Information Sources are organized by name. |
Journals |
Books, Reports see below
Code |
Name |
Choose Reference(s) |
AAA | Astronomy and Astrophysics | |
AAB | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias | |
AAF | Annales Acad. Sci. Fennicae, Series A6: Physica | |
AANL | Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei,Rend.,Sci.Fis.,Mat.Nat. | |
AAST | Atti Acad. Sci. Torino, Cl.Sci.Fis.Mat.Nat. | |
ABS | Memoires de l'Acad. Roy.Belg.,Cl.Sci. | |
AC | Analytical Chemistry | |
ACA | Analitica Chimica Acta | |
ACH | Angewandte Chemie | |
ACJ | Acta Chemica Scandinavica | |
ACR | Acta Crystallographica | |
ACR/A | Acta Crystallographica, Part A | |
ACR/B | Acta Crystallographica, Part B | |
ACS | Journal of the American Chemical Society | |
ADC | Annales de Chimie | |
ADP | Annalen der Physik | |
AE | Atomnaya Energiya | |
AE/S | Atomnaya Energiya, Supplement | |
AE/T | Atomic Energy | |
AEA | Atomic Energy in Australia | |
AEJ | Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan | |
AF | Arkiv foer Fysik | |
AHP | Acta Physica Hungarica | |
AHP/A | Acta Physica Hungarica A (Heavy Ion Physics) | |
AHP/N | Acta Phys.Hungar.New Series (Heavy Ion Physics) | |
AHT | Acta Technica (Budapest) | |
AIF | Anales del Instituto de Fisica | |
AIP | Advances in Physics | |
AJ | Astrophysical Journal | |
AJ/L | Astrophysical Journal, Letters | |
AJ/S | Astrophysical Journal, Supplement | |
AJN | Arab Journal of Nuclear Sci.and Application | |
AJP | American Journal of Physics | |
AJS | Australian Journal of Science | |
AJSE | Arabian J.for Science and Engineering | |
AK | Atomki Koezlemenyek | |
AKE | Atomkernenergie | |
AKS | Atomki Kozlemenyek Supplement | |
ANA | Analyst (London) | |
AND | Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | |
ANE | Annals of Nuclear Energy | |
ANP | Annalen der Physik (Leipzig). | |
ANS | Transactions of the American Nuclear Society | |
AOS | Acta Oncologica (Stockholm) | |
AP | Annals of Physics (New York) | |
APA | Acta Physica Austriaca | |
APH | Annales de Physique (Paris) | |
APL | Applied Physics Letters | |
APP | Acta Physica Polonica | |
APP/A | Acta Physica Polonica, Part A | |
APP/B | Acta Physica Polonica, Part B | |
APPL/A | Applied Physics A | |
APPL/B | Applied Physics B | |
APS | Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica | |
AR/S | Acta Radiologica Supplement | |
ARI | Applied Radiation and Isotopes | |
ARN | Annual Review of Nuclear and Part.Sci. | |
ARS | Anales de Fisica y Quimica | |
ASI | Acta Physica Sinica | |
ASI/OE | Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) | |
ASL | Acta Physica Slovaca | |
ASP | Astrophysics and Space Science | |
ASS | Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles | |
AT | Atomes | |
ATP | Atompraxis | |
ATT | Atomtechnikai Tajekoztato | |
ATW | Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik | |
AUJ | Australian Journal of Physics | |
BAP | Bulletin of the American Physical Society | |
BAS | Bull.Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics | |
BCF | Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France | |
BCI | Bull.Research Council of Israel, Sect. F | |
BCJ | Bull.of the Chemical Soc.of Japan | |
BCR | Bull.of Inst.Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. | |
BCS | Bull.de la Classe des Sci.,Acad.Roy.Belgique | |
BIP | Bull. of the Israel Physical Society | |
BIS | Bull.d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques | |
BJA | British Journal of Applied Physics | |
BJA/S | British J.of Applied Physics, Suppl. | |
BJE | Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie | |
BJP | Bulgarian J.of Physics | |
BKE | Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Electron. | |
BKN | Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Nucl.Eng. | |
BKP | Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Physics | |
BNE | Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society | |
