Information Sources are organized by name.


Books, Reports see below
Code Name Choose Reference(s)
AK( Atomki Koezlemenyek) (Atommag Kutato Intezet)
NTC((Chinese J.of) Nuclear Techniques, Shanghai.) In Chinese. Occasionally cited as (Chinese J.of) Nucl.Techniques in Science Res.,Industry,Medicine and Agriculture. Compare CNST Note: until 1986 no volume number was printed on the cover (in CINDA the year w
CSA(Abstracts of papers, American Chemical Soc.) Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society
ACJ(Acta Chemica Scandinavica)
ACR(Acta Crystallographica) (continued 1970 in parts A and B)
ACR/A(Acta Crystallographica, Part A) Started with vol.26 in 1970
ACR/B(Acta Crystallographica, Part B) From vol.26 (1970)
APA(Acta Physica Austriaca)
AHP(Acta Physica Hungarica) Since vol.54 (1983). (up to vol.53 (1982) called Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hung.
APP(Acta Physica Polonica) (until vol.36, 1969; continued in parts A and B)
APP/A(Acta Physica Polonica, Part A) General, Solid State, and Applied Physics. (starting with vol.37, 1970)
APP/B(Acta Physica Polonica, Part B) Elementary Particles, Nuclear Physics, Relativity and Field Theory. (starting with vol.1, 1970)
ASI(Acta Physica Sinica) (articles in Chinese)
ASL(Acta Physica Slovaca)
APS(Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica)
AHT(Acta Technica (Budapest)) Formerly Acta Technica Hungarica and also Acta Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae.
AIP(Advances in Physics) (suppl. to Philosophical Magazine)
AJP(American Journal of Physics)
AAB(Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias)
ARS(Anales de Fisica y Quimica) Formerly Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica
AIF(Anales del Instituto de Fisica) (publ. 1955 only)
ACA(Analitica Chimica Acta)
ANA(Analyst (London))
AC(Analytical Chemistry)
ACH(Angewandte Chemie)
ANP(Annalen der Physik (Leipzig).) Continuation of ADP, restarted with vol.1 in 1992.
ADP(Annalen der Physik) (published in former DDR, restarted with Vol.1 in 1992, see ANP).
AAF(Annales Acad. Sci. Fennicae, Series A6: Physica)
ADC(Annales de Chimie)
ASS(Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles)
APH(Annales de Physique (Paris))
ANE(Annals of Nuclear Energy) Vol.1 (1974) was called Annals of Nucl. Sci. and Engineering Cont'd with vol.2 (Jan.1975) under Annals of Nuclear Energy. Formerly JNE.
AP(Annals of Physics (New York))
ARN(Annual Review of Nuclear and Part.Sci.) Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. Until 1977 title was 'Annual Review of Nuclear Science'
APL(Applied Physics Letters)
ARI(Applied Radiation and Isotopes) (Part A of Int. Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation', starting with vol.37 in 1986; up to vol.36 (1985) called 'Int. Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes')
AJN(Arab Journal of Nuclear Sci.and Application)
AJSE(Arabian J.for Science and Engineering)
AF(Arkiv foer Fysik) (1970 replaced by Physica Scripta)
AAA(Astronomy and Astrophysics)
AJ(Astrophysical Journal)
AJ/L(Astrophysical Journal, Letters)
AJ/S(Astrophysical Journal, Supplement)
ASP(Astrophysics and Space Science)
AND(Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables) Starting with vol.12 Aug.1973 as continuation of 'Atomic Data' and 'Nuclear Data Tables'
AEA(Atomic Energy in Australia)
REA(Atomic Energy Review, IAEA)
CST(Atomic Energy Science and Technology) Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu (in Chinese)
AE/T(Atomic Energy) (English of AE), continuation of SJA, starting with vol.72, no.3 (1992)
AKE(Atomkernenergie) (up to vol.32 (1978); from vol.33 (1979) to vol.49 (1986) called 'Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik'; from vol.50 (1987) called 'Kerntechnik', see KT) Use 'AKE' for all pre-1987 entries.
AKS(Atomki Kozlemenyek Supplement)
AE(Atomnaya Energiya) (English translation see AE/T (earlier SJA), French see EAF). Selected articles and abstracts from vol.1 (1956) to vol.20 (1966) translated into English in JNE vol.3 (1956) to vol.21 (1967).
AE/S(Atomnaya Energiya, Supplement) (English translation see SJA/S)
ATT(Atomtechnikai Tajekoztato)
ATW(Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik) Formerly Atomwirtschaft
AANL(Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei,Rend.,Sci.Fis.,Mat.Nat.) Atti della Academia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma), Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Mathematiche e Naturali
AAST(Atti Acad. Sci. Torino, Cl.Sci.Fis.Mat.Nat.) Atti della Academia della Scienze di Torino, Classe de Scienze Fisiche, Mathematiche e Naturali
AUJ(Australian Journal of Physics)
AJS(Australian Journal of Science) (up to vol.32, 1970) Discontinued with vol.32 no.12 (June 1970) New journal 'Search' started instead.
BJE(Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie) Safety of Nuclear Energy (continuation of JE, started in 1993)
BSI(Bolletino della Societa Italiana di Fisica)
RBF(Brasilian Journal of Physics) (up to vol.21(1991): Revista Brasileira de Fisica)
BJA/S(British J.of Applied Physics, Suppl.)
BJA(British Journal of Applied Physics)
BJP(Bulgarian J.of Physics)
BKN(Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Nucl.Eng.) Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Nuclear Engineering. (only vols. 18 (1967) - 22 (1971))
BKP(Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Physics) Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Physics. (only vols. 18 (1967) - 21 (1970))
BIP(Bull. of the Israel Physical Society)
BKE(Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Electron.) Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Electronics (only vol.18)
IBK(Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.of Nucl.Sci.) Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences (vols. 1-17)
BIS(Bull.d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques) Bulletin d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique
BPC( l'Acad.Pol.Sci., Chimique) Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques.
BPP( l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Math.,Astr.,Phys.) Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques et Physiques
BPT( l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Ser.Sci.Techniques) Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Techniques
BCS( la Classe des Sci.,Acad.Roy.Belgique) Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, Academie Royale de Belgique Supersedes Bull. de l'Academie Royale de Belgique
BCR(Bull.of Inst.Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ.)
BCJ(Bull.of the Chemical Soc.of Japan)
BTI(Bull.of the Tokyo Inst.of Technology) (English edition; content differs from Japanese edition
BCI(Bull.Research Council of Israel, Sect. F) Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section F, Mathematics and Physics (superseded by Israel Jour. Math.)
BAS(Bull.Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics) Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics (English of IZV); formerly Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR.
BSL(Bull.Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege)
BCF(Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France)
BAP(Bulletin of the American Physical Society)
CDP(Cahiers de Physique)
CJC(Canadian Journal of Chemistry)
CJP(Canadian Journal of Physics) Formerly, Canadian J. Research, Part A.
CJR(Canadian Journal of Research) (later split into CJP and CJC)
CJR/A(Canadian Journal Research, Part A) (existing in 1947)
CJR/B(Canadian Journal Research, Part B)
CNT(Canadian Nuclear Technology) (superseded by Canadian Res. Develop.)
CZJ/A(Ceskoslovensky Casopys pro Fyziku) (articles in Czech and Slovak). From vol.16 (1966) to vol.39 (1989) called Czech. J. of Physics, Sect. A
TUG(Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskolas Handlingar) Transactions of the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
CA(Chemia Analityczna)
CNP(Chinese J.of Nuclear Physics (Beijing).) Up to vol.10 (1988) in Chinese, with English abstracts; from vol.11 (1989) onwards published in English. Each issue starts with page 1
CHP(Chinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan))
CP(Chinese Physics) (English translations of selected articles from several Chinese journals) Ceased publication after 1992. Last issue = Vol.12 no.4
CEC(Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo))
CZC(Collection of Czech.Chemical Communications) Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
CRB(Comptes Rendus Acad.Bulgare Sci.) Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences.
CR/B(Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique) Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie B, Physique Serie A (Mathematique) and Serie B (Physique) appear mostly together in same issue but with separate pagination.
CR(Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique) Earlier CINDA entries coded as CR refer to CR/B
CR/C(Comptes rendus, Serie C, Chimie) Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Chimie
CPC(Computer Physics Communications)
CS(Current Science)
CZJ/B(Czech.J.of Physics, Part B) International issue. From vol. 16 (1966) to vol. 39 (1989), continuing CZJ as the part containing original articles in foreign lan Continued as CZJ from vol. 40 (1990)
CZJ(Czechoslovak Journal of Physics) (from 1951 (vol.1) to 1965 (vol.15); 1966-89 (vols.16-39) continued in 2 Parts CZJA, CZJB; restarted in 1990 (vol.40) as continuation of CZJB)
DA/B(Dissertation Abstracts B (Sciences)) From no.27 1966/67. From vol.30 (1969) journal is called Dissertation Abstracts International B
DA(Dissertation Abstracts) Until no.26, 1966/67.
DOK(Doklady Akademii Nauk) Previously Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (English translation: see SPD)
EPL(Earth and Planetary Sci.Letters)
EAT(Energia es Atomtechnika)
EN(Energia Nucleare (Milan))
EAF(Energie Atomique) (French translation of AE). Discontinued with vol.28, nr.6 (1970)
ENF(Energie Nucleaire)
EEN(Ergebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften)
EON(Euronuclear) (extinct May 1966)
EPJ/C(Europ. Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields)
EARR(European Applied Research Reports)
EPJ/A(European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei)
EUL(Europhysics Letters)
ETP(Experimentelle Technik der Physik)
FBS(Few-Body Systems)
FIZ/B(Fizika B) General, Nuclear, Particle Physics (continuation of Fizika, starting in 1992 (vol.1))
FCY(Fizika Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomnogo Yadra) (see SJPN for English translation)
FMM(Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniya)
FTT(Fizika Tverdogo Tela) Solid State Physics (English translation see SPS)
FIZ(Fizika) Volume 1 started 1968 (up to vol.23 (1991); continued as Fizika A, B)
FIZ/S(Fizika, Supplement)
FDP(Fortschritte der Physik)
NTF(Fusion Technology)
FT(Fysisk Tidsskrift)
GK(Genshiryoku Kogyo) Nuclear Engineering
GCA(Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta)
GUS(Godishnik na Sofijskija Univ. 'Kliment Ohridski') (Annuaire de l' Sofia 'Kliment Ohridski')
HFH(He Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue) Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry (= J.Nucl.and Radiochemistry), Beijing. In Chinese with English abstracts and table of contents
HP(Health Physics)
HCA(Helvetica Chimica Acta)
HPA(Helvetica Physica Acta)
HEN(High Energy Physics and Nucl.Phys.,Engl.ed.) (translation of PHE, started with vol.12 in 1988)
PHE(High Energy Physics and Nucl.Physics,Chinese ed.) (= current subtitle; until 1986 subtitle was 'Physica Energiae Fortis et Physica Nuclearis'). In Chinese with English abstracts and table of contents. English translation: see HEN. Gaomeng Wuli Yu Hewuli
HI(Hyperfine Interactions)
IRE(IEE Transactions on Nuclear Science) (up to Vol.9 called IRE Trans. on Nuclear Sci.)
IJP(Indian Journal of Physics) (until vol.50(1976), continued as IJP/A,B)
IJP/A(Indian Journal of Physics, Part A) (starting with vol.51 (1977))
IPA(Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics)
ISA(Indian Science Abstracts)
INC(Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters) (last publication in Dec. 1981, replaced by Polyhedron (PLY))
IET(Instruments and Experimental Techniques) (English translation of PTE); 1958-1970 no volume number printed on cover (an artificial no. is given), Volume number printed on journal cover starts with Vol.14 (1971). Volume number and issue date same as PTE
IMP/E(Int. Journal of Modern Physics, Part E)
NMB(Int. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology)
IAB(Int.Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin)
IPC(Int.Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry) International Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry
ISC(Israel J.of Chemistry)
ISP(Israel J.of Physics)
IJM(Israel Journal of Mathematics)
LEB(Issled.po Neitr.Fiz., Trudy Fiz. Inst. Lebedeva) Akad. Nauk SSSR, Issledovaniya po Neitronnoi Fizike, Trudy Fizicheskogo Instituta Im. P.N. Lebedeva (= Studies in Neutron Phys.), publication of the Lebede Physics Inst. Some English translations in the LA
IZV(Izv. Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Ser.Fiz.) Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya Fizicheskaya. Formerly Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya. (English translation: see BAS)
IZA(Izv.Azerb.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Tekh.i Mat.) Izvestiya Azerbaydzh. Akad. Nauk, Fiz.,Tekh. i Mat.
IZL(Izv.Latviiskoi Akad.Nauk) This journal has no volume-numbers. It is coded in the form (J,IZL,,(3),127,6803)
IVU(Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Fizika) Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Fizika (English translation: see SPJ) Other existing series are Energetika, Pravovedenie, Yad.Energetika (IV/Y)
IV/Y(Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Yad.En.) Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Yadernaya Energetika
IFI(Izvestiya na Fizicheskija Institut s ANEB) Bulletin de l'Institut de Physique et de Recherche Atomique (up to vol.24, 1973) as of 1974 replaced by BJP
JNE/AB(J. Nuclear Energy, Part A+B (Reactor Sci.Techn.)) From vol.14 (1961) to vol.20 (1966)
NST(J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, Tokyo)
JRN/L(J. Radioanalytical and Nucl. Chem., Letters) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Letters (started Jan 1984 with vol.81 as continuation of RRL) 3 vols. per year; first 4 volume numbers each year reserved for JRN.
JCP(J.Chemical Physics)
JPC( Chimie Physique et Physicochimie Biol.) Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physicochimie Biologique
JAC(J.of Applied Crystallography)
ESJ(J.of Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Riyadh)
JLCR(J.of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceut.) Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals
JMS(J.of Mass Spectrom.and Ion Physics)
JRN(J.of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry) (started Jan 1984 with vol.81 as continuation of JRC) 4 vols. per year; last 3 volume numbers each year reserved for JRN/L.
JRC(J.of Radioanalytical Chemistry) (up to vol.80 (1983); continued as JRN)
JBS(J.of Research of Nat.Bureau of Standards) Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards
JR(J.of Research of Nat.Inst.Stand.+Technology) Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
JSIU(J.of Sichuan Univ., Natural Science Ed.)
JBAS(J.of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences)
JES(J.of the Electro-Chemical Society Belgium) Journal of the Electro-Chemical Society of Belgium
JE(Jaderna Energie (Prague).) stopped after 1992 Continued from 1993 as BJE (starting with vol.1)
JEB(Jaderna Energiya, Bulgarian Acad.Sci.)
JEL(JETP Letters) (English of ZEP)
JP/A(Jour. of Physics, Part A (Mathematical+General)) Nucl.Phys. part split as JP/G from Jan (1975).
JP/D(Jour. of Physics, Part D (Applied Physics))
JP/E(Jour. of Physics, Part E (Sci.Instruments)) Started with vol.1(1968)
JP/F(Jour. of Physics, Part F (Metal Physics))
JP/G(Jour. of Physics, Part G (Nucl.and Part.Phys.)) Started with vol.1(1975) cont. of part of JP/A
JP/GL(Jour. of Physics, Part G, Letters to the editor)
JP/S(Jour. of Physics, Part G, Supplement)
JP/AL(Jour.of Physics, Part A, Letters to the editor)
JP/C(Jour.of Physics, Part C (Solid State Physics)) Started with vol.1 Jan. 1968, continuation of PPS Issued in 2 parts (regular and letters). Letter part is coded with 'L' behind, e.g.,JP/C,3L,..
JPR/C(Journal de Physique - Colloque) Supplement to Physique, starting with vol.28 (1967)
JPR/L(Journal de Physique - Lettres) Supplement of Journal de Physique, (starting with vol.35, no.1 (1974)) Covers also field of RPA.
JPR(Journal de Physique) (to vol.23 (1962)= Journal de Physique et le Radium)
JPR/A(Journal de Physique, Suppl.A, Physique Appliquee) Supplement to some volumes of Physique, then continued as a separate journal 'Revue de Physique Appliquee' starting with vol.1 (1966)
JPR/S(Journal de Physique, Suppl.S, Soc.Francaise) Supplement to some volumes of Journal de Physique, containing Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe Francaise de Physique
JAP(Journal of Applied Physics)
JGR(Journal of Geophysical Research) (until vol.82 (1977), then JGRA,B,C)
JGR/A(Journal of Geophysical Research, Part A) (from vol.83 (1978))
JGR/B(Journal of Geophysical Research, Part B) (from vol.83 (1978))
JGR/C(Journal of Geophysical Research, Part C) (from vol.83 (1978))
JIN(Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry) (last publication in Dec. 1981, replaced by Polyhedron (PLY))
JMM(Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials)
JNC(Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids)
JNE(Journal of Nuclear Energy) (vol.1-9 (1954-59) and vol.21-27 (1967-73); continued as ANE) JNE Part C started with vol.1 (1959) under the name 'Plasma Physics' which from vol.9 (1967) became an independant journal.
JNM(Journal of Nuclear Materials)
PCJ(Journal of Physical Chemistry) by Am. Chem. Society
PCS(Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids)
ACS(Journal of the American Chemical Society)
AEJ(Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan) Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkaishi
BNE(Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society)
JFI(Journal of the Franklin Institute)
KNS(Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society)
KPS(Journal of the Korean Physical Society)
JPJ(Journal of the Physical Society of Japan)
KE(Kernenergie) Ceased publication with vol.34 (1991) (after reunion absorbed by KT in 1992)
KT(Kerntechnik) Title varied, at times called Kerntechnik, Isotopentechnik und -Chemie (published from vol.1 to vol.20 (1978) and again from vol.50 (1987) onwards; between 1979 and 1986 published as Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik (AKE))
KXT(Kexue Tongbao (Chinese Sci.Letters)) - foreign language edition.
KFI(KFKI Kozlemenyek) KFKI (Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet) Kozlemenyek
KDV(Kgl.Danske Videns.Selskab.Mat.-Fys.Medd.) Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Matematisk-Fysiske Meddelelser
KSF(Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike) (English translation see SPL)
KRI(Kristallografiya) (English translation see SPC)
NCL(Lettere al Nuovo Cimento)
MFF(Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat)
MFC(Matematicko-Fyzikalny Casopis)
MED(Medical Physics)
ABS(Memoires de l'Acad. Roy.Belg.,Cl.Sci.)
