
(Tensor anal.power A(LL)/dA(n)/dA(p)/d(E(n+p))
(Tensor anal.power A(LL)/dA(p)/dA(d)/d(E(p+d))
(Doub.diff.spin rotation parameter, D(LL))
(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.neutrons, D(LL))
(Spin rot.param.D(LL),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
(Partl.spin correlation parameter A(LL))
(Spin-rotation parameter, D(LL), partl. reaction)
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(LL), partl. reaction)
(Spin-rotation parameter, D(LL), specif. sequ.)
(Polarization asymmetry for longitud.polar.)
(Spin-spin asymmetry for longitud. spin states)
(Longitudinal analyzing power A(z))
(Spin correlation parameter, A(LS))
(Spin correlation parameter, C(LS))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(LS))
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(LS))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(LS), for neutrons)
(Spin rotation parameter, D(LS), for protons)
(Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(LS))
(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.neutrons, D(LS))
(Spin rot.param.D(LS),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
(Spin-rotation parameter, D(LS), partl. reaction)
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(LS), partl. reaction)
(Spin correlation parameter, A(NL))
(Spin correlation parameter, A(NN))
(Spin correlation parameter, C(NN))
(Spin-depolarization parameter, D(NN))
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(NN))
(Spin-flip probability S(nn))
(Spin-depolarization parameter, D(NN),f. neutrons)
(Spin-depolarization parameter, D(NN),f. protons)
(Spin-transfer parameter for recoil nucl., K(NN))
(Tensor anal.power A(NN)/dA(n)/dA(d)/d(E(n+d))
(Tensor anal.power A(NN)/dA(n)/dA(p)/d(E(n+p))
(Tensor anal.power A(NN)/dA(p)/dA(d)/d(E(p+d))
(Doub.diff.spin rotation parameter, D(NN))
(Doub.diff.spin transfer parameter, K(NN))
(Double diff. spin-flip prob.d/dA/dE, S(nn))
(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.neutrons, D(NN))
(Spin rot.param.D(NN),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
(Spin-flip prob. S(nn)*d/dA, partl.reaction)
(Partl.spin correlation parameter A(NN))
(Spin-depolarization param., D(NN), partl. react.)
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(NN), partl. reaction)
(Spin-flip prob. S(nn)
(Spin-transf.param.K(NN),rec.nucl.,partl. react.)
(Spin-depolarization parameter,D(NN),specif.seq.)
(4pi/Sig polar. * d/dA Leg.coef.of 1st kind)(Product of spin-polarization probability and partial differential cross section, coefficients of associated Legendre functions of the first kind * 4pi/Sigma)
(Partial polarization)
(Polarization for gamma-ray specified)
(Diff. spin-polarization prob.for partial react.)
(Partial analyzing power)
(Ptl.Anal.power,Leg.coef. d/dA=a(0)+Sum(a(L)*p(L))
(Partial analyzing power for thick target)
(Partial asymmetry of polarized particles)
(Partl.tensor anal.power,spins normal
(artl.tensor anal.power,spins parallel to beam)
(Spin-flip probability, S(nn), partial reaction)
(Partial total spin transfer angle)
(Vect.anal.power,partl.react.,iT(11),spher. coord)
(Asymmetry for given p-alpha pair)
(Partial analyz.power dA1/dA2/dE1 f. 2 particles)
(Partial analyz.power d3/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p))
(Partial analyz.power d2/dA(p)/dA(p))
(Analyzing power for specif.reaction sequence)
(Spin correlation parameter, A(SL))
(Spin correlation parameter, C(SL))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(SL))
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(SL))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(SL), for neutrons)
(Spin rotation parameter, D(SL), for protons)
(Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(SL))
(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.neutrons, D(SL))
(Spin rot.param.D(SL),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
(Partl.spin correlation parameter A(SL))
(Spin-rotation parameter, D(SL), partl. reaction)
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(SL), partl. reaction)
(Spin correlation parameter, A(SS))
(Spin correlation parameter, C(SS))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(SS))
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(SS))
(Spin rotation parameter, D(SS), for neutrons)
(Spin rotation parameter, D(SS), for protons)
(Double-diff.spin rotation parameter D(SS))
(Doub.diff.spin rotat. param. f.neutrons, D(SS))
(Spin rot.param.D(SS),fct.of 4-mom.transfer)
(Spin-rotation parameter, D(SS), partl. reaction)
(Spin-transfer parameter, K(SS), partl. reaction)
(Spin-rotation parameter, D(SS), specif. sequ.)