BOS | Transactions of the Bose Research Inst.,Calcutta | |
BPC | Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci., Chimique | |
BPP | Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Math.,Astr.,Phys. | |
BPT | Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Ser.Sci.Techniques | |
BSI | Bolletino della Societa Italiana di Fisica | |
BSL | Bull.Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege | |
BTI | Bull.of the Tokyo Inst.of Technology | |
CA | Chemia Analityczna | |
CDP | Cahiers de Physique | |
CEC | Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo) | |
CHP | Chinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan) | |
CJC | Canadian Journal of Chemistry | |
CJP | Canadian Journal of Physics | |
CJR | Canadian Journal of Research | |
CJR/A | Canadian Journal Research, Part A | |
CJR/B | Canadian Journal Research, Part B | |
CL | Chemistry Letters | |
CNDP | Communication of Nuclear Data Progress | |
CNP | Chinese J.of Nuclear Physics (Beijing). | |
CNST | Nuclear Science and Techniques (Shanghai). | |
CNT | Canadian Nuclear Technology | |
CP | Chinese Physics | |
CPC | Computer Physics Communications | |
CPH | Chinese Physics | |
CPH/C | Chinese Physics C | |
CPL | Chinese Physics Letters | |
CR | Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique | |
CR/B | Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique | |
CR/C | Comptes rendus, Serie C, Chimie | |
CRB | Comptes Rendus Acad.Bulgare Sci. | |
CS | Current Science | |
CSA | Abstracts of papers, American Chemical Soc. | |
CST | Atomic Energy Science and Technology | |
CZC | Collection of Czech.Chemical Communications | |
CZJ | Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | |
CZJ/A | Ceskoslovensky Casopys pro Fyziku | |
CZJ/B | Czech.J.of Physics, Part B | |
DA | Dissertation Abstracts | |
DA/B | Dissertation Abstracts B (Sciences) | |
DOK | Doklady Akademii Nauk | |
EAF | Energie Atomique | |
EARR | European Applied Research Reports | |
EAT | Energia es Atomtechnika | |
EEN | Ergebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften | |
EN | Energia Nucleare (Milan) | |
ENF | Energie Nucleaire | |
ENM | Europ.J.of Nucl.Medicine and Molecular Imaging | |
EON | Euronuclear | |
EPJ/A | European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei | |
EPJ/AS | European Physical Journal A Supplement | |
EPJ/C | Europ. Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields | |
EPJ/ST | European Physical Journal: Special Topics | |
EPL | Earth and Planetary Sci.Letters | |
ESJ | J.of Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Riyadh | |
ETP | Experimentelle Technik der Physik | |
EUL | EPL | |
EXP | Experientia | |
FBS | Few-Body Systems | |
FBS/S | Few-Body Systems, Supplement | |
FCY | Fizika Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomnogo Yadra | |
FCY/L | Fiz. Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomn.Yadra,Letters | |
FDP | Fortschritte der Physik | |
FIZ | Fizika | |
FIZ/B | Fizika B | |
FIZ/S | Fizika, Supplement | |
FMM | Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniya | |
FST | Fusion Science and Technology | |
FT | Fysisk Tidsskrift | |
FTT | Fizika Tverdogo Tela | |
GCA | Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | |
GK | Genshiryoku Kogyo | |
GUS | Godishnik na Sofijskija Univ. 'Kliment Ohridski' | |
HCA | Helvetica Chimica Acta | |
HEN | High Energy Physics and Nucl.Phys.,English.ed. | |
HFH | He Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue | |
HI | Hyperfine Interactions | |
HP | Health Physics | |
HPA | Helvetica Physica Acta | |
IAB | Int.Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin | |
IAC | Proc.Indian Assoc.for Cultiv.of Sci. | |
IBK | Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.of Nucl.Sci. | |
IET | Instruments and Experimental Techniques | |
IFG | Trudy Inst.Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akad.Nauk | |
IFI | Izvestiya na Fizicheskija Institut s ANEB | |