MSL(Memoires de la Soc.Royale des Liege) Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege
MSK/A(Memoirs of Faculty of Science, Kyoto Univ.,Ser.A)
MAB(Monatsber.d.Deutschen Akad.Wiss.Berlin) Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
MUPB(Moscow Univ.Physics Bulletin) (English of VMU)
NAT(Nature (London))
NTN(Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde)
NKK(Nippon Kagaku Kaishi) Journal of the Chemical Soc. of Japan
NDF(Notas de Fisica) - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
PHN(Notes Scientifiques de l'Universite de Grenoble)
NIM/A(Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.A) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (continuation of NIM since vol.219 (1984)). In 1984, vol.219-228 coded as NIM
NIM/B(Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.B) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B - Beam interactions with materials and atoms (starting with vol. 229 (=B1), 1984). Vols. B1-B5 = NIM vols.229-233; from 1985 on only NIM/B is u
NAP(Nuclear Applications) vol.1 (1965) - 6 (1969) (vol.7 (1969) - 9 (1970) is called 'Nucl. Appl. and Technology') Then see NT.
ND/B(Nuclear Data Sheets (Nuclear Data Sect.B))
ND/A(Nuclear Data Tables (Nuclear Data Sect.A)) (ends with vol.11, 1973, for continuation see AND)
NE(Nuclear Engineering International) (formerly Nucl. Eng., also contains Nucl. Power)
NF(Nuclear Fusion (IAEA))
NIN(Nuclear India) Dept. of Atomic Energy, Bombay)
NIM(Nuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res.) Formerly Nucl. Instruments and Methods (in 1984, vol. 219-228 = NIMA vol. 219-228, vol. 229-233 = NIMB vol. 1-5; from 1985 on extinct, continued as NIMA and NIMB)
NP(Nuclear Physics) (until vol.89 (1966), continued as parts A,B)
NP/A(Nuclear Physics, Section A) From vol.90,Jan (1967).
NP/B(Nuclear Physics, Section B) From vol.1,Jan (1967).
NPW(Nuclear Power) Started in 1956, discontinued in April 1963 (vol.8) and Absorbed in 1963 by Nucl. Eng. which later became Nucl. Eng. International
NSJ(Nuclear Science Abstracts of Japan)
NSA(Nuclear Science Abstracts)
NSB(Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka)) - restarted with vol.1 (1989) combining NSDA and NSDB; Note the gap of 3 years: vol.3 no.1 publ.91-01, vol.3 no.2 publ.94-07
NSD(Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka).) Existed 1965-1968; continued as NSDA (1969 on) and NSDB (1968 on). Existing issues = 1(1) Dec.65, 2(1) Apr.66, 2(2) Oct.66 3(2) Oct.67, 4(1) Apr.68. 3(1) was not issued Note= Each issue starts with page 1, so th
NSP/A(Nuclear Science and Applications A) Biological Sciences Starting with vol.5 Apr. 1969, 1 issue per year
NSP/B(Nuclear Science and Applications B) Physical Sciences Starting with vol.4, Oct. 1968, 1 issue per year
NSP(Nuclear Science and Applications) (existed 1965-1968) Existing issues = 1(1) Dec.65, 2(1) Apr.66, 2(2) Oct.66 3(2) Oct.67, 4(1) Apr.68. 3(1) was not issued. Note= each issue starts with page 1, so that the issue number must always be included.
NSD/A(Nuclear Science and Applications, Series A) - Biological Sciences (1969-1985) restarted 1989, see NSB. Starting with vol.5 Apr.69, 1 issue per year
NSD/B(Nuclear Science and Applications, series B) - Physical Sciences (1969-1985) restarted 1989, see NSB. Starting with vol.4 oct.68, 1 issue per year
NSE(Nuclear Science and Engineering)
CNST(Nuclear Science and Techniques (Shanghai).) In English. Contains translations from 'Nuclear Techniques' (NTC) and original articles.
NSF(Nuclear Science, Taiwan) Ho Tzu k'o Hsueh
NT(Nuclear Technology) (title from vol.10, 1971 onwards) Published by Am. Nuclear Soc. vol.1(1965)-5(1968) = Nuclear Applications vol.6(1969)-9(1970) = Nucl.Appl.and Technol.
NUC(Nucleonics) Vol.1 (1947) - vol.25 (1967)
NM(Nuklearmedizin) Nuclear Medicine, Medecine Nucleaire, etc. With meeting proceedings as supplements.
NEN(Nuklearna Energija)
NC/A(Nuovo Cimento A) Contains Elementary Particle Physics (starting: vol.40, no.1, Nov. 1965)
NC/B(Nuovo Cimento B) (starting: vol.40, no.1, Nov. 1965)
NC(Nuovo Cimento) (after vol.39, Oct. 1965, continued in parts A to D)
NCS(Nuovo Cimento, Suppl.)
OAWA(Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger) ***Use OSA
OSA(Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger) Anzeiger der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften,mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse.
OAWS(Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber.) ***Use OAW
OAW(Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber.) Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungs- berichte, Abteilung 2.
OE(Onde Electrique)
PNJ(Philippines Nuclear Journal) Ceased publication with vol2, no2 (1970)
PM(Philosophical Magazine)
TRS/A(Philosophical Transactions, Series A) Royal Society of London
PAS(Phys. Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion) (German translations from various USSR periodicals) Last issue vol. 7(6) 1962.
PL/C(Phys.Letters,Sect.C, Physics Reports) A review section of Phys.Letters (section C) from Jan.1971. Reference to 'Part C' removed with vol.44,1978.
PHY(Physica (Utrecht))
PHF(Physica Fennica)
PNV(Physica Norvegica) Ceased publication as of 1978.
PS(Physica Scripta) Started 1970.
PSS(Physica Status Solidi)
PRL(Physical Review Letters)
PR(Physical Review) (replaced by Phys. Rev. A, B, C, D)
PR/A(Physical Review, Part A, General Physics)
PR/B(Physical Review, Part B, Condensed Matter)
PR/C(Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics) Started with vol.1 (1970)
PR/D(Physical Review, Part D, Particles and Fields) Starting with vol.1 (1970)
PA(Physics Abstracts)
PC(Physics in Canada) Bull. of the Assoc. of Physicists
PMB(Physics in Medicine and Biology)
PL(Physics Letters) (until vol.23, 1966. Continued as parts A,B)
PL/A(Physics Letters, Section A) From vol.24, Jan (1967).
PL/B(Physics Letters,Section B) From vol.24, Jan (1967)
PAN(Physics of Atomic Nuclei) (English of YF; continues SNP, starting with vol.56, 1993)
PCM(Physics of Condensed Matter) Last issue vol.19(1974), cont'd as ZP/B
PT(Physics Today)
PB(Physikalische Blaetter)
PZ(Physikalische Zeitschrift)
PLY(Polyhedron) Started 1982. Supersedes J.Inorg. Nucl.Chem. (JIN) and Inorg. Nucl.Chem.Lett. (INC)
PF(Postepy Fizyki)
PRM(Pramana) Journal of Physics, India
PTE(Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta) (English translation: see IET); no volume numbers; artificial number given, starting with vol.1 (1956).
PJS(Prikladnaya Yadernaya Spektroskopiya) Applied Nuclear Spectroscopy
PKL(Problemy Yadernoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej)
PIA(Proc. of the Indian Acad. Sciences, Sect. A) Proceedings of the Indian Academy Sciences, Section A
PNA(Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.)
PRS(Proc. of the Royal Society (London)) Proceedings of the Royal Society (London)
PRS/A(Proc. Royal Society (London), Series A) Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
PRE/A(Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A
IAC(Proc.Indian Assoc.for Cultiv.of Sci.) Proceedings of the Indian Assocociation for the Cultivation of Science
NAW(Proc.Koninklijke Nederlandse Akad.Wetenschappen)
PPS/A(Proc.Physical Society (London), Section A) Proceedings of the Physical Society (London), Section A (existing vol.62, Jan.1949 - vol.70, Dec.1957)
JMJ(Proc.Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan) Superseded by J. Phys. Soc. Japan (JPJ)
PCP(Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc.)
PJA(Proceedings of the Japan Academy)
PPA(Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences)
PPS(Proceedings of the Physical Society (London),) ends with vol.92, Dec.1967, cont'd as JP.
PRE(Proceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh)
PNE(Progress in Nuclear Energy) Started 1977 with vol.1. For 1956-59 publication see book PR.NUC.EN.
PNP(Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics) Formerly Nuclear Physics.
PTP(Progress of Theoretical Physics)
PAC(Pure and Applied Chemistry)
PQR(Quarterly Rev.Scientific Publ.Polish Acad.Sci.) Quarterly Review of Scientific Publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
RE(Radiation Effects)
RR(Radiation Research)
RIZ(Radioaktivni Izotopi i Zracenja.)
RRL(Radiochem. and Radioanal. Letters) (up to vol. 59 (1983); continued as JRNL)
RCA(Radiochimica Acta)
RAK(Radiokhimiya) (English translation: see SRA)
RFT(Reactor and Fuel-Processing Technology)
JNE/A(Reactor Science (J.Nucl.Energy, Part A)) From vol.10 (1959) to vol.13 (1961)
RST(Reactor Science and Technology) (now JNAB)
JNE/B(Reactor Technology (J.Nucl.Energy, Part B)) From vol.10(1959) to vol.13(1961)
REF(Referativnyi Zhurnal, Fizika)
RPP(Reports on Progress in Physics)
RMP(Review of Modern Physics.)
RSR(Review of Science Research)
RSI(Review of Scientific Instruments)
RMF(Revista Mexicana de Fisica)
RPQ(Revista Portugesa de Qimica)
RPA(Revue de Physique Appliquee) Started 1966 as supplement to Journal de Physique For Letters section, see JPR/L.
RRP(Revue Roumaine de Physique) Vol.1(1956) - vol.8(1963)= Revue de Physique Vol.9(1964) onwards = Revue Roumaine de Physique Vol.6(1961)supplement is coded '61BUCHAR' (continued as 'Romanian J.of Physics' (RJP) from vol. 37 (7), 1992)
RIC(Ricerca Scientifica)
NCR(Rivista del Nuovo Cimento)
RJP(Romanian Journal of Physics) (continuation of RRP, starting with vol.37(7), 1992)
RRIP(Romanian Reports in Physics) (starting with vol.44,no.8(1992); formerly SCF)
RPC(RPCC Newsletter) ***Use report-code RPCC- Also used for 'Reactor Phys. Constants' (ANL-5800)
RSA(Rumanian Scientific Abstracts, Natural Sciences)
SCS(Science in China, Series A) (in English); formerly Scientia Sinica, Series A Mathem., Physical, Astronom. and Technical Sciences
SCI(Science) (Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci.)
SCP(Scient.Papers Inst.Phys.Chem.Res.,Tokyo) Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
SSC(Solid State Communications)
SAP(South African Journal of Physics)
SAJ(South African Journal of Science)
SJA(Soviet Atomic Energy) (English of AE); continued from vol.72, no.3 (1992) as 'Atomic Energy' (
SJA/S(Soviet Atomic Energy, Supplement) (English of AE/S)
SNP(Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics) (English of YF) until 1992; from 1993 continued as PAN with vol.56.
SJPN(Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei) (English of FCY) starting with vol.3, 1972
JET(Soviet Physics - JETP) (English of ZET)
SPL(Soviet Physics - Lebedev Inst.Report) (English of KSF)
SPC(Soviet Physics-Cristallography) (English of KRI)
SPD(Soviet Physics-Doklady) (English of DOK)
SPS(Soviet Physics-Solid State) (English of FTT)
SPT(Soviet Physics-Technical Physics) (English of ZTF)
SPU(Soviet Physics-Uspekhi) (English of UFN)
SRA(Soviet Radiochemistry) (English of RAK)
SCF(Studii si Cercetari de Fizica) Until vol.44,no.7. (continued as RRIP from vol.44,no.8 (1992))
TMF(Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika)
TNS(The Nucleus (Lahore))
ANS(Transactions of the American Nuclear Society)
BOS(Transactions of the Bose Research Inst.,Calcutta)
NYA(Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences)
RSE(Transactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh)
IFG(Trudy Inst.Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akad.Nauk) Trudy Instituta Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akademii Nauk
UPJ(Ukrainian Physics Journal) (English of UFZ) Ceased publication with vol 13 no 12, 1969.
UFZ(Ukrainskii Fizichnii Zhurnal) (English translation see UPJ)
UFN(Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk) (English translation: see SPU)
VDPG(Verhandlung.Deutsch.Physik.Ges.) Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
VAN(Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR)
KUV(Vestnik Kiev State Univ.)
VLU(Vestnik Leningradskogo Univ., Fizika, Khimiya) Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Fizika, Khimiya
VMU(Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ., Seriya Fiz.Astron.) Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya III, Fizika i Astronomiya (English translation: see MUPB)
VBF(Vestsi Ak.Navuk, Ser.Fiz.En.) Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belaruskai SSR, Seriya Fizika-Energetychnykh Navuk Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSR.
YK(Vop. At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yadernye Konstanty) Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Yadernye Konstanty. (starting in 1982 with issue 1(45) (coded as 1/45); from 1985 onwards, only an issue number is given (coded with the year as vol. nr. plus the iss
VAT/F(Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Fiziki) Vysokykh Energij i Atomnogo Yadra
VAT/O(Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshch.) Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshchej i Yadernoj Fiziki
VAT/R(Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Reak.) Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Reaktorostroenie
VTYF(Voprosy Teoreticheskoy i Yadernoy Fiziki) Int. scientific collection, published by Saratov Univ.
WZD(Wiss.Zeitschr.der Univ.Dresden)
WULI(Wuli (Physics))
JAE(Yadernaya Energetika)
YF(Yadernaya Fizika) (English translation: see PAN, earlier SNP)
YTN(Yuan Tzu Neng (Atomic Energy))
ZPF(Z. Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt)) Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt am Main)
ZPC(Z. Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig)) Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig)
ZMM(Z.fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
ZK(Z.fuer Kristallographie) (Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie)
ZMP(Zeit. fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik) Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
ZAP(Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Physik)
ZEC(Zeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie)
ZN(Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung) only vol.1 (1946)
ZN/A(Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section A) from vol.2 (1947)
ZN/B(Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section B) from vol.2 (1947)
ZP(Zeitschrift fuer Physik) Last issue vol.271 (1974) (continued as ZP/A and ZP/B)
ZP/A(Zeitschrift fuer Physik, Section A) Hadrons and Nuclei Starting with vol.338 (Jan.1991). Previously 'Atoms and Nuclei' (vol.272 (1975) to vol.33
ZP/B(Zeitschrift fuer Physik, Section B) Condensed matter and quanta Starting with vol.20 (Jan.1975) as continuation of PCM
ZEP(Zhurnal Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., Pisma v Redakt.) Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Pis'ma v Redaktsiyu. (English translation: see JEL)
ZET(Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoret. Fiziki) (English translation: see JET)
ZTF(Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki) (English translation see SPT)
Information Sources are organized by name.


Books see below
Code Name Choose Reference(s)
NPD- === see PINST-NPD-
KUR- Had been used for IAE-
IBJ- Had sometimes been used for INR-
OAWS- See journal OAW.
AIF- See journal-code AIF
INDC Use INDC(USA) although some issues have INDC(US)- on their covers
N70-*** Code obsolete *** Write N-70-
CR-*** Code obsolete *** Use AECL-number
AEEW-A.E.E.W. Winfrith report series
AEEW-M-A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports
AEEW-R-A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports
AERE-A.E.R.E. Harwell report series
AERE-C/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-I/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-N/M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-N/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-NP/GENA.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-NP/M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-NP/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-PR/NP-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-R/M-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-R/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-RP/R-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-X/PR-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
NRDC-A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports
AERE-TRANS-A.E.R.E. Harwell translations
AWRE-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston report series
AWRE-CNR/PRA.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
AWRE-NR/C-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
AWRE-NR/P-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
AWRE-O-A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports
ABO-ANN-Abo Akademi Annual Reports
AEA-TRS-AEA Technol.Winfrith, Thermal Reactor Serv.,rpt.
CRGP-AECL . Use AECL- numbers
CRNL-AECL Chalk River Reports
CRP-AECL Chalk River Reports
CRRP-AECL Chalk River Reports
PR-CM-AECL Chalk River Reports
PR-CMA-AECL Chalk River Reports
TDS-AECL Nucl.Power Plant Div. Reports
PR-P-AECL Reports Use AECL- numbers
UK/C-AECL Reports Use AECL- numbers
AN-Aerojet General Nucleonics Reports
ANCR-Aerojet Nuclear Corp. Reports
ARL-Aerospace Res.Labs,Wright-Patterson A.F.B.Repts.
AFSWC-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFSWC-TDR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFSWC-TR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFWL-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
AFWL-TDR-Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts.
IF-Akad. Nauk Ukrainskaja, Kiev
AE-FFN-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports
RFA-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports
RFR-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports
S-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm, prog. rept.
AE-FN-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm,internal rpt.
AE-Aktiebolaget Atomenergi,Stockholm/Studsvik Repts Series discontinued. Last report = AE-517.
AKO-UK-Aldermaston Internal Report
ACO/UK-Aldermaston Reports
ICP-Allied Chem. Corp., Idaho Chem. Programs
ASTM-STP-American Soc. of Testing and Materials Reports
ASTM-American Soc. of Testing and Materials, reports
INDCArgentine report to the I.N.D.C.
ACRH-Argonne Cancer Res. Hospital Reports
AP/CTR/TM-Argonne Nat. Lab., Appl.Phys.Div., Techn. Memo
ANL-Argonne National Laboratory report series
ANL-NDM-Argonne National Laboratory Reports
ANL-TRANS-Argonne National Laboratory, translations
AFSWP-Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Reports
ARF-Armour Research Foundation Reports
PEL-Atomic Energy Board, Pelindaba Reports
AECD/MISC-Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Progress Report
AECD/Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports
AECD/EP-Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports
AECD/TP-Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports
AEET-Atomic Energy Est. Trombay Reports Last issue is AEET-275 (1967). Continued as BARC-
UARAEE-Atomic Energy Establishment Reports Last issue nr.116 (1971). Continued as AREAEE-
AREAEE-Atomic Energy Establishment Reports Series started with nr.117 in 1971
THAI-AEC-Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok Reports
AECL-Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Reports
APDA-Atomic Power Devel. Assoc., Detroit Reports
TI-Atomics Int., N. American Rockwell, Tech. Inf.