(Polarization asymmetry for transverse polar.)
(Spin-spin asymmetry for transverse spin states)
(Transverse vector analyzing power, A(x))
Product yields
(Product yield (assumed cumulative))
(Product yield (uncert.if isomeric trans. incl))
(Product yield)
(Product yield per unit time)
(Prod.yield for thick target,no.of nucl. /inc.)
(Differential product yield d/dA)
(Diff.product yield d/dA for thick target)
(Prod.yield d/dA f.thick target,int.ang. range)
(Differential product yield d/dA/dE)
(Double-diff.product yield for thick target)
(Product yield, compound nucleus contribution)
(Cumulative product yield)
(Cumulative product yield per unit time)
(Cumulative product yield for thick target)
( f.thick targ.excl.isom. trns.)
(Independent product yield)
(Independent product yield per unit time)
(Indep. product yield for a thick target)
(Independent product yield, incl. isom. trans.)
(Independent product yield, undefined reaction)
(Product yield, including formation via isom.tra)
(Prod.yield for thick target,incl.via isom. trans)
(Probab.for the prod.of N product particles)
(Partial product yield for thick target)
(Product yield for thick target for a given gamm)
(Partial diff.product yield d/dA for thick targe)
(Product yield for specified reaction sequence)
Resonance parameters
(Adler-Adler symmetry coefficient)
(Adler-Adler asymmetry coefficient)
(Average kinetic en. of fission frag. at reson.)
(Capture-to-fission (alpha)
(Resonance area)
(Resonance area * square root(E))
(Average level spacing)
(Resonance energy)
(Adler-Adler resonance energy)
(Eta at resonance)
(Eta/Nu at resonance)
(Spin J)
(Momentum L)
(Total Nu-bar at resonance)
(Vogt relative phase)
(Cross section at resonance)
(Cross section * square root(E)
(S-factor for cross section at resonance)
(Gamma spectrum at resonance)
(Strength function)
(Statistical weight factor g)
(Resonance width)
(2ag * resonance width)
(2g * resonance width)
(4ag * resonance width)
(Adler-Adler Nu)
(ag * resonance width)
(g * resonance width)
(Reich-Moore resonance width)
(2g * Reich-Moore resonance width)
(g * Reich-Moore resonance width)
(Reich-Moore resonance width * peak cross sect.)
(g * Reich-Moore resonance width squared)
(Resonance width * peak cross section)
(Resonance width squared)
(g * resonance width squared)
(Resonance width squared * peak cross section)
(Vogt resonance width)
(2g * Vogt resonance width)
(Reduced width)
(2ag * reduced width)
(2g * reduced width)
(4ag * reduced width)
(ag * reduced width)
(g * reduced width)
(Reich-Moore reduced resonance width)
(2g * Reich-Moore reduced resonance width)
(R-matrix reduced resonance width)
(R-matrix reduced width amplitude)
(Vogt reduced resonance width)
(Resonance strength)
(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 1)
(Vogt resonance width for channel 1)
(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 2)
(Vogt resonance width for channel 2)
(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 3)
(Reich-Moore resonance width for channel 4)
(Strength function for electr.polarity given)
(Strength function for magnetic polarity given)
(Partial resonance area)
(Partial cross section at resonance)
(Partial strength function)
(Partial width)
(g * partial width)
(R-matrix red.resonance width f.partial reaction)
(Partial resonance strength)
(Prompt Nu-bar at resonance)
(Ternary fission cross section at resonance)
(Ternary/binary cross section ratio at resonance)
Special quantities
(Capture-to-fission cross section ratio)
(Neutron yield (Eta))
(Kerma factor)
(Multiplicity of outgoing particle)
(Multiplicity for thick target,no.part./inc.)