AI-Atomics International Reports
AI-AEC-Atomics International Reports
ATOMKI-AR-Atomki Annual Reports =(Code is invented for reference, report appears as ='Atomki Annual report 1989')
LIB/TRAN-Australia Translation
LIB/TRANS-Australia Translation
AAEC/AP/PR-Australian AEC Applied Phys.Div. Prog. Report
AAEC/PD/PR-Australian AEC Physics Div. Progress Report
AAEC/PR-Australian AEC Progress report
AAEC/Australian AEC reports
AAEC/E-Australian AEC Reports
AAEC/TM-Australian AEC Technical Memo
ANU-Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports
ANU-P-Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports
INDCAustralian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCAustrian report to the I.N.D.C.
BARC-B.A.R.C., Trombay report series Starts with BARC-276 (1967) =(formerly AEET- series)
BARC/I-B.A.R.C., Trombay Reports
BAW-Babcock and Wilcox Co. Reports
BRL-Ballistic Research Labs report series
BRL-MR-Ballistic Research Labs Reports
BRL-R-Ballistic Research Labs Reports
INDCBangladesh report to the I.N.D.C.
BMI-Battelle Memorial Inst. Reports
BNWL-Battelle-Northwest report series
BNWL-B-Battelle-Northwest Reports
BNWL-SA-Battelle-Northwest Reports
NRCN-Beersheva Nuclear Res. Center Negev Reports
A-BNT-Beijing Nat. Tandem Accel. Lab., Prog. Report (one report every 2 years)
INDCBelgian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCBelorus report to the I.N.D.C.
BUP-Bergen Univ. Dept. of Physics Reports
BLM-JB-Beschleunigerlab. Univ. Muenchen annual report und der Techn. Univ. Muenchen
CLOR-Biuro Pelnom. Rzadu do Spraw Wykorzyst. En. Jad.
D2-Boeing Aircraft Reports
INDCBolivian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCBrazilian report to the I.N.D.C.
BNL-Brookhaven National Laboratory report series
BNL-C-Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports
BNL-NCS-Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports
IS/P-Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports
BNL-TR-Brookhaven National Laboratory translations
INDCBulgarian report to the I.N.D.C.
ICD-Bull. Centr po Jadernym Dannym, Obninsk Last issue ICD-6 (1969),continued as YK-7 (1970)
BCDL-Bull. Centro Dannykh LIYAF, Leningrad-Gatchina (Bulletin of the Data Centre of LIYAF)
BMWF-FBK-Bundesmin.f.Wiss.Forschg. Reports
BIPM-Bureau Int. des Poids et Mesures Reports
CCDN-NW-C.C.D.N. Saclay Newsletters
CCDN-C.C.D.N. Saclay report series
CCDN-CI-C.C.D.N. Saclay Reports
SAR-G-C.E.A. Grenoble Reports
CENC.E.N. Bordeaux-Gradignan Reports Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires Bordeaux-Gradignan
A-CSN-C.S.N.S.M., Orsay Reports Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse
PNR-Cadarache Reports
PNR/SETR-R-Cadarache Reports
LAP-Calif. Inst. of Technology Lemon Aid Preprints
OAP-Calif. Inst. of Technology Orange Aid Preprints
LRL-Calif. Research and Development Co. Reports
EANDCCanadian report to EANDC
NEANDCCanadian report to NEANDC
INDCCanadian report to the I.N.D.C.
BR-Cavendish Lab. Reports Early reports
CNAEM-Cekmece Nuclear Res. and Training Centre Reports
RD/B/M-Central Electricity Generating Board Reports ===Note: Complete code is CEGB-RD/B/M-
KFKI-Central Research Inst. of Physics Reports Hungarian Academy of Sciences ===Note: Subject codes appended to the report number (e.g., KFKI-1989-02/G) may be omitted. (KFKI-1989-02 is sufficient for unique reference).
BLG-Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucl.,Bruxelles,Rept
CEA-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires report series
CEA-R-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports
CEA-SMNF-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports
CEA-N-Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay, note Internal report with limited distribution
CISE-Centre Inform. Studi Esp. Reports
CNEA-CAB-Centro Atomico Bariloche, internal report
CNEA-CAB-ITCentro Atomico Bariloche, internal report
CEC-Centro di Calcolo, CNEN, Bologna Reports ===Note: report number includes the year in the form CEC-(71)9 =(now: CEC(year)-)
CERN-CERN Europ. Org. for Nuclear Res. Reports
CTH-RF-Chalmers Univ. of Technol., Gothenburg Reports
MON-N-Chemistry Division Reports
COO-Chicago Operations Office,A.E.C.,Contract rept.
CC-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CF-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CN-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CS-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports
CP-Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports Some reports issued from Argonne National Lab.
INDCChile report to the I.N.D.C.
CNIC-China Nucl. Information Center Reports
INDCChinese report to the I.N.D.C.
UCOL-P-Colorado Univ. Reports
CUColumbia Univ. progress report
CU-Columbia Univ. report series
CUD-Columbia Univ. report series
NYO-GEN-Columbia Univ. Reports
CNEN-RT/FI-Com.Naz. per l'Energia Nucleare Reports
CNEA-Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica report ser.
RT/FI-Comitate Nazionale per l'En. Nuc. Fiz. Reports
RT/FIMA-Comitate Nazionale per l'En.Nuc.Fiz.Mat.Repts.
INDCComm. of the European Commun. report to I.N.D.C. (Formerly Euratom) Centro de Energia Nuclear,Recife,Repts. Univ. Federal de Pernambuco
CONF-Conference proceedings report series ===Note: Instead of the CONF- code usually a conference code is introduced (see dictionary 7 for conference codes)
CSIR-FIS-Council f.Scient.and Indust.Res.,Pretoria,Repts.
DAV-Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis Reports
UCD-CNL-Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis, prog.rep.
INDCCSSR report to the I.N.D.C.
CWR-Curtiss-Wright Corp. Reports
A-JCL-Cyclotron Lab., I.P.C.R., Saitama Reports Inst.of Phys.and Chem.Res., Wako-shi,Saitama
IPPCZ-Czechoslovak A.S. Plasma Physics Reports, Prague
DASA-Defense Atomic Support Agency Reports ===Note: In 1972/73 replaced by DNA
DNA-Defense Nuclear Agency Reports ===Note: DNA is a contracting agency, and many labs publish in DNA- . DNA- replaced DASA- in 1972/73
AD-Dept. of Defence Reports
AFOSR-Dept. of Defense Reports
AECU-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports
TID-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports
NP-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports numbering of non project
AECD-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Succeeded MDDC-, extinct 1960
AEC-TR-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translation
NP-TR-Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translations
RFP-TRANS-Dow Chemical Comp., Rocky Flats, translations
RFP-Dow Chemical Company, Rocky Flats Div. Reports
DP-Du Pont, Savannah River Reports
DP-MS-Du Pont, Savannah River Reports
ENEA/RT/IN-E.N.E.A., Area Innovazione Reports ===Note: complete code is ENEA/RT/INN-
ENEA/RT/NU-E.N.E.A., Area Nucleare Reports ==Note: complete code is ENEA/RT/NUCL-
INDCEgyptian report to the I.N.D.C.
EIR-Eidg.Inst.Reaktorforsch.Wuerenlingen Reports
EPRI-NP-Electric Power Res. Inst., Nuclear Phys. Series
EPRI-Electric Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto reports ===Note: the report numbers are project numbers, so different reports may appear under the same report number.
EDF-Electricite de France Reports
EDF-HX-Electricite de France Reports
RT/TIB-ENEA Dipart.Technol.Interessettor.di Base Repts
ECN-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
ECN-C-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
ECN-R-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
ECN-RX-Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports
EFI-Erevanskij Fisicheskij Institut Reports
EUR-Euratom Reports
EANDC-European-American Nucl. Data Committee Documents =(usually accompanied by an additional code, =e.g. EANDC(CAN); continued 1974 as NEANDC-)
ENDF-Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) Reports
EPA-Exp.Physics Inst. Arzamas Reports
ENICO-Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company Reports
FIZ-KA-Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Reports to the I.N.D.C.
INDCFinnish report to the I.N.D.C.
FTI-Fiz-Tech. Inst. Ioffe, Leningrad Reports
FIAN-Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk Lebedev, Moscow Reports
FEI-Fiz.-Energ Institut, Obninsk Reports
FRM-Forschungs Reactor Muenchen Reports
FZKA-Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
CDFE-IND-Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) Index Compare CDFE- and book codes
CDFE-Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) To be used for annual series starting with no.1,1977 (Compare CDFE-IND- and book codes CDFE/..)
FRA-TM-FRA Technical Memorandum, Argonne Nat. Lab.
FRNC-TH-French non CEA Reports
INDCFrench report to the I.N.D.C.
GA-General Atomic Div. Reports
GACD-General Atomic Div. Reports
GAMD-General Atomic Div. Reports
FZK-General Dynamics Reports
WL-TR-General Dynamics, Fort Worth, Techn. Reports
XDC-General Electric Corp., Cincinnati Reports
DC-General Electric, Aircraft Nucl. Prop. Proj.
APEX-General Electric, Aircraft Nucl.Prop.Dept.Repts.
NEDO-General Electric, At.Power Equipm. Dept.
APED-General Electric, Atomic Power Equipm.Dept.Repts
GEAP-General Electric, California Reports
GEMP-General Electric, Flight Prop. Lab. Reports to the I.N.D.C.
GKSS-Ges.Kernen.-Verwertung, Schiffbau and Schiffahrt Ges. fuer Kernenergie-Verwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahrt Reports
GSI-Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports
GULF-Gulf Radiation Technology report series
GULF-RT-Gulf Radiation Technology Reports
GULF-RT-A-Gulf Radiation Technology Reports
HMI-Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin report series
HMI-B-Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin Reports
HH-Hamburg Univ.,Inst.f.Experimentalphysik Reports
TC-Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports
HEDL-TME-Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports ===Note: Series started 1971. number includes the year (HEDL-TME-71-...)
HW-Hanford Reports now BNWL- , extinct 1965
HW-SA-Hanford Reports now BNWL- , extinct 1965
HNS-Hazleton-Nuclear Science Co. Reports
INDCHungarian report to the I.N.D.C.
STI/PUB/21-I.A.E.A. Bibliographical Series
IAEA/RL-I.A.E.A. Div. of Res. + Labs Reports
STI/PUB-I.A.E.A. Publications
IAEA-R-I.A.E.A. Research Contract Report
STI/PUB/15-I.A.E.A. Review Series (1959-1962)
IAEA-SM-I.A.E.A. Symposium Collection -extended synopses
IAEA/TA-I.A.E.A. Technical Assistance Reports
STI/DOC/10-I.A.E.A. Technical Document Series ===Note: See also IAEA-
IAEA-I.A.E.A. technical report, Vienna =(starting with report no. 219, the full title =of this series is now IAEA-TECDOC-)
IAEA/I.A.E.A., Vienna, report series
INDCI.N.D.C. Sercretariat Report Series
INDCIAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCIAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C.
IN-Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports
MTR-L-Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports
IIT-Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports
IITRI-Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports
INDCIndian report to the I.N.D.C.
INIS-MF-INIS microfiche Identification assigned by IAEA to documents received without report code.
INIS-SU-INIS Reports Identification assigned by Atom-Inform to documents received without report code.
IAE-Inst. Atomnoy Energii, Kurchatov Reports
NIIAR-Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports
NIIAR-P1-Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports
INR-FIA-Inst. Badan Jadr., Swierk+Warsaw Reports
IBK-Inst. Boris Kidrich Reports
IAN-E-Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota Reports
IAN-Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota, reports
IEA-INF-Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, prog. rept.
IEA-Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, Reports
IEAV/NT-Inst. de Estudos Avancados, Technical Note
IFIN-NR-Inst. de Fiz. si Ing.Nucleara,Bucharest Reports
IPNO-PHN-Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Progress Report
IPNO-Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay reports
IPNO-RC-Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Reports
IPNO-THInst. de Physique Nucleaire Orsay thesis
IKDA-Inst. f. Kernphysik,Darmstadt Reports
IRK-PR-Inst. f. Radiumforschung Progress Report No report code shown on document
IFA-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. reports
IFA-CRD-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-DNBR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-FN-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-FR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-NF-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-R-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-RN-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports
IFA-NR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports Note: Codes of the form IFA-NR-33-1970 must be given in Exfor as IFA-NR-33,(1970),...
IFA-DNR-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports Note: Sometimes the code IFA is not shown on the cover
IFA-EP-Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports Note: Sometimes the code IFA is not shown on the cover
INP-Inst. Fiz. Jadr. (Nucl.Phys.), Krakow Reports Note: On the covers of this series one finds sometimes INP-..., sometimes IFJ-..., but often a report number without a report code. Some were indexed in NSA as PAN-(Pol.Ak.Nauk). Omit characters behind report
IFVE-Inst. Fiz. Vysokikh Energij, Serpukhov Reports
LAFI-Inst. Fiziki Latvijskoi Akad. Sci., Riga Reports
KR-Inst. for Atomenergi, Kjeller Reports
LR-Inst. Investigacion Aeronautica y Esp, Reports
SIB-Inst. Jad. Fiz., Novosibirsk Reports =(This is an invented code. The reports =have only a 'preprint'-number without a code)
NIJS-P-Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports Continued June 1969 as IJS-P-
NIJS-R-Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports Continued June 1969 as IJS-R-
NIJS-Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana, report series
IJS-P-Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports Starting with IJS-P-245 6/69
IJS-R-Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports Starting with IJS-R-560 6/69
IJS-Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, reports
INFN/BE-Inst. Naz. Fisica Nucleare Reports
IYFK-P-Inst. Nucl.Phys., Alma-Ata, preprints
IRNE-Inst. Nuclear Power Reactors Reports
HSJ-Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing Reports
A-AEP-Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing, Annual Report
IJE-Inst. of Nucl. Energetics, Bjelorus. Acad. Sci. report and preprints IJE-nnn-yy (nnn=serial no., yy=year)
INER-Inst. of Nucl.Energy Research Reports
IRMM-Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel
LNS-Inst. Rudjer Boskovic Reports
ITEF-Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts
ITE-Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts Use ITEF-
IJAI-Inst. Yad. Issledovanii Communications,Kiev
IJAI-P-Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports
KIYAI-Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports
INR-Inst.Badan Jadr.(Nucl.Res.),Swierk+Warsaw,Repts Note: On the covers of this series one sometimes finds INR-..., sometimes IBJ-..., but often a report number without a report code. Some were indexed in NSA as PAN-(Pol.Ak.Nauk). Characters behind report num Pesquisas Energ.e Nucl.,Sao Paulo,Repts Phys., U. de Fribourg, Physics Series
IKF-Inst.fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt Reports
NST-Inst.of Nucl.Sci.and Technol.,Sichuan U. Reports
INS-Inst.of Nuclear Sciences, Progress Reports
TMO-Inst.Teplo-Massoobmena Bjeloruss.Acad.Sci.Repts ===Note: This is an invented code. The reports have only a 'preprint'-number without a code. English translation of TMO-2 through TMO-7 is available as report INDC(CCP)-142.
INDSWG-Int. Nuclear Data Sci. Working Group Reports Nr.1(1962)-155(1967),continued as INDC-. 'E' following the report no. distinguishes an English translation from its original.
INTEL-RT-Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports
INTELRT-Intelcom Radiation Technology reports
IRT-Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports
NETU-Internal Tohoku Univ. Reports
INDC-International Nucl. Data Committee report series =(usually accompanied by an additional code, =e.g.,INDC(NDS)) Nr.1(1971)-15(1973) and Nr.156(1967)-274(1969) Then continued in a number of subseries Note: /G /L /U etc. are distribution-codes which should b
IS-Iowa State Univ. Reports
SUI-Iowa State Univ. Reports
IS-T-Iowa State Univ., thesis
INDCIran report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCIraq report to the I.N.D.C.
IA-Israel AEC Reports
INDCIsrael report to the I.N.D.C.
IAN/E-Izvestia Estonian Akad.Nauk, Reports
JAERI-JAERI Tokai report series
JAERI-C-JAERI Tokai Reports
JAERI-M-JAERI Tokai Reports
JAERI-R-JAERI Tokai Reports
EANDCJapanese report to EANDC
NEANDCJapanese report to NEANDC
INDCJapanese report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCJapanese report to the I.N.D.C.
JENER-Joint Establ. Nucl. Res., Kjeller Reports
JINR-D-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D15-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-D7-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E15-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-E7-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P1-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P11-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P13-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P15-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P2-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P4-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P6-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
JINR-P7-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
P3-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports
DUB-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports Use JINR-
DUB-E-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports Use JINR-E-
DUB-P-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports Use JINR-P-
JINR-Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna, reports Note: the 4-digits report number is unique, the symbols between JINR and number can be omitted. They mean P=Russian, E=English, D=Engl+Russian. The digit following this character denotes the subject category, e.g
JEN-Junta de Energia Nuclear Reports
MF-Junta Energia Nuclear, Madrid Reports
JUEL-SPEZ-Kernforschungsanlage Juelich, Progress Report
JUEL-Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich, report series
PSB-BER-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe preprint
ARBKernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
KFK-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
KFK-EXT-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports
KFK-TR-Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe translation ser.
KFKI-YB-KFKI Yearbook (progress-report)
RI-Khlopin Radiev. Inst., Leningrad Reports
KAPL/CSNL-Knolls At. Power Lab. Cross-Section Newsletter
KAPL-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. report series
KAPL-M-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-M-ECH-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-M-EFC-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-M-JBN-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
KAPL-P-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports
INDCKorean report to the I.N.D.C.
KURRI-Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst. Reports
KURRI-AR-Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Annual Report
KURRI-TR-Kyoto-Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Tech. Report In Japanese with English abstracts
LPC-Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire Reports
LPC-T-Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire thesis
LBL-Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Reports
RL-Lawrence Radiation Lab., Berkeley Reports
LIJAF-Leningrad Inst. Nucl. Phys. Reports
LMSC-Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports
LMSD-Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports
LA-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LA-DC-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LA-UR-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports
LADC-Los Alamos Scientific lab. Reports
LAMS-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports extinct Sept. 1964
LA-TR-Los Alamos Scientific Lab. translations
LU-NP-Lund Univ. Reports
LUNF-D6-Lund Univ., Nuclear Physics Series
MITNE-M.I.T. Dept.of Nuclear Engineering Reports
MIT-LNS-PR-M.I.T. Lab. of Nucl.Science progress report
MAINZ-Mainz Univ. Reports
MDDC-Manhatten District Reports Continued as AECD-
MNC-Maryland Univ., Dept. of Nuclear Chem. Reports
MIT-Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports
MIT-REP-Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports
MIT-TR-Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports
A-MSU-Michigan State Univ.Cyclotron Lab., annual rept.