(Gamma multiplicity)
(Average gamma multiplicity at resonance)
(Neutron multiplicity)
(Neutron multiplicity for a thick target)
(Neutron multiplicity as fct.of mass)
(Proton multiplicity)
(Negative pion multiplicity)
(Positive pion multiplicity)
(Particle multiplicity f.thick target d/dA)
(Diff.part.multipl.f.thick target,int.ang. range)
(Particle multiplicity f.thick target d2/dA/dE)
(Total neutron yield (nu-bar))
(Probab.of emiss.of N neutrons in 1 fiss. event)
(Delayed neutron emission probability)
(Self-indication function)
(Temperature-dependent self-indication function)
(Nu-bar, compound nucleus contribution)
(Delayed neutron yield)
(Yield of del.neutrons specified fiss.frag)
(Cumulative delayed neutron yield)
(Delayed neutron yield for given half-life group)
(Del.neutron emiss.cs for given half-life group)
(Independent delayed neutron yield)
(Partial yield of delayed neutrons)
(Partial double diff.cross section d2/dA/dA)(Partial double-diff. cross section with respect to 2 angles referring to 2 outgoing particles)
(Partial double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(n)/dA(a))
(Partial ang.correl. neutrons/gammas)
(Partial double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(n)/dA(n))
(Partial double diff.cross sect. d2/dA(n)/dA(p))
(Partial ang.correl. protons/gammas)
(Partial multiplicity)
(Partial gamma multiplicity)
(Partial gamma multiplicity at resonance)
(Partial gamma multiplicity f.thick target)
(Partial neutron multiplicity)
(Partial yield of neutrons)
(Prompt neutron yield (nu-bar))
(No.of prompt def.A or Z)
(Prompt neutron yield as fctn.of heavy frag.mass)
(Prompt neutron yield as fctn.of light frag.mass)
(No.of prompt given E)
(No.of prompt heavy giv.E)
(No.of prompt light giv.E)
(Probab.of emiss.of N prompt 1 fiss.ev.)
(Probability for emission of N prompt neutrons)
(Partial prompt neutron yield (nu-bar))
(Prompt nu-bar for ternary fission)
(Prompt nu-bar for ternary fission,fn of alpha E)
Special quantities for scattering
(Scattering amplitude)
(Bound-atom scattering amplitude)
(Bound-atom coherent scattering amplitude)
(Partial bound-atom scattering amplitude)
(Coherent scattering amplitude)
(Free-atom scattering amplitude)
(Partial free-atom scattering amplitude)
(Incoherent scattering amplitude)
(Potential scattering radius)
Thick target yields
(Sat.thick/thin target yield(assumed cumul. ))
(Production thick/thin target yld(assum.cum.))
(Thick-target yield (uncert.if isom.trans. incl))
(Saturated thick/thin-target yield)
(Production thick/thin-target yield)
(Physical thick/thin-target yield)
(Prod.thick target yield/1 MeV thn.)
(Diff.satur.thick target yield d/dA)
( target yield)
(Diff.satur.thick target yld d/dA/dE)
(Diff.satur. thick target yield d/dE)
(Diff.production thick target yield d/dE)
(Outg.part.mult.f.thick tgt,fct.of beam curr.)
(Thick target mult.d/dA,fct.of beam current)(Differential thick target yield multiplicity, given as no. of particles as function of incident beam current)
(Thick targ.mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr., for g)
(Thick target mult.d/dA/dE,fct.of beam current)
(Thick-target prod.yld(fct.of inc.beam curr.))
(Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr.)d/dA)(Thick target product yield, given as no. of nuclei as function of incident beam current, differential by angle)
(Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr. )d/dAdE)
(Thick-target yield ratio)
(Saturated cumul.thick/thin target yield)
(Cum.production thick-target yield (unsat.))
(Physical thick/thin-target yield, cumulative)
(Cumulative thick-target yield ratio)
(Cum.thick-target yield (uncert.isom.trans. incl))
(Cum.satur.thick-target yield,exclud.isom. trans)
(Cumulative thick-target yield, undefined react.)
(Cumul.thick-target yield/unit time,undef. react.)