INDCMorocco report to the I.N.D.C.
MIF-Moscow Inst. of Engineering Physics Reports MIF-nnn-yy (nnn=serial no.,yy=year)
MSU-INP-Moscow State Univ.Inst.of Nucl.Phys.Reports
MLM-Mound Lab., Miamisburg Reports
N-N.A.S.A. Reports Code includes the year. (Write N-70-..., not N70-...)
NASA-N.A.S.A. Reports, TM = Technical Memo, =TN = Technical Note, TP = Technical Paper
NASA-TM-N.A.S.A. Technical Memo
NASA-TN-N.A.S.A. Technical Note
NASA-TN-D-N.A.S.A. Technical Note
NASA-TP-N.A.S.A. Technical Paper
MC-Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Montreal Labs Repts
NRCC-Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Ottawa Reports
NAS-NRC-Nat. Acad. of Sci., Nat. Res. Council Reports
NBS-MONO-National Bureau of Standards Monograph
NRPB-National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports
NRPB-M-National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports
NRPB-R-National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports
CRC-National Research Council Reports
CRT-Natn'l Res.Council of Canada, Chalk River Repts
USNRDL-Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports
USNRDL-TR-Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports
NRL-Naval Research Lab. Reports
NEA-NSC-NEA Nuclear Science Committee Reports
INDCNetherlands report to the I.N.D.C.
NYO-New York Operations Office Reports
NYO-GEN72-New York Operations Office Reports
AECNew Zealand A.E.C. Reports The original code is 'AEC-' and (NZ) is added for clarification
NAA-North American Aviation report series
NAA-SR-North American Aviation Reports
NAA-SR-M-North American Aviation Reports
NAA-SR-TDR-North American Aviation Reports
NAA-SR-MEMONorth American Aviation Reports Note: Coded in CINDA as NAA-SR-M-
INDCNorwegian report to the I.N.D.C.
NEANDC-Nucl. En. Agency Nucl. Data Committee reports =(started 1974 as continuation of EANDC-)
ALBERTA-Nucl.Res.Centre, U.of Alberta, Edmonton Reports =(reports carry a number but no report code; =code 'ALBERTA-' was invented)
NARF-Nuclear Aerospace Research Facility Reports
IAEA-NDS-Nuclear Data Services (Doc. series of NDS)
NUREG/CP-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reports
NRITB-Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, reports
NRITB-PH-Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, Reports
ORNL-CF-Oak Ridge National Lab. Central File Memo
ORNL-P-Oak Ridge National Lab. preprint
ORNL-Oak Ridge National Lab. Reports
ORNL-TM-Oak Ridge National Lab. technical memo
ORNL-TR-Oak Ridge National Lab. translation
ORO-Oak Ridge Operations Office, contract report
SGAE-Oesterr. Studienges. f. Atomenergie reports
SGAE-PH-Oesterr.Studienges.f.Atomen.,Physikinst., Repts
OKTAV-A-Osaka Univ. Reports
PTB-FMRB-P.T.B., Braunschweig Reports Phys.Techn.Bundesanst.,Forschungs- u.Messreaktor
PTB-P.T.B., Braunschweig, reports
A-PAD-Padua Univ. and Lab. Naz. Legnaro annual report
PINST-Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports = - Note: original code is 'PINSTECH-'.
PINST-RT-Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports = - Note: original Code is 'PINSTECH-RT-'.
PINST-NPD-Pakistan Inst.Nuc.Sci.Tech.,Nucl.Phys.Div.Repts = - Note: original code is 'NPD-' only.
INDCPakistan report to the I.N.D.C.
IDO-Philips Petrolium Co., Idaho Falls Reports
PTR-Phillips Petrolium Co., Idaho Falls Reports
CDFE-IND2-Photonuclear Data Index (Photofission) Fotojadernye Dannye. Compare CDFE-and book codes
PTB-N-Phys.Techn.Bundesanst., Neutronenphysik Reports
PAN-Polish Academy of Sciences Reports Was used by NSA for INR- and INP-
INDCPolish report to the I.N.D.C.
PWAC-Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Div. Reports
PPAR-Princeton Pennsylvania Accelerator Reports
PUC-Princeton, Palmer Physics Lab. Reports
UKNDC-Progress report from U.K. Nuclear Data Comm.
UKNDC-P-Progress report from U.K.N.D.C. Note: report appears as UKNDC(75)- .
HEWPublic Health Service, F.D.A. Reports
A-RPI-R.P.I. annual progress report
RPI-PR-R.P.I. progress report
RPC-Radioplane Co., Van Nuys, California Reports
RCN-Reactor Cent. Nederland, Petten Reports
RPCC-Reactor Physics Constants Center Newsletter
RRC-Reactor Research Center Kalpakkam Reports
RPI-Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Reports
NEANDCReport from CEC-Countries and CEC to NEANDC
EANDCReport from Euratom-countries + Euratom to EANDC
EANDCReport from misc. OECD Countries to EANDC
NEANDCReport from misc. OECD countries to NEANDC
USNDC-Report to the U.S. Nuclear Data Comm.
A-RCNP-Res. Centre for Nucl. Phys., Osaka, annual rept.
FOA4-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4 reports
FOA4-A-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4A Reports
FOA4-C-Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4C Reports
A-IPS-Res. Inst. of Phys., Stockholm Annual Rept.
RISO-RISO Research Institute report series
RISO-M-RISO Research Institute Reports
INDCRomanian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCRomanian report to the I.N.D.C. Before 1981, the code INDC(RUM) was used.
SCR-Sandia Corp. Reports Continued as SC-R-.
SC-R-Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports
SC-RR-Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports
SC-Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, report series
SFL-A-Sateilyfysiikan Laitos-Radiofys. Inst. Reports (Inst. of Radiation Physics), Helsinki
INDCSlovakian report to the I.N.D.C.
INDCSlovenian report to the I.N.D.C.
LS-Soreq Nuclear Research Center Reports
INDCSouth-African report to the I.N.D.C.
SUNI-Southern Universities Nuclear Inst. Reports
A-ALB-State Univ. of New York at Albany Reports
NFL-Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports
STUDSVIK-Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports
IKE-Stuttgart u. Inst. f. Kernenergetik Reports
INDCSudanese report to the I.N.D.C.
KDK-Swedish Nuclear Data Committee Reports
INDCSwedish report to the I.N.D.C.
LFF-Swedish Reports
PTUM-E-Techn. Univ. Muenchen Reports
TNSD-P-Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports
TNSD-R-Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports
TU-Technische Univ. Dresden, Reports
TNC-Texas Nuclear Corp. Reports
A-TNL-Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report
TUNL-Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report
TNCCTripartite Nucl Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNCCTripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNCCTripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports
TNCC-Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports
AEET-ANAL-Trombay Reports
AEET-NP-Trombay Reports
INDCTurkish report to the I.N.D.C. Note: Some copies of INDC(TUR)-3 are erroneously labelled as INDC(TUK)-3
NPL-U. Colorado, Nucl.Phys.Lab., Techn. Prog. Rept.
ISN-U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports
ISN-TS-U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports
UCAR-U.C., Lawrence Livermore Lab., Reports
UCRL-U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore)
UCRL-ID-U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore)
UCID-U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab., Reports
UCRL-TRANS-U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation ===Note: the CINDA code is UCRL-TR-
UCRL-TR-U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation series
AHSBU.K. AEA Health and Safety Branch Risley Reports
EANDCU.K. report to EANDC
INDCU.K. report to the I.N.D.C.
NR/P-U.K.AEA Weapons Group,A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Rept.
RLO-U.S. AEC Reports
PNE-U.S. AEC, Peaceful Nuclear Explosions series
NDL-TR-U.S. Army Chem.Corps. Nuclear Def. Lab. Reports
DOE-NDC-U.S. D.O.E. Nuclear Data Committee Reports
DOE-U.S. Dept.of Energy Reports
DOE-ER-U.S. Dept.of Energy, Fusion Energy Series
ERDA-NDC-U.S. E.R.D.A. Nuclear Data Committee Reports
ERDA-U.S. Energy Res. and Development Admin. Reports
EANDCU.S. report to EANDC
INDCU.S. report to the I.N.D.C.
NCSAC-U.S.AEC Nucl.Cross Sections Advisory Comm. Repts
INDCUkrainian report to the I.N.D.C.
KHFTI-Ukrainsk. Fiz. Tekhn. Inst. Reports Until 1968 no report code was printed on the cover but only a number. Starting 1969 the report codes have the form KHFTI-69-1 which is coded KHFTI-69/1
UFT-Ukrainskij Fiz. Tech. Inst. Reports Had been used for old KHFTI- report which had no report code on the cover
NDA-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
NDA-MEMO-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
NDA-PHYS-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
UNC-United Nuclear Corp. Reports
MOH-Univ. Mohammed V, Rabat, Annual Report =(the code MOH- was created for input and does =not show up on the cover)
A-ARK-Univ. of Arkansas Reports
JU-RR-Univ. of Jyvaeskylae, Dept.of Physics Reports
LYCEN-Univ. of Lyon Reports
LPN-UM-Univ. of Montreal Reports
UR-Univ. of Rochester Reports
IFUSP/P-Univ. of Sao Paulo, Inst.of Phys. Reports
ESL-Univ. of Texas technical report
UILU-ENG-Univ.of Illinois, Dept. of Engin. progress rept.
A-KTY-Univ.of Kentucky annual report
A-WAU-Univ.of Washington, Seattle, annual report
UWFDM-Univ.Wisconsin Fusion Engineering Program Repts
UMO-University Microfilms Order Number =(Theses can be ordered using this number from =University Microfilms Ltd.)
U/KTY-University of Kentucky Reports
UNIV-MI-University of Michigan Reports
UPP-Uppsala Univ. Annual Report
TLU-Uppsala Univ. Tandem Lab. Reports
HASL-USAEC Health and Safety Lab, New York Reports
INDCUSSR report to the I.N.D.C.
UJF-Ustav Jad. Fyziky (Inst.Nucl.Phys.) Reports Note: The series UJV- and UJF- share the same consecutive numbering such that the existence of UJF-2899 excludes the existence of UJV-2899
UJV-Ustav Jad. Vyzkumu (Inst Nucl res), Reports
INDCVietnam report to the I.N.D.C.
CVAC-Vultee Aircraft Corp. Reports
MR-A-Vultee Aircraft Corp., Ft.Worth Reports
WASH-Washington AEC Office Reports Often reports to NCSAG.
WARD-Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division Reports
WANL-Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. reports
WANL-TME-Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. Reports
WAPD-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) reports
WAPD-BT-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WAPD-T-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WAPD-TM-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WAPD-TRANS-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports
WCAP-Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Pittsburgh) Repts
WADC-Wright Air Devel. Centre report series
WADC-TN-Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports
WADC-TR-Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports
WADD-TR-Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports
YFI-Yaderno-Fizicheskie Issledovaniya Reports
YK-Yadernye Konstanty Full title = Vopr.At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Jad.Kon =(since 1982 coded as journal YK)
INDCYugoslavian report to the I.N.D.C.
ZFK-DOS-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Last issue ZFK-DOS-5 7/66
ZFK-PHA-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Last issue ZFK-PHA-26 1/67
ZFK-RCH-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Last issue ZFK-RCH-3 D/65
ZFK-RN-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Last issue ZFK-RN-33 2/66
ZFK-TPH-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Last issue ZFK-TPH-23 3/66
ZFK-WF-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Last issue ZFK-WF-29 5/66
ZFK-Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports Starting with number ZFK-121 7/66 as continuation of 6 ZFK- subseries as follows.
ZAED-M-Zentralstelle fuer Atomkernenergie-Dokum.
Information Sources are organized by name.


Code Name Choose Reference(s)
87KIEV(1.Int.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev,14-18 Sep 1987) (1st Int. Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 14-18 Sep 1987)
72NEUHER(1.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry,Munich-Neuherberg,May1972) (1st Symp. on Neutron Dosimetry in Biology and Medicine, Munich-Neuherberg, Germany, 15-19 May 1972)
79LYON(10.Conf.on Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Lyon 1979) (10th Int. Conf. on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Lyon, France, 2-6 Jul 1979) Proc. published by Pergamon Press.
73DUBNA(13. Nuclear Spectroscopy Symp., Dubna 1973) (13th Symp. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Theory, Dubna, USSR, 19-23 Jun 1973) Two-page summaries of papers JINR-7094 *** Use JINR-7094 ***
92ADELAI(13.Int.Conf.on Few Body Problems,Adelaide,Jan.1992) (13th Int. Conf. on Few Body Problems in Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 5 - 11 Jan 1992)
83GAUSSG(13.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1983) (13th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics - Measurement and Analysis of 14 MeV Neutron Nuclear Data Needed for Fission and Fusion Reactor Technology, Gaussig, DDR, 21-25 Nov 1983) =Proceedings published as INDC(NDS)-173
95OBNIN(13.Meeting on Physics of Nucl.Fission, Obninsk 1995) (13.Meeting on Physics of Nuclear Fission, Obninsk, Russia, 3 - 6 October 1995)
84VARESE(13th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Varese,Sept.1984)
72BOMBAY(14.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp, Bombay 1972) (14th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 1-4 Feb 1972) 3 volumes. Vol.14a = Invited Talks, Vol.14b = Nuclear Physics, Vol.14c = Solid State Physics
84GAUSSIG(14.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Gaussig,DDR,1984) (14th Int. Symp. on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Generators and Applications, Gaussig, DDR, 19-23 Nov 1984) ===Note: Code to be used only until proceedings are Published as ZFK-report.
72CHANDG(15.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp. Chandigarh 1972) (15th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Chandigarh, India, 28 Dec 1972-1 Jan 1973) Vol.1 (=Vol.15a) = Invited Papers Vol.2 (=Vol.15b) = Nuclear Physics Vol.3 (=Vol.15c) = Solid State Phy
85GAUSSI(15.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Nucl.Fission,Gaussig,DDR,1985) (15th Int. Symp. on Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Fission, Gaussig, DDR, 11-15 Nov 1985) =Proceedings published as ZFK-592,Apr 1986
73BANGLO(16.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bangalore,1973) (16th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Bangalore, India, 27-31 Dec 1973)
79INNSBR(17.Meet.of the Ges.f.Nuklearmedizin,Innsbruck 1979) (17th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft fuer Nuklear- Medizin, Innsbruck, Austria, 1979) Proceedings 1980, Suppl.17 to journal 'Nuklearmedizin'
74BOMBAY(17.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bombay 1974) (17th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 27-31 Dec 1974)
72DENVER(18.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Denver 1972) (18th Annual Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Denver, Colorado, 28 Nov-1 Dec 1972) American Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc. 10 (1973)
88GAUSSI(18.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1988) (18th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics - Physics and Chemistry of Fission, Gaussig, DDR, 21-25 Nov 1988) =Proceedings published 1992 by Nova Science Publ., =Commack, New York, USA
75CALCUTTA(18.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Calcutta,1975) (18th Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Calcutta, India, Dec 1975)
73BOSTON(19.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Boston 1973) (19th Annual Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Boston, Mass., 13 - 16 Nov 1973) =American Inst. Phys. Conf. Proceedings 18, 1974.
76AHMEDABA(19.Nucl.Phys.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Ahmedabad,1976) (19th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Ahmedabad, India, 27-31 Dec 1976)
55GENEVA(1st UN Conf.Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1955) (1st U.N. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 8-20 Aug. 1955)
75MRYLND(2.Conf.on Clustering Nuclei,Maryland 1975) (2nd Int. Conf. on Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei, College Park, Maryland, USA, 21-25 Apr 1975)
73KIEV(2.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1973) (2nd National Soviet Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 28 May - 1 Jun 1973) =Proc. in 4 vols by F.E.I., Obninsk (1974).
74COLUMB(2.Conf.on Envir.Res.,Columbia 1974) (2nd Int. Conf. on Nuclear Methods in Environmental Research, Univ.of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, 29-31 Jul 1974) Published as CONF-740701.
74PETTEN(2.Symp.on Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Petten 1974) (2nd Int. Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Petten, 2-6 Sep 1974) Preprints of all papers received before Jun 20, 1974
79SMOLENIC(2.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1979) (2nd Int. Symp. on Neutron Induced Reactions, Smolenice, 25-29 Jun 1979) =Published by Slovak Acad.of Sciences as ='Physics and Applications' Vol.6
77PUNE(20.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Poona 1977) (20th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Poona, Pune, India, 26-30 Dec 1977)
78BOMBAY(21.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp., Bombay 1978) (21st Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 28-31 Dec 1978)
72KIEV(22. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf, Kiev 1972) (22nd Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Kiev, USSR, 25-28 Jan 1972) Some papers published in Izvest. 1972 No.4.
79MADRAS(22.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Madras 1979) (22nd Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras, India, 26-30 Dec 1979)
73TBILISI(23. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Tbilisi 1973) (23rd Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Tbilisi, USSR, Feb 1973)
80DELHI(23.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,New Delhi 1980) (23rd Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., New Delhi, India, 11-15 Dec 1980)
74KHARKOV(24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974) (24th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Kharkov, USSR, 29 Jan -1 Feb 1974) *** Some papers published in IZV Vol.38 Nr.4, 1974
74KHARKV(24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974) (24th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Kharkov, USSR, 29 Jan -1 Feb 1974) *** Some Papers published in IZV vol.38 Nr.4, 1974
81BOMBAY(24.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Bombay 1981) (24th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 28 Dec 1981 - 1 Jan 1982)
75LENING(25.Conf.on Nucl.Spect.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1975) (25th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Leningrad, USSR, Jan 1975)
82VARANA(25.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Varanasi 1982) (25th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Varanasi, India, 27-31 Dec 1982)
83MYSORE(26.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Mysore 1983) (26th Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Mysore, India, 22-27 Dec 1983)
77TASHKENT(27.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1977) (27th Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Tashkent, USSR, 23-25 Mar 1977) =Some papers published in IZV 41(6,8,10), 42(1).
78ALMAATA(28.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1978) (28th Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Alma-Ata, USSR, 28-31 Mar 1978) =Some papers published in IZV 42(4,9,11), 43(1).
79RIGA(29.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Riga 1979) (29th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Riga, Latvia, 1979) Some papers published in Izvest. 43(5,10), 44(1,5).
75KIEV(3.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,9-13 Jun 1975) (3rd All Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 9-13 Jun 1975) =Proc. in 6 vols. as 'Nejtronnaja Fizika', =Moscow, 1976. Titles of papers and INIS keywords appeared in KIYAI-75-24 (in English).
78LUSHAN(3.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lushan,China,Aug.1978) (3rd Chinese Nuclear Physics Conf., Lushan, China, Aug 1978)
76CORSICA(3.Int.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Cargese,1976) (3rd Int. Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, Corsica, 19-26 May 1976) Proceedings published as CERN-76-13, July 1976.
78ALUSHTA(3.Int.School on Neutron Physics, Alushta 1978) (3rd Int. School on Neutron Physics, Alushta (The Crimea), USSR, 19-30 Apr 1978)
83MOSKVA(3.Meet.on Neutron Radiation Metrology,Moscow 1983) (3rd All-Union Meeting on Neutron Radiation Metrology at Reactors and Accelerators, Moscow, USSR, 1983)
73ROCH(3.Physics+Chemistry of Fission Symp., Rochester 1973) (3rd IAEA Symp. on the Physics and Chemistry of Fission, Rochester, N.Y., USA, 13-17 Aug 1973) =Proc. published by IAEA as STI/PUB/347 in 2 vols, =Vienna 1974.
73GAUSSIG(3.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1973) (3rd Int. Seminar on Interactions of Fast Neutrons with Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, 5-9 Nov 1973) ***Enter as ZFK-271, Feb.1974.
78BNL(3.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectr.,Brookhaven 1978) (3rd Int. Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., USA, 18 - 22 Sep 1978)
83TURKU(3.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1983) (3.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland, 13 - 16 June 1983)
80LENGRD(30.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1980) (30th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Leningrad, USSR, 18 - 21 Mar 1980) =Some papers published in IZV 44(5,11,12), 45(1,5)
81SAMAR(31.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Samarkand 1981) (31st Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Samarkand, USSR, 14-16 Apr 1981) =Selected papers publ. in IZV 45(5,10,11),46(1,5,11)
88BOMBAY(31.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 27 - 31 Dec.1988) (31st Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 27 - 31 Dec 1988)
82KIEV(32.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kiev 1982) (32nd All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Kiev, USSR, 16-18 Mar 1982) =Selected papers published in IZV 46(11) and 47(1,5,11)
89ALIGAR(32nd Nuclear Physics Symp., Aligarh, 26-30 Dec.1989)
83MOSCOW(33.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Moscow 1983) (33rd All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Moscow, USSR, 19-21 Apr 1983) =Selected papers published in IZV 47(11), 48(1,2,5)
84ALMAAT(34.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.A.Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1984) (34th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Alma-Ata, USSR, Apr 1984) =Selected papers published in IZV 48(5)
85LENING(35.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1985) (35th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Leningrad, USSR, Apr 1985)
92BOMBAY(35.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 21 - 24 Dec.1992) (35th Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, India, 21 - 24 Dec 1992)
86KHARKO(36.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1986) (36th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Kharkov, USSR, 15 - 18 Apr 1986) =Selected papers published in IZV 50(9), 51(1).
87JURMAL(37.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Jurmala 1987) (37th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Jurmala, USSR, 14-17 Apr 1987) =Selected papers published in IZV 51(11)
88BAKU(38.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct., Baku 1988) (38th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Baku, USSR, 12-14 Apr 1988) =Selected papers published in IZV 52(11), 53(1)
89TASHKE(39.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1989) (39th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Tashkent, USSR, 18-21 Apr 1989)
71KNOX(3rd Conf.Neutron Cross-Sections+Tech.,Knoxville 1971) (3rd Conf. on Neutron Cross Sections and Technology, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 15-17 Mar 1971) Proceedings publ as CONF-710301 in 2 volumes
77KIEV(4.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr 1977) (4th All Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 18-22 Apr 1977)
80LANZHO(4.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lanzhou,China,Oct.1980) (4th Chinese Nuclear Physics Conf., Lanzhou, China, Oct 1980)
72PARIS(4.Int.Reactor Shielding Conf., Paris 1972) (4th International Conf. on Reactor Shielding, Paris, France, 9-13 Oct 1972) by ENEA, French AEC, and IAEA.
75ZURICH(4.Int.Symp.on Polarization Phen.,Zuerich 1975) (4th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions, Zurich, Switz., 25-29 Aug 1975) Proc. published in Experientia, Suppl.25 (1976).
81GRENOB(4.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Grenoble 1981) (4th Int. Symp. on Neutron-Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Grenoble, France, 7 - 11 Sep 1981)
86TURKU(4.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1986) (4.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland, 28 - 31 May 1986)
81NEUHERBG(4.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry, Munich-Neuherberg 1981) (4th Symp. on Neutron Dosimetry, Munich-Neuherberg, Germany, 1-5 Jun 1981)
82WASH(4.Symp.on Radiation Dosimetry,Washington D.C. 1982) (4th ASTM-Euratom Symp. on Radiation Dosimetry, Washington, D.C., 22-26 Mar 1982)
90LENING(40.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1990) (40th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Leningrad, USSR, 10-13 Apr 1990) =Selected papers publ. in IZV 54 (5,9,11).
91MINSK(41.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Minsk 1991) (41th All-Union Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nucl. Structure, Minsk, 16-19 Apr 1991) =Selected papers publ. in IZV 55 (5), 56(1),(5),(11)
93DUBNS(43.Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Dubna 1993) (43.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, Dubna, Russia, April 1993) =Rel.papers published in IZV 58,no.1
98VOLOS(5. Nuclei in the Cosmos Conf., Volos, Greece, 1998) (5. Nuclei in the Cosmos Conference, Volos, Greece, 6-11 July 1998)
80KIEV(5.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,15-19 Sep 1980) (5th All Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 15-19 Sep 1980)
87ROSSEA(5.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Rosseau Lake 1987) (5th Int. Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability, Rosseau Lake, Ontario, 14-19 Sep 1987) =Publ. as AIP Conf. Proceeding 164, Amer. Inst. Phys., =N.Y., 1988
74GAUSSIG(5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1974) (5th Seminar on Interactions of Fast Neutrons with Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, 18-22 Nov 1974) See Wiss. Zeitschr. der Techn. Univ. Dresden 24,(6), 1975 pp. 1351-1380. ===Note: The WZD issue clearly says 'Fifth
75GAUSSIG(5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1975) (5th Int. Seminar on Interaction of Fast Neutrons with Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, Nov 1975) Some French contributions as CEA-CONF-reports
89TURKU(5.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1989) (5.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland, 30 May - 2 June 1989)
80SANTA(5.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980) (5th Int. Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 11-15 Aug 1980)
84GEESTH(5.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry,Geesthacht,1984) (5th ASTM-Euratom Symp. on Reactor Dosimetry, Geesthacht, FRG, 24-28 Sep 1984)
89WASH(50 Years Nucl.Fission Conf., Washington D.C., 1989) (50 Years with Nuclear Fission Conf., Washington, D.C., 25 - 28 Apr 1989) =Proceed. publ. by Amer. Nucl. Soc.
83KIEV(6.All-Union Conf.on Neutron Physics,Kiev,2-6 Oct.1983) (6th All-Union Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, 2-6 Oct 1983)
87LEUVEN(6.Conf.on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Leuven 1987) (6.Conf.on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Leuven, Belgium, 31 Aug. - 4 Sept. 1987) K.Abrahams and P. Van Assche
92TURKU(6.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1992) (6.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland, 1 - 4 June 1992)
84VENICE(6.Symp.Safeguards and Nucl.Mat.Managem.,Venice 1984) (6th Annual Symp. on Safeguards and Nucl.Material Management (ESARDA), Venice, Italy, 14-18 May 1984)
75DELHI(7.Conf.on Few-Body Problems,Delhi Dec.1975/Jan.1976) (7th Int.Conf.on Few-Body Problems in Nucl.and Particle Physics, Delhi, India, 29 Dec 1975 - 3 Jan 1976) Proceedings published by North-Holland.
75ZUERI(7.Int.Conf.on Cyclotrons,Zuerich 1975) (7th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Zurich, Switz., 19-22 Aug 1975) Proceedings published in Experientia, Suppl. 24 (1975).
70MARBG(7.Int.Conf.on Electrom.Isotope Separatn, Marburg 1970) (7th International Conf. on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and the Techniques of their Applications, Marburg, Germany, 7-10 Sep 1970)
90ASILOM(7.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Asilomar 1990) (7th Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 14 - 19 Oct 1990)
95TURKU(7.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1995) (7.Symp. on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland, 22 - 25 May 1995)
93FRIBOU(8.Int.Conf.Capture Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Fribourg 1993) (8.Int.Symp.on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Fribourg, Switzerland, 20 -24 Sept. 1993)
76NEUHER(9.Conf.Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Neuherberg 1976) (9th Int. Conf. on Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors, Neuherberg, Germany, 30 Sept.-6 Oct. 1976)
96BUDA(9.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spect., Budapest, 1996) (9.Int.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Budapest, 8 - 12 October 1996)
79GAUSSIG(9.Symp.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1979) (9th Symp. on Interactions of Fast Neutrons with Nuclei, Gaussig, DDR, 26 - 30 Nov 1979) CINDA-Code = 79GAUSSI *** Proceedings ZFK-410
76GARMIS(9th Symp. on Fusion Technology, Garmisch 1976) (9th Symp. on Fusion Technology, Garmisch, 14-18 Jun 1976) Proceedings publ. by Pergamon Press.
ABAGJAN(Abagjan Group Constants) (Gruppovye Konstanty dlja Rascheta Jadernykh Reaktorov, Atomizdat, Moskva, 1964. English translation: Group Constants for Nuclear Reactor Calculations, Consultants Bureau, New York, 1964) Note= The English version contains some r
65IAEA(Accident Dosimetry Symp., Vienna 1965) (IAEA Symp. on Personnel Dosimetry for Radiation Accidents, Vienna, 8-12 Mar 1965)
ACT(Actinide Elements) (The Actinide Elements, National Nuclear Energy Series, Div IV, Vol 14a 1954, McGraw Hill 1954) =Editors G.T. Seaborg and J.J. Katz.
BRUNE(Activation Analysis Handbook, D.Brune) (Activation Analysis Handbook, D.Brune, IAEA Technical Report 156, Vienna 1974, STI/DOC/10/156)
57ANS(American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York 1957) (American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York, N.Y., 28-31 October 1957)
ANCIPOV(Ancipov et al,Nucl.Data for Pu Isotopes,Minsk 1982) (G.V.Ancipov,V.A.Konshin,E.Sh.Sukhovickij, Yadernye Konstanty dlja Isotopov Plutoniya (Nuclear Data for Plutonium Isotopes), Minsk 1982, in Russian)
70LVEG(ANS Nucl.Expl.Symp.,Las Vegas 1970) (ANS Symp. on Engineering with Nuclear Explosives, Las Vegas, Nevada, 14-16 Jan 1970) 2 Volumes.
58BERKELEY(Application of Pulsed Neutron Source Techniques Symp.) (Symp. on the Application of Pulsed Neutron Source Techniques, Lawrence Radiation Lab, Berkeley, 4-5 Dec 1958) ***Published as UCRL-5665.
73PARIS(Applications of Nuclear Data Symp., Paris 1973) (Symp. on Applications of Nuclear Data in Science and Technology, Paris, France, 13-16 Mar 1973) Proc. published by IAEA as STI/PUB/343 in 2 volumes. Code of Preprints= IAEA-SM-170/...
GAMMAATLAS(Atlas of Gamma-Ray Spectra, Moskva 1978) (Atlas of Gamma-Ray Spectra from the Inelastic Scattering of Reactor Fast Neutrons, Moscow, Atomizdat 1978) = INDC(CCP)-120
BAARD(Baard et al.,Nuclear Data Guide,Kluwer Acad.Publ.1989) (J.H. Baard, W.L. Zijp, H.J. Nolthenius, Nuclear Data Guide for Reactor Neutron Metrology, Kluwer Academic Publishers for the CEC, 1989) =(see also 'Handbooks', page I.18 ff)
BELANOVA(Belanova et al.,Neutron Capt.Cross Sect.,Moscow 1986) (T.S.Belanova,A.V.Ignatjuk,A.B.Pashchenko,V.I.Pljaskin, Radiacionnyi Zakhvat Neitronov (Neutron Capture Cross Sections), A Handbook published by Energoatomizdat, Moskva, 1986, in Russian)
BYCHKOV(Bychkov et al,Cross Sect.f.Thresh.React.,Moskva 1982) (V.M.Bychkov, V.N.Manokhin, A.B.Pashchenko, V.I.Pljaski Cross-Sections for Neutron-Induced Threshold Reactions, Moskva, Energoizdat 1982, in Russian)
LEDERER-7(C.M.Lederer,Table of Isotopes,7th Ed.,1978) (C.M.Lederer,V.S.Shirley, ed., Table of Isotopes, 7th Ed., Wiley and Sons, 1978)
73KARLSR(Capture Cross-Sections Panel, Karlsruhe 1973) (Specialists' Panel on Capture Cross-Sections of the Structural Materials Ni, Fe, Cr, Karlsruhe, Germany, 8-9 May 1973)
66ARGONNE(Capture-Gamma Spectroscopy Conf, Argonne, 1966) (Conf. on Slow Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Argonne National Lab, 2-4 Nov 1966) *** To be entered as ANL-7282 (Nov 1968)
71CANT(Chemical Nucl. Data Conf.,Canterbury 1971) (Conf. on Chemical Nuclear Data, Measurements and Applications, Univ.of Kent at Canterbury, U.K., 20-22 Sep 1971)
69CHAND(Chemistry Symp., Chandigarh 1969) (Proceedings of the Chemistry Symp., Chandigarh, India, 23-26 Sep 1969) 2 volumes. Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy
70MADRAS(Chemistry Symp., ITT, Madras 1970) (Chemistry Symp., ITT, Madras, 25-28 Nov 1970) Vol.1= Phys.Chem.Methods in Structural Inorg.Chem. Vol.2= Radiation Technology and Applied Nuclear Chem.
69BOCHUM(Clustering Phenomena Conf., Bochum,Germany,1969) (International Conf. on Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei, Bochum, Germany, 21-24 Jul 1969) Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/232, Nov.1969
57COLUMBIA(Columbia Conf., New York 1957) (International Conf. on Neutron Interactions with Nuclei, Columbia University, New York, Sept 1957) *** proceedings publ as TID-7547.
72LOSANG(Conf. on Few-Particle Problems, Los Angeles 1972) (International Conf. on Few-Particle Problems in Nuclear Interaction, Los Angeles, Calif., 28 Aug - 1 Sep 1972) Proceedings published 1972 by North-Holland, Amsterdam, and Elsevier, New York.
56AMSTERDM(Conf. on Nuclear Reactions., Amsterdam 1956) (Int'l Conf. on Nucl. Reactions, Amsterdam,Netherlands, 2-7 July 1956) Proc. publ. in Physica 22 941-1196. *** Enter under journal-code PHY 22
86WASH(Conf.3-Body Force in 3-Nucleon Syst.,Washington D.C.)
98BELAIR(Conf.Exotic Nuclei & At.Masses, Bellaire, USA, 1998) (2.Int.Conf. on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Bellaire, MI, USA, 23 - 27 June 1998)
95ARLES(Conf.Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, 1995) (Int.Conf. on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, France, 19-23 June 1995)
75GOTHEN( Physics,Gothenburg,10-12 Jun 1975)
60LONDON(Conf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959) (Proceedings of the Int'l Conf.on Nucl.Forces and the Few-Nucleon Problem, London 1959) Published in 1960. *** Use 59London
59LONDON(Conf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959) (Proceedings of the Int'l Conf.on Nucl.Forces and the Few-Nucleon Problem. London 1959) published in 1960.
96MOSCOW(Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1996) (46.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, Moscow, Russia, 18 - 21 June 1996) =Selected papers publ. in IZV 60 (11)
98MOSCOW(Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1998) (48.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, Moscow, Russia, 16 - 19 June 1998)
97OBNIN(Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Obninsk 1997) (47.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, Obninsk, Russia, 10-13 June 1997) =Selected papers publ. in IZV 62 (5)
94PETRBG(Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1994) (Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, St.Petersburg, Russia, 17-20 May 1994)
95PETRBG(Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1995) (Int.Conf.on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nucl.Structure, St.Petersburg, Russia, 27-30 June 1995) Some papers published in IZV 60 (1), (5), (11), 1996
86DUBRO2(Conf.Nucl.Struct.,Reactions,Symmetries,Dubrovnik 1986) (Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 5-14 Jun 1986) World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1986
72SENDAI(Conf.Nucl.Structure Studies, Sendai, Japan, 1972) (Conf. on Nuclear Structure Studies Using Electron Scattering and Photoreactions, Sendai, Japan, 1972)
94DENTON(Conf.on Appl.of Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1994) (13.Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, USA, 7 - 10 Nov. 1994)
96DENTON(Conf.on Appl.of Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1996) (14.Int.Conf.on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, Texas, USA, 6 - 9 Nov. 1996)
63GATLNB(Conf.on Compound Nuclear States,Gatlinburg 1963) (Topical Conf. on Compound Nuclear States, Gatlinburg, TN, 10-12 Oct. 1963) Sponsored by Am. Phys. Soc.
78MAYAG(Conf.on Computers in Activ.Analysis,Mayaguez 1978) (ANS Topical Conf. on Computers in Activation Analysis and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 30 Apr - 4 May 1978)
72KIAMESHA(Conf.on Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1972) (Conf. on New Developments in Reactor Physics and Shielding, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., 12-15 Sep 1972) Published as CONF-720901 in 2 volumes.
77TENN(Conf.on Heavy Ion Collisions,Falls Creek,Tenn. 1977) (Topical Conf. on Heavy Ion Collisions, Falls Creek, Falls State Park, Tennessee, 13-17 Jun 1977)
72LANZH(Conf.on Low Energy Nucl.Phys.,Lanzhou,1972)
82SMOLEN(Conf.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1982) (Europhysics Topical Conf. on Neutron Induced Reactions Smolenice, 21-25 Jun 1982) =Proceedings published by Slovak Acad. of Sci. as ='Phys. and Applications', Vol.10
85JUELIC(Conf.on Neutron the Nineties,Juelich 1985) (Conf. on Neutron Scattering in the Nineties, Juelich, Germany, 14 - 18 Jan 1985)
84OHIO(Conf.on Neutron-Nucleus Collisions,Glouster 1984) (Conf. on Neutron-Nucleus Collisions - A Probe of Nuclear Structure, Glouster, Ohio, 5-8 Sep 1984) =AIP Conf.Proceedings No.124
79KNOX(Conf.on Nucl.Cross Sections F.Techn.,Knoxville 1979) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology, Knoxville, Tennessee, 22 - 26 Oct 1979) =Proceedings published as NBS-SP-594, Sep 1980. ==Use the code 79KNOX and not the NBS code.