(Satur.thick target yld f.emission,d2/dA/dE)(Double-differential saturated thick/thin target yield for particle emission, excluding elastic scattering)
(Independent thick-target yield)
(Indep.production thick/thin-target yld (unsat.))
(Independent thick-target yield ratio)
(Ind.satur.thick/thin-target yld,incl.isom. tr.)
(Ind.production thick-target yld incl.isom. tr.)
(Independent thick-target yield,undefined react.)
(Indep.thick-target yield/unit time,undef. react.)
(Thick-target yield, incl. via isomeric trans.)
(Thick-target yield per unit time
(Physical thick/thin-target yield
(Thick target yield,incl.isom.trans.,undef. react)
(Thick-targ.yld/unit time, undef.)
(Thick-target yield, excluding isomeric transit.)
(Partial thick target yield)
(Partial thick target gamma yield)
(Partial differential thick target yield d/dA)
(Thick targ.mult.,fct.of beam curr., for gammas)
(Partial thick target mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr)
(Thick targ.mult.d/dA,fct.of beam curr., for g)
(Ptl.Thk-targ.prd.yld(fct.of inc.beamcurr. )d/dA)
(Thick target yield for specified reaction seq.)
(Thick target yield, undefined reaction)
(Thick-target yield per unit time, undef. reactio)
Triple differential data
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA/dA/dE)
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(a)/dA(a)/dE(a))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(a)/dA(a)/dE(n))
(Triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(a)/dA(He3)/dE(a))
(Triple diff.cs d3/dA(a)/dA(He3)/dE(He3))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(a)/dA(p)/dE(a))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(d)/dA(d)/dE(d))
(Triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(d)/dA(He3)/dE(d))
(Triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(g)/dA(p)/dE(g))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(n)/dA(a)/dE(a))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(n)/dA(n)/dE(n))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(n)/dA(p)/dE(p))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(a)/dE(p))
(Triple diff.cs d3/dA(p)/dA(a)/dE(rel.en. p-a))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(d)/dE(d))
(Angle-energy correlation p/d, non-coplanar)
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(d)/dE(p))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(g)/dE(g))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(n)/dE(n))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(p)/dA(t)/dE(p))
(Triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(t)/dA(a)/dE(a))
(Triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(t)/dA(a)/dE(a))
(Triple diff.cs d3/dA(t)/dA(a)/dE(rel.en. t-a))
(Triple diff.cross sect. d3/dA(t)/dA(He3)/dE(t))
(Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p)/dE(res))
(Triple diff.cross section d3/dA(n)/dE(n)/dE(p))
(Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(a)/dE(a)/dA(a)/dE(a))
(Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(d)/dE(d)/dA(d)/dE(d))
(Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(p)/dE(p)/dA(a)/dE(a))
(Quadruple diff.cs d4/dA(p)/dE(p)/dA(p)/dE(p))
(Partial triple diff.cross-section)
(Par.triple diff.cs d3/dA(n)/dA(p)dE(p))
(Partial triple diff.cross-section)
(Partial triple diff.cross-section f. protons)
(Triple-diff.cs d3/dA(p)/dA(p)/dE(p),spec.r.seq.)
(Triple-df.cs d3/dA(t)/dA(n)/dE(rsd),spec.r.seq.)
Status :
Various types of information
APRVD Approved by author
COREL Data correlated with another data set
CPX Data taken from data file of McGowan, et al.