75WASH(Conf.on Nucl.Cross-Sect.and Techn.,Washington 1975) (Conf. on Nuclear Cross Sections and Technology, Washington, D.C., 3-7 Mar 1975)
80BNL-2(Conf.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methods,Brookhaven 1980) (Conf. on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methods and Procedures, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., N.Y., 22-25 Sep 1980)
85SANTA(Conf.on Nucl.Data f.Basic a.Appl.Sci.,Santa Fe 1985) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, Santa Fe, N.M., 13-17 May 1985)
97TRIEST(Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Trieste 1997) (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, Italy, 19 - 24 May 1997)
94GATLIN(Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn.,Gatlinburg 1994) (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Gatlinburg, Tenn., USA, 9-13 May 1994)
82ANTWER(Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Antwerp 1982) (Int.Conf.on Nuclear Data For Science and Technology, Antwerp, Belgium, 6 - 10 Sep 1982) =Proc. publ. by D.Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland.
91JUELIC(Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Juelich 1991) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Juelich, Germany, 13 - 17 May 1991) CINDA index and list of NEANDC-312
88MITO(Conf.on Nucl.Data For Sci.and Technol.,Mito 1988) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data For Science and Technology, Mito, Japan, 30 May - 3 Jun 1988)
74SHANGH(Conf.on Nucl.Physics,Shanghai 1974)
76BAKU(Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Baku 1976) (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Baku, USSR, 3-6 Feb 1976) Some papers published in Izvest. 40(4), 1976.
66OXFORD(Conf.on Nucl.Struct.and Elem.Part.,Oxford 1966) (Conf.on Nuclear Structure and Elementary Particles, Oxford, 30 Mar - 1 Apr 1966)
74AMSTER(Conf.on Nucl.Struct.and Spectroscopy,Amsterdam 1974) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure and Spectroscopy, Amsterdam, 9-13 Sep 1974)
88BADHON(Conf.on Nucl.Struct.of the Zr Region,Bad Honnef 1988) (Int. Workshop on Nuclear Structure of the Zirconium Region, Bad Honnef, Germany, 24-28 Apr 1988)
96NOTRED(Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, 1996) (Conf. on Nuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, June 1996)
60BASEL(Conf.on Nucl.React.,Basel 1960) (Conf. of the Swiss Phys.Soc. on Polarization Phenomena in Nucl.Reactions, Basel, 4-8 July 1960) Published as suppl. to HPA 33, 1960.
69MONTRL(Conf.on Properties of Nuclear States,Montreal,1969) (Int. Conf. on Properties of Nuclear States, Montreal, Canada, 25-30 Aug 1969)
71ALBANY(Conf.on Statistical Properties of Nuclei,Albany,1971) (Int.Conf.on Statistical Properties of Nuclei, Albany, 23-27 Aug 1971) Published by Plenum Press, N.Y., 1972.
79RHODES(Conf.on Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei, Rhodes 1979) (Int. Conf. on the Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei, Rhodes, Greece, 1-4 May 1979)
96MITO(Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Mito, Japan 1996) (Int.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR 96), Mito, Japan, 16-20 September 1996)
84UPPSAL(Conf.on Transactinium Isotope Nucl.Data,Uppsala 1984) (Conf. on Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data, Uppsala, Sweden, 21-25 May 1984) =Proceedings published as IAEA-TECDOC-336, May 1985
64ATHENS(Crystal Diffraction of Nucl.Gamma Rays, Athens,1964) (Symp. on Crystal Diffraction of Nuclear Gamma Rays, Athens, Greece, 15-17 Jun 1964) Edited by F.Boehm. Published as TID-7705 = CONF-614
86BIRMIN(Delayed Neutr.Prop.Meeting, Birmingham 1986) (Specialists Meeting on Delayed Neutron Properties, Birmingham, U.K., 15-19 Sep 1986)
DEMIDOV(Demidov, Excited States of Nuclei, Alma Ata 1986) (A.M.Demidov et al., Issledovaniya Vozbuzhdennykh Sostoyaniy Yader - Investigation of the Excited States of Nuclei. Alma Ata, "Nauka" edition, 1986, in Russian)
DMITRIEV(Dmitriev,Yields of Radionuclides,Moskva 1986) (P.P.Dmitriev, Vykhod Radionuklidov V Reakcijakh S Protonami,Dejtronami, Al'Fa-Chasticami I Geliem-3 (Yields of Radionuclides from Reactions with Protons, Deuterons,Alphas and He-3), Energoatomizdat, Moskva 1
68DEBRECEN(Electron Capture in Nucl. Decays Conf.,Debrecen,1968) (Conf. on Electron Capture and Higher Order Processes in Nuclear Decays, Debrecen, Hungary, Jul 1968)
76CAEN(European Conf.on Nucl.Phys.with Heavy Ions,Caen 1976) (European Conf. on Nuclear Physics with Heavy Ions, Caen, France, 6 - 10 Sep 1976)
75HARWELL(Europhysics Conf.on Nucl.Interactions, Harwell 1975) (Europhysics Conf. on Nuclear Interactions at Medium and Low Energies, Harwell, U.K., 24-26 Mar 1975)
EXP(Experimental Nuclear Physics) (Experimental Nuclear Physics, Edited by E.Segre, Wiley, N.Y., 1959)
63ADAM(Expon. and Critical Expts.Symp., Amsterdam 1963) (Symp. on Exponential and Critical Experiments. Amsterdam, Netherlans, 2-3 Sep 1963) Published by IAEA in Vienna 1964.
66ANL(Fast Critical Experiments Conf., Argonne 1966) (International Conf. on Fast Critical Experiments and Their Analysis, Argonne, IL, 10-13 Oct 1966) *** Published as ANL-7320.
63HOUSTON(Fast Neutron Physics Conf., Houston 1963) (International Conf. on Fast Neutron Physics, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 26-28 Feb 1963) Proceedings published as 'Progress in Fast Neutron Physics' by Univ.of Chicago Press, 1963
PFN(Fast Neutron Physics Conf., Houston 1963) *** Use 63HOUSTON ***
FAST(Fast Neutron Physics) (Fast Neutron Physics, Marion and Fowler, Interscience, N.Y., 1960) =Russian translation Fizika Bystryh Neitronov Moskva =Cosatomizdat, 1963.
85CHIANG(Fast Neutrons in Sci.and Techn.Symp.,Chiang Mai 1985) (Int. Symp. on Fast Neutrons in Science and Technology, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 4 - 8 Feb 1985)
FRC(Fast Reactor Cross-Sections, Pergamon 1960) (S.Yiftah et al, Fast Reactor Cross-Sections, Int'l. Series of Monographs on Nuclear Energy, Pergamon Press 1960)
97SANIB(Fission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,1997) (Int.Conf.on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, 12-15 Nov. 1997)
CDFE/FIS(Fotojad.Dannye - Fission of Heavy Nuclei,Moscow 1983) (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - Fission of Heavy Nuclei, Moscow State Univ., 1983)
CDFE/XG(Fotojad.Dannye - Gamma,X Gamma'Reactions, Moscow 1985) (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - Gamma,X Gamma' Reactions, Moscow State Univ., 1985)
CDFE/LI2(Fotojad.Dannye - Photodisint.of Li,Suppl.,Moscow 1986) (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - Photodisintegration of Lithium, Supplement, Moscow State Univ.,1986)
CDFE/LI(Fotojad.Dannye - Photodisintegr.of Li, Moscow 1984) (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) - Photodisintegration of Lithium, Moscow State Univ., 1984)
CDFE/FIS2(Fotojad.Dannye-Photofission of U-235,238, Moscow 1987) (Fotojadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data), Photofission of Uranium 235,238, Moscow State Univ. 1987)
66TRIESTE(Fundamentals in Nuclear Theory Lectures, Trieste 1966) (Lectures on Fundamentals in Nuclear Theory, Trieste, Italy, Oct-Dec 1966) Published by IAEA in Vienna, Aug 1967.
NEUTRDIFFR(G.E.Bacon= Neutron Diffraction. 2nd ed, Oxford 1962) *** Schoolbook with no original work.
GRUEBLER(Gruebler,Reactions Induced by Deuterons, Zurich 1973) (Results of Measurements and Analyses of Nuclear Reactions Induced by Polarized and Unpolarized Deuterons, W.Gruebler,V.Koenig,P.A.Schmelzbach, Lab.F.Kernphysik, ETH Zurich, May 1973)
GUSEV(Gusev,Quant.Emiss.of Radionuclides,Moscow 1977) (N.G.Gusev,N.P.Dimitriev, Kvantovoe Izluchenie Radioaktivnykh Nuklidov. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1977) =In Russian
ANDERSEN(H.H.Andersen,H Stopping Powers and Ranges,Pergamon 77) (H.H.Andersen,J.F.Ziegler, Hydrogen Stopping Powers and Ranges in All Elements, Pergamon Press, 1977. Vol.3 of Stopping Powers and Ranges of Ions in Matter)
HB(Handbook of Spectroscopy, Crc Press, Florida, 1981) (Handbook of Spectroscopy, CRC Press, Florida, 1981, 3 vols.)
OKAMOTO(Handbook on Nucl.Activation Data, IAEA 1987) (Handbook on Nuclear Activation Data, IAEA Technical Report Series No.273, editor K.Okamoto, IAEA 1987)
87VIENNA(IAEA Meet.on Fusion Eval.Nucl.Data,Vienna,Nov.1987) (IAEA Specialists' Meeting on Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Related to the ITER-Activity, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 Nov 1987)
73BOLOGNA(IAEA Panel on Fission-Product Nuclear Data) (IAEA Panel on Fission-Product Nuclear Data, Bologna, Italy, 26-30 Nov 1973) =Published as IAEA-169 (1974) in 3 vols.
79JUELICH(IAEA Symp.on Phys.and Chem.of Fission,Juelich 1979) (IAEA Symp. on Physics and Chemistry of Fission, Juelich, Germany, 14 - 18 May 1979) =Proceedings published in 2 vols. as STI/PUB/526 by =IAEA (Jan.1980). Note = Not all papers included in proceedings,
64WIEN(In-Pile Dosimetry Panel, Vienna, 1964) (Panel on In-Pile Dosimetry, Vienna, July 1964) Published by IAEA as STI/DOC/10/46.
90BOMBAY(Indo-Japan Sem.on Thorium Utilization,Bombay 1990) (Indo-Japan Seminar on Thorium Utilization, Bombay, India, 10-13 Dec 1990)
89LENING(Int.Conf.50th Anniv.of Nucl.Fission, Leningrad 1989) (Int. Conf. 50th Anniversary of Nuclear Fission, Leningrad, USSR, 16 - 20 Oct 1989)
86BEIJIN(Int.Conf.Nucl.Radiochemistry, Beijing, 1-5 Sept.1986)
92ALMAAT(Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1992) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Alma-Ata, Kazachstan, 21-24 Apr 1992) =Selected papers publ. in IZV 56 (11), 57 (1),(5),(6)
80BERKELEY(Int.Conf.Nuclear Physics, Berkeley,California,1980) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Berkeley, California, 24 - 30 Aug 1980) Abstracts see rept. LBL-11118
89BERLIN(Int.Conf.on 50 Years Nucl.Fiss., Berlin 1989) (Int. Conf. on 50 Years Research in Nuclear Fission, Berlin, Germany, 3 - 7 Apr 1989) =Proceedings published in NP/A 502 (Oct.1989).
86DUBROV(Int.Conf.on Fast Neutr.Phys.,Dubrovnik,26-31 May 1986) (Int. Conf. on Fast Neutron Physics, Dubrovnik, 26-31 May 1986) =Proceedings publ. by Ruder Boskovic Inst.,Zagreb. =Some copies were distributed as INDC(YUG)-10.
78GRAZ(Int.Conf.on Few Body Syst.and Nucl.Forces,Graz 1978) (Int. Conf. on Few Body Systems and Nuclear Forces, Graz, Austria, 24-30 Aug 1978) =Proceedings published by Springer Verlag.
76LOWELL(Int.Conf.on Interact.of Neutr.with Nuclei,Lowell 1976) (Int. Conf. on Interactions of Neutrons with Nuclei, Lowell, Mass., 6-9 Jul 1976)
78HARWELL(Int.Conf.on Neutr.Phys.and Nucl.Data,Harwell 1978) (Int. Conf. on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data for Reactors and Other Applied Purposes, AERE Harwell, U.K., 25 - 29 Sep 1978)
66GATLNBG(Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, 1966) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, TN, 12-17 Sep. 1966)
73MUNICH(Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics,Munich 1973) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Physics, Munich, Germany, 27 Aug - 1 Sep 1973) Proc. in 2 Vols by North-Holland/Elsevier, 1973. Vol.1 = Contributed Papers, Vol.2 = Invited Papers
77TOKYO(Int.Conf.on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 5-10 Sep 1977) (Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 5-10 Sep 1977)
73PACIFI(Int.Conf.on Photonucl.Reactions,Pacific Grove 1973) (Int. Conf. on Photonuclear Reactions and Applications, Pacific Grove, Calif., 26-30 Mar 1973) Published in 2 vols. as CONF-730301.
74NASH(Int.Conf.on React.Betw.Complex Nuclei,Nashville 1974) (Int. Conf. on Reactions Between Complex Nuclei, Nashville, Tennessee, 10-14 Jun 1974)
90MARSEI(Int.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Marseille 1990) (Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors: Operation, Design and Computation. Marseille, 23-27 Apr 1990) Proc. published in 4 vols: 1-2 oral sessions, 3-4 poster sessions.
73TRIEST(Int.Extend.Sem.on Nucl.Physics,Trieste 1973) (Heavy-Ion, High Spin States, and Nuclear Structure International Extended Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Trieste, 17 Sep - 21 Dec 1973)
86HARROG(Int.Nucl.Phys.Conf., Harrogate,U.K.,25-30 Aug.1986) (Int. Nuclear Physics Conf., Harrogate, U.K., 25-30 Aug 1986) =Proceedings published by the Inst.of Physics. as =Inst.of Physics Conf.Series No.86, =Vol.1 = Contributed Papers (1 page each), =Vol.2 = In
88JACKHO(Int.Reactor Phys.Conf.,Jackson Hole,18-22 Sep.1988) (Int. Reactor Phys.Conf., Jackson Hole, USA, 18-22 Sep 1988) =Proceedings see ASTM-STP-1001
84FUJI(Int.Symp.on Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics,Fuji 1984) (Int.Symp. on Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics, Fuji,27-31 Aug 1984) Proceedings in J.Phys.Soc.Japan, Suppl.,54, 1985.
84DEBREC(Int.Symp.on In-Beam Nucl.Spectroscopy, Debrecen 1984) (Int. Symp.on In-Beam Nuclear Spectroscopy, Debrecen, Hungary, 14-18 May 1984) =Proc. published by Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1984
74SMOLEN(Int.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1974) (Int. Symp. on Neutron Induced Reactions, Smolenice, 2-6 Sep 1974) =Proceedings publ in ASL 25(2/3) 1975
92BNL(Int.Symp.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methodology, BNL, Oct.1992) (Int. Symp. on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methodology, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 12-16 Oct 1992) =Proceedings publ. by World Scientific, Singapore
74CALCUT(Int.Symp.on Radiation Physics, Calcutta 1974) (Int. Symp. on Radiation Physics, Calcutta, India, 30 Nov-4 Dec 1974) =Proceed. published by Nat. Bureau =of Standards, USA, as NBS-SP-461, Jan 1977.
56KIEV(Kiev Conf., Kiev 1956)
KONSHIN(Konshin,Eval.of Nucl.Data for Pu-242,Minsk 1979) (Otsenka Yadernych Dannych dlja Pu-242 v Oblasti Energii Neitronov 10**E-5 eV - 15 MeV (Evaluation of nuclear data for Pu-242 in the 10**E-5 eV - 15 MeV neutron energy region), V. Konshin, et al., editor:
LANDOLT(Landolt-Boernstein,New Series,Springer 1973) (Landolt-Boernstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, New Series, ed. by K.H.Hellwege, Springer Verlag, 1973) Group I, Vol.5, part B, page 7 is coded (B,LANDOLT,I/5B,7,73)
LAPENAS(Lapenas,Neutron Activ.,Riga 1975) (Izmerenie Spektrov Nejtronov Aktivacionnym Metodom, Zinatne (Neutron Spectra Measurements by Activation Techniques), Riga, USSR, 1975, in Russian)
LEVKOVSKIJ(Levkovskij,Act.Cs.By Protons and Alphas,Moscow 1991) (V.N.Levkovskij, Sechenija Aktivacii Nuklidov Srednej Massi(A=40-100) Protonami I Alfa Chasticami Srednikh Energij (E=10-50 Mev) (Activation Cross Sections for Medium Mass Nuclei (A=40-100) by Medium E
66LYON(Light Nuclei Colloquium, Lyon, 1966) (Light Nuclei Colloquium, Lyon, France, 26-28 Jan.1966) Colloque sur les Noyaux Legers
67BRELA(Light Nuclei Symp., Brela 1967) (Symp. on Light Nuclei, Few Body Problems and Nuclear Forces, Brela, Yugoslavia, 26 Jun - 5 Jul 1967)
62WIEN(Light Water Lattices Panel, Vienna 1962) (Panel on Light Water Lattices. Vienna, Austria, May- Jun 1962) Published by IAEA in Vienna Nov 1962.
59CALCUTTA(Low Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Calcutta 1959) (Symp. on Low Energy Nuclear Physics. Calcutta, 19-21 Feb. 1959)
60WALTAIR(Low Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Waltair 1960) (Symp. on Low Energy Nuclear Physics, Waltair, India, 24-26 Feb 1960)
REAC(Maruk,Theory and Meth.of Nucl.Reactor Calc.,1964) (Theory and Methods of Nucl.Reactor Calculations, Consultants Bureau, New York 1964) Translated from Russian from collection of articles G.I.Marchuk, Moscow 1962. Orig.=Teoriya I Metody Rascheta Ya
94BOLOGN(Meas.,Calc.and Eval.of Photon Prod.Data,Bologna 1994) (Specialists' Meeting on Measurement, Calculation and Evaluation of Photon Production Data, Bolgna, Italy, 9 - 11 November 1994)
66ROME(Measurements in Power Reactors Sem., Rome 1966) (ENEA Seminar on Physics Measurements in Operating Power Reactors, Rome, Italy, 9-13 May 1966)
76ANL(Meet.Fast Neutr.Cross Sect.of U and Pu,Argonne 1976) (Meeting on Fast Neutron Cross Sections of U-233,235,238 and Pu-239, Argonne, USA, 28-30 Jun 1976) Some papers published in CONF-7606-47.
79BOLOGN(Meet.Neutr.Cross Sect.of Fiss.Prod.Nucl.,Bologna 1979) (Specialists' Meeting on Neutron Cross Sections of Fission Product Nuclei, Bologna, Italy, 12-14 Dec 1979) =Published as rept. RIT/FIS-LDN(80)1 = NEANDC(E)209
78BNL-2(Meet.Nucl.Data Higher Pu and Am Isot.,Brookhaven 1978) (Meeting on Nuclear Data of Higher Pu and Am Isotopes for Reactor Applications, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., USA, 20 - 21 Nov.1978) *** proceedings published in BNL-50991
82KIAMES(Meet.on Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1982) (Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Core Thermal Hydraulics, Kiamesha Lake, New York, 22-24 Sep 1982) NUREG/CP-0034,Vol.1,2
79GEEL(Meet.on Neutr.Cross Sect.For Struct.Mat.,Geel 1979) (Topical Meeting on Neutron Cross Sections for Structural Materials, Geel, Belgium, 26 Sep 1979) Held during NEANDC meeting
77GEEL(Meet.on Neutr.Data of Struct.Mat.,Geel 1977) (Specialist's Meeting on Neutron Data of Structural Materials for Fast Reactors, CBNM, Geel, 5-8 Dec 1977)
78HEIDLB(Meet.on Nucl.and High Energy Physics,Heidelberg 1978) (Meeting on Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Heidelberg, Germany, 13 - 18 Mar 1978) Published in Verh.Dtsch.Phys.Ges. 4/1978.
80KOPPENN(Meet.Technol.Contr.Nucl.Fusion,King of Prussia 1980) (Meeting on Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, King of Prussia, Penn., USA, 14 - 17 Oct 1980)
77BNL-2(Meeting on Accelerator Breeding,Brookhaven 1977) (Information Meeting on Accelerator Breeding, Brookhaven Nat.Lab., New York, 18-19 Jan 1977)
73TOKAI(Meeting on Fast Reactor Physics, Tokai 1973) (AESJ 1973 Topical Meeting on Fast Reactor Physics, Tokai, Japan, 11-12 Jun 1973)
77PARIS(Meeting on Natural Fission Reactors,Paris 1977) (Meeting of the Technical Committee on Natural Fission Reactors, Paris, France, 19-21 Dec 1977) Proc.published by IAEA, Vienna, as STI/PUB/475 (1978).
79GHENT(Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Ghent, 26-30 Mar 1979) (Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Ghent, Belgium, 26-30 Mar 1979) Published in Verh.Dtsch.Phys.Ges. 3/1979
80MUNICH(Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Munich, 17-22 Mar 1980) (Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Munich, Germany, 17-22 Mar 1980) =Published in Verh.Dtsch.Phys.Ges. 3/1980
NEA-DISCR(NEA Discrepancy File 1983) (Nuclear Discrepancies 1983, the NEANDC-INDC Joint Discrepancy File, OECD-NEA, 1984)
NEJTRONFIZ(Neitronnaya Fizika, Moskva 1961) (Neitronnaya Fizika, P.Krupcickiy, Moscow Gosatomizdat 1961) =English translation as 'Soviet Progress in Neutron =Physics' by Consultants Bureau, New York, USA =see: SPN
69STUDSVIK(Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy,Studsvik,1969) (International Symp. on Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Studsvik, Sweden, 11-15 Aug 1969) Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/235.
NEUT(Neutron Cross Sections,Vol.1,Part A, Res.Par., 1981) (Mughabghab, et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.1, Res.Par. + Thermal Cross Sections, Part A, Academic Press, 1981)
NEUT(Neutron Cross Sections,Vol.1,Part B, Res.Par., 1984) (Mughabghab et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.1, Res.Par. + Thermal Cross Sections, Part B, Academic Press, 1981)
NEUT(Neutron Cross Sections,Vol.2, Curves, 1984) (McLane, et al., Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.2, Curves, Academic Press, 1984)
66WASH(Neutron Cross-Section Techn. Conf., Washington 1966) (Conf. on Neutron Cross-Section and Technology, Washington, D.C., 22-24 Mar 1966) Published as AEC Report CONF-660303.
67BRXL(Neutron Cross-Sections Standards Panel, Brussels 1967) (IAEA Panel on Nuclear Standards Needed for Neutron Cross-Section Measurements, Brussels, Belgium, 8-12 May 1967) Published in Vienna as IAEA-107. *** Use IAEA-107
62HARWELL(Neutron Dosimetry Symp., Harwell 1962) (Symp. on Neutron Dosimetry. Harwell, UK, Dec 1962) =Published by IAEA in Vienna, May 1963.
63OXFORD(Neutron Flux Detection Symp., Oxford 1963) (AWRE Symp. on Absolute Neutron Flux Detection from 1-100 keV, Oxford, U.K., Sep 1963) *** Published as EANDC-33U
64BOMBAY(Neutron Inelastic Scatt.Symp., Bombay 1964) (IAEA Symp. on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, Bombay, India, 15-19 Dec 1964)
62CHALKR(Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Chalk River 1962) (Symp. on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Liquids and Solids, Chalk River, Canada, 10-14 Sep 1962)
68COPENHGN(Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Copenhagen 1968) (Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-25 May 1968)
72GRENOBLE(Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Grenoble 1972) (IAEA Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Grenoble, France, 6-10 Mar 1972) Proceedings publ. by IAEA Vienna 1972 as STI/PUB/308. Code of Preprints= IAEA-SM-155/...
60WIEN(Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Vienna 1960) (IAEA Symp. on Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, Vienna, 11-14 Oct 1960)
64DUBNA(Neutron Interactions Conf., Dubna 1964) (Conf. on Interactions of Neutrons With Nuclei, Dubna, USSR, Jun 1964) *** Published as JINR-1845
71MOCKBA(Neutron Metrology Conf, Moskva 1971) (Conf. on Metrology of Neutron Radiation at Reactors and Accelerators, Moscow, USSR, 18-22 Oct 1971)
67JUELICH(Neutron Physics at Reactors Conf., Juelich 1967) (Neutron Physics at Research Reactors, Juelich,Germany, 25-28 Apr 1967)
63KRLSRH(Neutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe 1963) (Neutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe, Germany, 8-10 Oct 1963)
71KIEV(Neutron Physics Conf., Kiev 1971) (Conf. on Neutron Physics, Kiev, USSR, 24-28 May 1971) =Proceedings published as 'Nejtronnaja Fizika' in =two volumes, Kiev 1972.
61RPI(Neutron Physics Symp., Rensselaer Polytech 1961) (Symp. on Neutron Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, May 1961) Edited by M.L.Yeater as -Neutron Physics-.
81ANL(Neutron Scattering Conf.,Argonne Nat.Lab. 1981) (Neutron Scattering Conf., Argonne Nat.Lab., USA, 12-14 Aug 1981) =Published as AIP-89, Neutron Scattering - 1981, =American Inst. of Physics, New York 1982.
62BNL(Neutron Thermalization Conf., Brookhaven 1962) (Conf. on Neutron Thermalization, Brookhaven, 30 Apr - 2 May 1962) *** Published as BNL-719.
67ANNARB(Neutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967) (IAEA Symp. on Neutron Thermalization and Reactor Spectra, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 17-21 July 1967) Proceedings published in 2 Vols. by IAEA, Vienna, 1968 as STI/PUB/160. Preprint-Code = SM-96/..
67MCHG(Neutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967) ***Code has been changed to 67ANNARB
61BRUSSELS(Neutron Time-of-Flight Colloquium, Brussels 1961) (Colloquium on Neutron Time-of-Flight Methods, Brussels 1961) ===Note: Existance of this reference in CINDA could not be verified.
NIKOLAEV(Nikolaev,Anisotr.of Elast.Scatt.Neutr.,Moskva 1972) (M.N.Nikolaev,N.O.Bazazjanc, Anizotropija Uprugogo Rassejanija Nejtronov (Anisotropy of Elastically Scattered Neutrons), Moskva, Atomizdat 1972) =In Russian. English transl. as 'Anisotropy of Elastic =S
NIKOL84(Nikolaev, Neutr.Transp.,Moskva 1984) (M.N.Nikolaev,B.G.Rjazanov,M.M.Savoskin,A.M.Cibulja, Mnogo-Gruppovoje Priblizhenije V Teorii Perenosa Nejtronov (Multigroup Approximation in Neutron Transport Theory), Energoatomizdat, Moskva, 1984, i
NB(Noble Gas Compounds, Chicago Press 1963) (Noble Gas Compounds, H.H.Hyman, Ed., Chicago Press 1963)
68BOMBAY(Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1968) (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, Bombay, India, 28-31 Dec 1968) Note= Earlier code used was 68PNS
67KANPUR(Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Kanpur 1967) (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, Kanpur, India, 28 Feb - 3 Mar 1967)
68MADRAS(Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras 1968) (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, Madras, India, 27 Feb - 1 Mar 1968) Vol.1 = Nuclear Physics Vol.2 = Solid State Physics Note: The volume number is not printed on the cover but must be g
70MADURAI(Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madurai 1970) (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Madurai, India, 27-30 Dec 1970) =Vol.1 = Invited Talks, Vol.2 = Nuclear Physics, =Vol.3 = Solid State Physics
69ROORKEE(Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Roorkee 1969) (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp.,Roorkee, India, 28-31 Dec 1969) 3 volumes. Vol.1 = Invited Talks, Vol.2 = Nuclear Physics, Vol.3 = Solid State Physics
58PARIS(Nucl. Phys. Congress, Paris 1958) (International Congress on Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Interactions at Low Energies and Nuclear Structure, Paris, France, 7-12 Jul. 1958)
62PADUA(Nucl. Reaction Mechanisms Conf., Padua 1962) (Conf. on Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Padua, Italy, 3-8 Sept 1962)
66ROSSDF(Nucl. Reactions and Structure Conf., Rossendorf 1966) (Conf. on Nuclear Reactions with Light Nuclei and Nuclear Structure, Rossendorf, Germany, 10-15 Jan 1966) *** Published as ZFK-122.
67KHARKOV(Nucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Kharkov 1967) (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Kharkov, USSR, Jan-Feb 1967)
68RIGA(Nucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Riga 1968) (18th Annual Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Riga, USSR, Jan-Feb 1968)
63BOMBAY(Nucl.and Sol.State Physics Symp., Bombay 1963) (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, Bombay, India, 27 Feb - 2 Mar 1963)
80WALTAI(Nucl.Chem.and Radiochem.Symp.,Waltair,India 1980) (Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Symp., Andhra Univ., Waltair, India, 25 - 28 Feb 1980)
98SEYSS(Nucl.Fiss.&Fiss.-Prod.Spectr.,Seyssins,France, 1998) (2.Int.Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy, Seyssins, France, 22-25 April 1998)
67COLLEG(Nucl.Phys.Res. w.Low Energy Accel., U.Maryland 1967) (Conf. on Nuclear Physics Research with Low Energy Accelerators, Univ.Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, June 1967)
63ANL(Nucl.Physics with Reactor Neutrons Conf.,Argonne 1963) (International Conf. on Nuclear Physics with Reactor Neutrons, Argonne, 15-17 Oct 1963) *** Published as ANL-6797.
NRLMEN(Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies,Moscow 1958) (Yadernye Reakcii Pri Nizkikh I Srednikh Energijakh (Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies), Moscow 1958, in Russian)
NRLME(Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies,Moscow 1962) (Jadernye Reakcii Pri Nizkikh I Srednikh Energijakh (Nucl.Reactions at Low and Middle Energies), Moscow 1962, in Russian)
86TEL-AV(Nucl.Soc.of Israel Meeting,Tel Aviv,17-18 Feb.1986) (Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Societies of Israel, Tel Aviv, 17-18 Feb 1986) =Transactions Vol.13.
70LENING(Nucl.Spectroscopy Conf.,Leningrad 1970) (20th Annual Conf. on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure Leningrad, USSR, 28 Jan-5 Feb 1970) Some papers published in Izvest. 34 Nr.4 - 35 Nr.1
72BUD(Nucl.Structure Conf.,Budapest 1972) (Conf. on Nuclear Structure and Study with Neutrons, Budapest, Hungary, 31 Jul - 5 Aug 1972)
72ALUSHTA(Nucl.Structure Lectures, Alushta 1972) (International School on Nuclear Structure, Alushta, 13-28 Apr 1972) Organized by JINR Dubna. Lectures publ. May 1972 as JINR-D-6465 *** Use JINR-D-6465
65CALCUTTA(Nuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Calcutta 1965) (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Calcutta, India, 8-13 Feb 1965) 2 Volumes: Vol.1 = Solid State Physics, 8-9 Feb Vol.2 = Nuclear Physics, 11-13 Feb ===Note: The Volume number is not print
64CHANDGRH(Nuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Chandigarh 1964) (Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symp., Chandigarh, India, 24-28 Feb 1964)
66BOMBAY(Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1966) (Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics, Bombay, India, 21-25 Feb 1966)
68WASH(Nuclear Cross-Sections Techn. Conf., Washington 1968) (2nd Conf. on Nuclear Cross-Sections and Technology Washington, D.C., 4-7 Mar 1968) Published as NBS Special Publication 299
68DUBNA(Nuclear Data for Computations Sem., Dubna 1968) (UK-USSR Seminar on Nuclear Data for Reactor Computations, Dubna, USSR, Jun 1968)
66PARIS(Nuclear Data For Reactors Conf., Paris 1966) (IAEA Conf. on Nuclear Data for Reactors, Paris, France, 17 - 21 Oct 1966) Published by IAEA in Vienna, 1967, as STI/PUB/140.
89BRAUNS(Nuclear Decay Data Symp., Braunschweig 1989) (Int. Comm. f. Radionuclide Metrology Symp.on Nuclear Decay Data: Spectrometric Methods, Measurements and Evaluations, Braunschweig, 6-8 Jun 1989) =Proceedings NIM/A 286 No.3 (Jan.1990).
67BORDEAUX(Nuclear Physics Colloquium, Bordeaux 1967) (Colloque de Physique Nucleaire Noyeaux Moyens et Noyeaux Lourds, French Physical Society, Bordeaux, France, 22-24 Mar 1967)
63MANCHST(Nuclear Physics Conf., Manchester 1963) (Conf. on Low and Medium Energy Nuclear Physics, Manchester, U.K., Sep 1963)
64PARIS(Nuclear Physics Congress, Paris 1964) (Congres International de Physique Nucleaire, Paris, 2-8 Jul 1964)
61BOMBAY(Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1961) (Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, Feb 1961)
62MADRAS(Nuclear Physics Symp., Madras 1962) (Nuclear Physics Symp., Madras, India, 28 Feb - 2 Mar 1962)
73PETTEN(Nuclear Physics Symp., Petten 1973) (Tripartite Symp. on Nuclear Physics with Thermal and Resonance-Energy Neutrons, Petten, Netherlands, 22-25 May 1973)
69RIO(Nuclear Physics Symp., Rio de Janeiro 1969) (Nuclear Physics Symp., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jan 1969)
66DUBNA(Nuclear Pulsed Systems Panel, Dubna 1966) (Panel on Research and Applications of Nuclear Pulsed Systems, Dubna, USSR, July 1966) Published by IAEA in Vienna, July 1967.
55ANS(Nuclear Sci.and Engineering Congress, Cleveland 1955) (Nuclear Science and Engineering Congress, Cleveland, 12-16 December 1955)
69EREVAN(Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Erevan 1969) (19th Annual Conf. on Nucl.Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure Erevan, USSR, 27 Jan-4 Feb 1969) Some papers published in Izvest. 33 Nr.4 - 34 Nr.1.
65MINSK(Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Minsk 1965) (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Minsk, USSR, Jan 1965) *** Published in Izvest., Vols. 29-30 1965-1966.
66MOSCOW(Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1966) (Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, USSR, 1966) Partly published in Izvest. Vols. 30-31.
71MOSCOW(Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1971) (22nd Conf. on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1971) Some papers published in Izvest.
67KRAKOW(Nuclear Spectroscopy Sem., Krakow 1967) (Seminar on Nucl. Spectroscopy, Krakow, Poland, May 1967) Program and Abstracts published as INP-543
65ANTWERP(Nuclear Structure Conf., Antwerp 1965) (International Conf. on the Study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Antwerp, Belgium, 19-23 Jul 1965) =Proceedings give for some papers abstract only. =For full papers see EANDC-50, for technical minutes =see EAND
60KINGSTON(Nuclear Structure Conf., Kingston 1960) (United Nations Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Kingston, Canada, 29 Aug - 3 Sep 1960)
67TOKYO(Nuclear Structure Conf., Tokyo 1967) (International Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, Japan, 7-13 Sept 1967) Published as a supplement to J.Phys.Soc.Jap. 24, 1968 ***To be coded as 67TOKYO, not as JPJ
68JINR(Nuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968) (IAEA Panel on the Future of Nuclear Structure Studies, Dubna, USSR, 1-3 Jul 1968) Published by IAEA, Vienna, July 1969 as STI/PUB/200.
68DUBPA(Nuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968) ***Use 68JINR
85CHICAG(Nuclei Off Line of Stability Symp.,Chicago,1985) (Nuclei Off the Line of Stability Symp. (190th American Chem. Society Meeting), Chicago, USA, 8-13 Sep 1985) =Published as ACS Symp. Series 324-ACS, Washington D.C. =1986.
67GNSVLLE(Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction Conf., Gainsville 1967) (Conf. on Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Gainsville, Florida, 23-25 Mar 1967) =Published in Rev. Mod. Phys. 39 (3), July 1967.
67VIENNA(Panel on Delayed Fission Neutrons, Vienna 1967) (Panel on Delayed Fission Neutrons, Vienna, 24-27 Apr 1967) Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, Jun 1968.