CURVE Data read from a curve
DEP Dependent data
NACRE Converted from NACRE files
NCHKD Original reference not checked
NDD Data converted from NEUDADA file
OUTDT Normalization out-of-date
PRELM Preliminary data
RIDER Data converted from file of B.F. Rider
RNORM Data renormalized by other than author
SCSRS Data converted from SCISRS file
SPSDD Data superseded
TABLE Data received by center in tabular form
UNOBT Data unobtainable from author
Method :
Experimental technique(s) employed in the experiment
ABSFY Absolute fission yield measurement
ACTIV Activation
AMS Accelerator mass spectrometry
ASEP Separation by mass-separator
ASSOP Associated particle
BCINT Beam current integrated
BGCT Beta-gamma coincidence technique
BSPEC Beta ray spectrometry
BURN Burn-up
CADMB Cadmium bath
CHRFL Christiansen filter
CHSEP Chemical separation
COINC Coincidence
DIFFR Diffraction
DSCAT Double scattering
EDE Particle identification by 'E/Delta E' measurement
EDEG Energy degradation by foils
EXTB Irradiation with external beam
FISCT Absolute fission counting
FLUX Neutron flux monitoring
FPGAM Direct gamma-ray spectrometry
GSPEC Gamma ray spectrometry
HADT Heavy atom difference technique
HATOM Hot atom method
HEJET Collection by He jet
INTB Irradiation with internal beam
JET Collection by gas jet
LRASY Left-right asymmetry
MAGFR Magnetic field rotation
MANGB Manganese bath
MASSP Mass spectrometry of a product
MOMIX Mixed monitor
MOSEP Separate monitor foil
OLMS On-line mass separation
PHD Pulse-height discrimination
PLSED Pulse die-away
PSD Pulse-shape discrimination
RCHEM Radiochemical separation
REAC Reactivity measurement
REC Collection of recoils
REFL Total reflection from mirrors
RELFY Relative fission yield measurement
RINGR Ring ratio method
RVAL R-value measurement
SFLIP Spin flip
SHELT Shell transmission
SITA Single target irradiation
SLODT Slowing-down time
STATD Statistically determined
STTA Stacked target irradiation
TOF Time-of-flight
Facility :
Main apparatus used in the experiment
BETAT Betatron
CCW Cockcroft-Walton accelerator
CHOPF Fast chopper
CHOPS Slow chopper
CYCLO Cyclotron
CYCTM Tandem cyclotrons
CYGFF Cyclograaff
DYNAM Dynamitron
ESTRG Electron storage ring
ICTR Insulated core transformer accelerator
ISOCY Isochronous cyclotron
LINAC Linear accelerator
MESON Meson facility
MICRT Microtron
OLMS On-line mass separator
OSCIP Pile oscillator
REAC Reactor
SELVE Velocity selector
SPECC Crystal spectrometer
SPECD Double mass spectrometer
SPECM Mass spectrometer
SYNCH Synchrotron
SYNCY Synchro cyclotron
VDG Van de Graaff
VDGT Tandem van de Graaff
Detector :
Detector(s) used in the experiment
BF3 Boron Trifluoride neutron detector
BGO Bismuth-Germanate crystal detector
BPAIR Electron-pair spectrometer
CEREN Cerenkov detector
COIN Coincidence counter arrangement
CSICR Cesium-Iodide crystal
D4PI 4pi detector
FISCH Fission chamber
GE Germanium intrinsic detector
GELI Germanium-Lithium detector
GEMUC Geiger-Mueller counter
GLASD Glass detector
HE3SP He-3 spectrometer
HORBU Hornyak button detector
HPGE Hyperpure Germanium detector
IOCH Ionization chamber
LONGC Long counter
MAGSP Magnetic spectrometer
MOXR Moxon-Rae detector
MTANK Moderating tank detector
MWDC Multi-wire drift chamber
MWPC Position sensitive multi-wire proportional counter
NAICR Sodium-Iodide crystal
PGAC Parallel-grid avalanche detector
PLATE Nuclear plates
PROPC Proportional counter
PSSCN Position sensitive scintillator
PSSSD Position sensitive solid state detector
SCIN Scintillation detector
SIBAR Silicon surface barrier detector
SILI Silicon-Lithium detector
SOLST Solid-state detector
STANK Scintillator tank
SWPC Position sensitive single-wire proportional counter
TELES Counter telescope
THRES Threshold detector
TRD Track detector
Reference :
Type, code and year of publication
Type :
B Book
C Conference
J Journal
P Progress report
R Report other than progress report
S Report containing conference proc.
T Thesis or dissertation
W Private communication
Code :
Year :
1999   1965-1975
Author :
Name of any author of publication
Institute :
Institute(s) at which experiment was performed
Number of subentrys founded / page
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If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions, please, contact
Vladimir V. Varlamov
© Programming by
N. N. Peskov
, 2001.