67WIEN(Panel on Fuel Burn-Up Predictions,Vienna 1967) (Panel on Fuel Burn-Up Predictions in Thermal Reactors, Vienna, 10-14 Apr 1967) Proceedings published by IAEA Jan. 1968.
59VIENNA(Panel on Heavy Water Lattices, Vienna 1959) (IAEA Panel on Heavy Water Lattices, Vienna, Sep 1959) =Published by IAEA, Vienna, as STI/PUB/17(1960).
72VIENNA(Panel on Neutron Standard Reference Data,Vienna,1972) (IAEA Panel on Neutron Standard Reference Data, Vienna, Nov 1972) Proceedings Vienna 1974 as STI/PUB/371.
62MEXICO(Peaceful Appl.of Nucl.En.Symp., Mexico City 1962) (4th Inter-American Symp. on the Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Energy, Mexico City, Mexico, 9-13 Apr 1962)
59TASHKENT(Peaceful Uses of At. En. Conf., Tashkent 1959) (Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Tashkent, USSR, 28 Sep - 3 Oct 1959)
69KINSHASA(Peaceful Uses of At.Energy in Africa,Kinshasa,1969) (Symp. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Africa, Kinshasa, Congo, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1969) Organised by OAU, IAEA and Congo AEC. Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/233.
PERFILOV(Perfilov, High En.Part.,USSR 1962) (N.A.Perfilov, et al., Yadernye Reakcii Pod Dejstviem Chastic Vysokikh Energii (Nuclear Reactions Induced by High Energy Particles), Acad.Sci.USSR, Izdatel'Stvo AN SSSR, Moskva/Leningrad 1962, i
65SALZBURG(Physics and Chemistry of Fission Conf., Salzburg 1965) (IAEA Conf. on the Physics and Chemistry of Fission Salzburg, Austria, 22-26 Mar 1965) Preprint Code = SM-60/... =Proceedings published by =IAEA, Vienna, July 1965 as STI/PUB/101.
69VIENNA(Physics and Chemistry of Fission Symp., Vienna 1969) (Second IAEA Symp. on the Physics and Chemistry of Fission, Vienna, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1969)
59ANL(Physics of Breeding Conf) *** proceedings publ as ANL-6122
69LONDON(Physics of Fast Reac.Oper.+ Design,Conf.,London 1969) (International Conf. on Physics of Fast Reactor Operation and Design, London, U.K., 24-26 Jun 1969)
74DACCA(Physics Symp., Dhaka,18-21 Nov.1974) (Physics Symp., Dhaka, Bangladesh, 18-21 Nov 1974) Nucl.Sci.Appl./B, Suppl.1, Apr 1977)
PH-DAT(Physik Daten/Physics Data,Series,Karlsruhe) (Physik Daten (Physics Data). Compilation Series Published by Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe)
60VIENNA(Pile Neutron Research Symp., Vienna 1960) (IAEA Symp. on Pile Neutron Research in Physics, Vienna, 17-21 Oct 1960)
70SFE(Plutonium 1970 Symp. Santa Fe 1970) (Symp. on Plutonium '1970' and Other Actinides, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Oct 1970)
64VIENNA(Plutonium for Power Production Panel, Vienna, 1964) (Panel on Use of Plutonium for Power Production, Vienna, 7-11 Dec. 1964) Published by IAEA as STI/DOC/10/49.
70MADISON(Polarization Phenomena Conf., Madison 1970) (International Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclear Reactions, Madison, Wisconsin, 31 Aug - 4 Sep 1970)
65KFK(Polarization Symp., Karlsruhe 1965) (International Symp. on Polarization Phenomena in Nuclei, Karlsruhe, 6-10 Sep 1965)
67LUBLIN(Polish Physics Congress, Lublin 1967) (20th Polish Physics Congress, Lublin, Poland, 1967)
PNS(Proc. Nucl.and Solid State Phys. Symp., India) *** previously used for the annual Indian symposia, has been replaced by the usual Conf. codes 63BOMBAY, 64CHANDGRH, etc.
61WIEN(Programming and Utiliz.of Res.Reactors Symp.Wien,1961) (IAEA Symp. on the Programming and Utilization of Research Reactors, Vienna, Oct. 1961) Published 1962.
PR(Progress in Nucl.Energy) (Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series 1,Physics and Maths Hughes,Sanders and Horowitz, 1958) Use for issues published 1956-1959. Started as journal PNE in 1977 with vol.1.
PROKOFJEV(Prokofjev,Therm.Neutr.Capt.for A=143-193,Riga 1973) (P.Prokofjev, et al., Spectra of Electromagnetic Transitions and Level Schemes Following Thermal Neutron Capture by Nuclides with A=143-193. Riga, Publ.House Zinatne, 1973, Latvija, USSR. In Russian an
71VIENNA(Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra Meeting, Vienna 1971) (IAEA Consultants' Meeting on Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra, Vienna, Austria, 25-27 Aug 1971) Published as STI/PUB/329 by IAEA, 1972
65KRLSRH(Pulsed Neutron Symp., Karlsruhe 1965) (IAEA Symp. on Pulsed Neutron Research, Karlsruhe, 10-14 May 1965) Preprint Code = SM-62/... Proceedings IAEA, Vienna, Aug.1965 as STI/PUB/104.
60SVIENNA(Radiation Dosimetry Symp., Vienna, 1960) (Symp. on Selected Topics in Radiation Dosimetry, Vienna, Jun 1960) Published by IAEA as STI/PUB/25.
62LOSANG(Radiation Effects Symp., Los Angeles 1962) (ASTM Symp. on Radiation Effects on Metals and Neutron Dosimetry, Los Angeles, CA, 2-3 Oct 1962) American Society For Testing and Materials. ASTM Special Technical Publ. Nr.341, Baltimore, 1963.
66BERKELEY(Radiation Measurements Conf., Berkeley 1966) (CEGB Conf. on Radiation Measurements in Nuclear Power, Berkeley, UK, 12-16 Sept 1966)
RCS(Radiochemical Studies, Fission Products, USA, 1951) (Radiochemical Studies: The Fission Products, App.B, National Nuclear Energy Series, Division IV - Plutonium Record Project, Vol. 9, Books 1,2,3, McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1951.)
57PARIS(Radioisotopes in Scient.Res., UNESCO, Paris 1957) (UNESCO Conf. on Radioisotopes in Scientific Research, Paris 9-20 Sep 1957) Edited by Extermann and published in 4 volumes by Pergamon Press in 1958.
RISR(Radioisotopes in Scient.Res., UNESCO, Paris 1957) *** use 57PARIS
66SDIEGO(Reactor Physics Conf., San Diego 1966) (ANS Conf. on Reactor Physics in the Resonance and Thermal Region, San Diego, CA, 7-9 Feb 1966)
61VIENNA(Reactor Physics Sem., Vienna 1961) (IAEA Seminar on the Physics of Fast and Intermediate Reactors, Vienna, Austria, 3-11 Aug 1961) Proceedings publ as STI/PUB/49 by IAEA.
70PARIS(Reactor Shielding Specialist Meeting, Paris, 1970) (Joint ENEA/IAEA Specialist Meeting on the Physics Problems of Reactor Shielding, Paris, 8-10 Dec 1970) Report published by OECD/ENEA, 1971. Includes papers from the EACRP meeting in Richland, Wash, Jul
77MANNHE(Reaktortagung 1977, Mannheim, Germany, Mar 1977) (Reaktortagung 1977, Mannheim, Germany, Mar 1977) by ZAED Karlsruhe.
63SPAULO(Research Reactor Utilisation Symp., Sao Paulo 1963) (Symp. on Utilisation of Research Reactors, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4-8 Nov 1963)
61BUCHAR(Research Reactors Conf., Bucuresti,1961) (International Conf. on Physics and Technique of Research Reactors, Bucuresti, Romania, 10-17 Nov. 1961) Proceedings published as Supplement to Revue de Physique Vol.6 (1961)
56BNL(Resonance Absorption Conf., Brookhaven 1956) (Conf. on Resonance Absorption of Neutrons, Brookhaven National Lab, 24-25 Sept 1956) *** To be entered as BNL-433
61MANCH(Rutherford Conf., Manchester 1961) (Rutherford Jubilee International Conf., Manchester, England, 4-8 Sep 1961)
76RIGA(School on Neutron Metrology, Riga, 22 Nov-3 Dec 1976) (All-Union School on Neutron Measurement Metrology in Nuclear Physics Facilities, Riga, USSR, 22 Nov-3 Dec 1976) Proceedings published in 2 vols. Moskva 1976, in Russian with abstracts in English.
58GENEVA(Second Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1958) (Second UN Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Geneva, 1-13 Sep 1958)
67ROS(Second Nucl.Reactions+Structure Conf.Rossendorf 1967) (Second Conf. on Nuclear Reactions with Light Nuclei and Nuclear Structure, Rossendorf, Germany, 16-21 Oct 1967) Proceedings published as ZFK-130, Dec 1967. ***Use ZFK-130.
SEGRAVE(Segrave,The Three-Body Problem,Amsterdam 1970) (John D.Segrave, The Three-Body Problem, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1970)
86HABAY(Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve,Belgium,22-23 May 1986)
75KARLSR(Seminar on Aspects of Cf-252,Karlsruhe 1975) (Seminar on Physical, Dosimetry and Biomedical Aspects of Cf-252, Karlsruhe, Germany, 14-18 Apr 1975) Published as IAEA-STI/PUB-418, Nov.1976.
SIEGBAHN(Siegbahn, Beta and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, 1955) (K.Siegbahn, Beta and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Interscience Publ., N.Y., 1955)
61DUBNA(Slow Neutron Physics Conf., Dubna 1961) (Conf. on Slow Neutron Physics, Dubna, USSR, 7-12 Dec 1961)
SPN( Neutr.Phys.,New York 1961) (Soviet Progress in Neutron Phys., Consultants Bureau, New York 1961, Engl transl. of Nejtronnaja Fizika) =(English translation: see NEJTRONFIZ)
72PREDEAL(Summer School Nucl.Data and React.Phys.,Predeal 1972) (Summer School on Nuclear Data and Reactor Physics, Predeal, Romania, Sep 1972) Proc. by I.Purica, Bucurest.
67SCHFFHSN(Swiss Physical Soc. Meeting, Schaffhausen 1967) (Swiss Physical Society, Autumn Meeting, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 29 Sep - 1 Oct 1967)
97TOKYO(Symp. New Facet of Spin of Giant Res.,Tokyo 1997) (Int.Symp. on New Facet of Spin of Giant Resonances in Nuclei, Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 Nov. 1997)
84KNOX(Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy,Knoxville 1984) (Int. Symp. on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Knoxville, Tennessee, 10-14 Sep 1984) =AIP Conf.Proceedings No.125
87BADHON(Symp.on Dynamics of Collective Phen.,Bad Honnef 1987) (Int.Symp.on Dynamics of Collective Phenomena in Nuclear and Subnuclear Long Range Interactions in Nuclei, Bad Honnef, Germany, 4 - 7 May 1987)
75DEBREC(Symp.on Fast Neutr.Interactions,Debrecen 1975) (Symp. on Fast Neutron Interactions and the Problems of High Current Neutron Generators, Debrecen, 27-30 Aug 1975) *** Proceedings publ. in AK 18(2) 1976
91BEIJIN(Symp.on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing, 9-13 Sep 1991) (Symp. on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing, 9-13 Sep 1991)
79AIX(Symp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Aix-en-Provence 1979) (Int. Symp. on Fast Reactor Physics, Aix-en-Provence, France, 24 - 28 Sep 1979) Proc. published in 2 volumes by IAEA as STI/PUB/529 (July 1980).
67KARLSR(Symp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Karlsruhe 1967) (IAEA Symp. on Fast Reactor Physics and Related Safety Problems, Karlsruhe, 30 Oct- 3 Nov 1967) Proceedings published by IAEA,Vienna, as STI/PUB/165 in 2 Volumes. Preprint Code SM-101/..
83TOKYO(Symp.on High Energy Photonucl.Reactions, Tokyo 1983) (Symp. on High Energy Photonucl.Reactions and Related Topics, Tokyo, Japan, 28 Sep -1 Oct 1983)
76ANL-2(Symp.on Macrosc.React.of Heavy Ion Coll.,Argonne 1976) (Symp.on Macroscopic Reactions of Heavy Ion Collisions, Argonne National Lab., USA, 1-3 Apr 1976)
80BNL(Symp.on Neutr.Cross Sect.10-50 MeV,Brookhaven 1980) (Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections from 10 - 50 MeV, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., N.Y., 12-14 May 1980) =Publ. as report BNL-NCS-51245 (July 1980) in 2 vols
77BNL(Symp.on Neutr.Cross-Sect. 10 - 40 Mev,Brookhaven 1977) (Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections from 10 To 40 MeV, Brookhaven Nat.Lab., New York, 3-5 May 1977) Proceedings published in BNL-NCS-50681.
77VIENNA(Symp.on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna 1977) (Symp. on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna, 17-21 Oct 1977) =Proceed. published by IAEA Vienna as STI/PUB/468.
77NBS(Symp.on Neutron Standards,Gaithersburg 1977) (Symp.on Neutron Standards and Applications, Nat.Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, USA, 28-31 Mar 1977)
85JAIPUR(Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Jaipur,16-20 Dec.1985) (28th Sympos. on Nuclear Physics, Univ. of Rajastan, Jaipur, 16-20 Dec 1985)
67MARYLD(Symp.on Nucl.Phys.Res.w.Low En.Accel., Maryland 1967) (Symp. on Nuclear Physics Research with Low Energy Accelerators, College Park, Maryland, June 1967) Jerry B.Marion and Douglas M. Van Patter
84OSAKA(Symp.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Interact.,Osaka 1984) (Int.Symp.on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Inter- Actions, Osaka, 21-24 Mar 1984) =Proceedings published by World Sci.Pub.Co., Singapore, =1984
68DUBSY(Symp.on Nuclear Structure, Dubna, USSR, 4-11 Jul 1968) (Symp. on Nuclear Structure, Dubna, USSR, 4-11 Jul 1968) Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, Dec. 1968, and as JINR-D-3893.
88SMOLEN(Symp.on Nucleon Induced Reactions, Smolenice 1988) (5.Int. Symposium on Nucleon Induced Reactions, Smolenice, Slovakia, 20-25 June 1988)
67BRUSSELS(Symp.on Plutonium as a Reactor Fuel, Brussels 1967) (Symp. on Plutonium as a Reactor Fuel, Brussels, Belgium, 13-17 Mar 1967) Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, Sep 67.
76BOMBAY(Symp.on Reactor Physics, Bombay, 1-3 Mar 1976) (Symp. on Reactor Physics, Bombay, India, 1-3 Mar 1976)
66VIENNA(Symp.on Standardization of Radionuclides,Vienna 1966) (Symp. on Standardization of Radionuclides, Vienna, 10-14 Oct.1966) Proceedings published by IAEA, Vienna, 1967.
71BUDAPEST(Symp.on The Nuclear 3-Body Problem, Budapest 1971) *** proceedings publ in AHP 33(2) 4/73
83WASH(Symp.Ultrashort-Lived Radionucl.,Washington D.C.1983) (Symp. on Single-Photon Ultrashort-Lived Radionuclides, Washington, D.C., 9-10 May 1983)
62TRIESTE(Theoretical Physics Lectures, Trieste 1962) (Lectures on Theoretical Physics. Trieste, Italy, Aug 1962) Published by IAEA in Vienna, 1963.
80BEIJING(Theories and Meth.of Nucl.Reactions,Beijing 1980) (Collected Papers on Theories and Methods of Nuclear Reactions and its Application, Beijing, People'S Rep. of China, Aug 1980) the Nuclear Data Centre, =Ministry of Second Machinery. All articles
N(Theory and Method of Nucl.Reactor Design,Moscow 1962) (Theory and Method of Nucl.Reactor Design,Moscow 1962) =English: see REAC.CALC
64GENEVA(Third Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1964) (Third U.N. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic nergy, Geneva, 31 Aug - 9 Sep 1964)
61SACLAY(Time of Flight Methods Conf., Saclay 1961) (EANDC Conf. on Time of Flight Methods, Saclay, France, 24-27 Jul 1961)
TRANSU(Transuranium Elements) (The Transuranium Elements, National Nuclear Energy Series, Div.IV, Vol.14b, 1949)
69TRIESTE(Trieste Lectures 1969) (Lectures on Theory of Nuclear Structure, International Course, Trieste, Italy, 7 Jan - 31 Mar 1969) Proceedings published as STI/PUB/249 by IAEA, Vienna, July 1970. Preprint-Code = IAEA-SMR 6/...
55MOSCOW(USSR Conf. Peaceful Uses of At. En., Moscow 1955) (Conf. of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Moscow, USSR, 1-5 July 1955)
67TOKAI(Utilization of Research Reactors Meeting,Tokai,1967) (IAEA Meeting on Utilization of Research Reactors, Tokai, Japan, Oct 1967)
BROND(V.N.Manokhin: BROND Documentation, Obninsk 1986) (V.N. Manokhin, Biblioteka Rekomendovannykh Ocenennykh Nejtronnykh Dannykh - Brond (USSR Evaluated Neutron Data Library), Obninsk 1986, in Russian) =English translation see report INDC(CCP)-283
WAGEMANS(Wagemans, The Nuclear Fission Process, CRC Press 1991) (The Nuclear Fission Process, C.Wagemans, editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1991)
69HOUSTON(Welch Found.Conf.on Chem.Res.,Houston,1969,Vol.13) (R.A.Welch Foundation Conf. on Chemical Research, Houston, Texas, 17-19 Nov 1969) Vol.13 of Proceedings
96SAROV(Worksh.Exact Nucl.Spect., Sarov, Russia 1996) (11. Workshop on Exact Measurements in Nuclear Spectroscopy, Sarov (Arzamas-16), Russia, 2 - 6 Sept. 1996)
88TRIEST(Worksh.on Applied Nucl.Theory, Trieste 1988) (Workshop on Applied Nuclear Theory and Nuclear Model Calculations for Nuclear Technology Appl., Trieste, Italy, 15 Feb-19 Mar 1988)
92TRIEST(Workshop on Comput.and Anal.of Nucl.Data,Trieste 1992) (Workshop on Computation and Analysis of Nuclear Data Relevant to Nuclear Energy and Safety, Trieste, Italy, 10 Feb -13 Mar 1992)