IJM | Israel Journal of Mathematics | |
IJP | Indian Journal of Physics | |
IJP/A | Indian Journal of Physics, Part A | |
IMP/E | Int. Journal of Modern Physics, Part E | |
INC | Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters | |
IP | Isotopes in Envir.and Health Studies | |
IPA | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics | |
IPC | Radiation Physics and Chemistry | |
IRE | IEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | |
ISA | Indian Science Abstracts | |
ISC | Israel J.of Chemistry | |
ISP | Israel J.of Physics | |
IV/Y | Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Yad.En. | |
IVU | Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Fizika | |
IZA | Izv.Azerb.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Tekh.i Mat. | |
IZK | Izv.Kaz.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Mat. | |
IZL | Izv.Latviiskoi Akad.Nauk | |
IZTP | Izotopy v SSSR | |
IZV | Izv. Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Ser.Fiz. | |
JAC | J.of Applied Crystallography | |
JAE | Yadernaya Energetika | |
JAI | J.Am.Soc. Testing and Materials (ASTM) | |
JALC | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | |
JAP | Journal of Applied Physics | |
JBAS | J.of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences | |
JBS | J.of Research of Nat.Bureau of Standards | |
JCP | J.Chemical Physics | |
JE | Jaderna Energie (Prague). | |
JEB | Jaderna Energiya, Bulgarian Acad.Sci. | |
JEL | JETP Letters | |
JES | J.of the Electro-Chemical Society Belgium | |
JET | Soviet Physics - JETP | |
JFI | Journal of the Franklin Institute | |
JGR | Journal of Geophysical Research | |
JGR/A | Journal of Geophysical Research, Part A | |
JGR/B | Journal of Geophysical Research, Part B | |
JGR/C | Journal of Geophysical Research, Part C | |
JIN | Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry | |
JJAP | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | |
JLCR | J.of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceut. | |
JLCR/S | J.of Labelled Comp.and Radiopharmaceut.Suppl. | |
JMJ | Proc.Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan | |
JMM | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | |
JMS | J.of Mass Spectrom.and Ion Physics | |
JNC | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | |
JNE | Journal of Nuclear Energy | |
JNE/A | Reactor Science (J.Nucl.Energy, Part A) | |
JNE/AB | J. Nuclear Energy, Part A+B (Reactor Sci.Techn.) | |
JNE/B | Reactor Technology (J.Nucl.Energy, Part B) | |
JNM | Journal of Nuclear Materials | |
JNRS | Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences | |
JOES | J.of the Electro-Chemical Society (USA) | |
JP/A | Jour. of Physics, Part A (Mathematical+General) | |
JP/AL | Jour.of Physics, Part A, Letters to the editor | |
JP/C | Jour.of Physics, Part C (Solid State Physics) | |
JP/CS | Jour.of Physics, Conference Series | |
JP/D | Jour. of Physics, Part D (Applied Physics) | |
JP/E | Jour. of Physics, Part E (Sci.Instruments) | |
JP/F | Jour. of Physics, Part F (Metal Physics) | |
JP/G | Jour. of Physics, Part G (Nucl.and Part.Phys.) | |
JP/GL | Jour. of Physics, Part G, Letters to the editor | |
JP/S | Jour. of Physics, Part G, Supplement | |
JPC | J.de Chimie Physique et Physicochimie Biol. | |
JPJ | Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | |
JPJ/S | Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Suppl. | |
JPR | Journal de Physique | |
JPR/A | Journal de Physique - Appliquee | |
JPR/C | Journal de Physique - Colloque | |
JPR/L | Journal de Physique - Lettres | |
JPR/S | Journal de Physique, Suppl.S, Soc.Francaise | |
JR | J.of Research of Nat.Inst.Stand.+Technology | |
JRC | Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry | |
JRN | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | |
JRN/L | J. of Radioanalytical and Nucl. Chem., Letters | |
JSIU | J.of Sichuan Univ., Natural Science Ed. | |
KDV | Kgl.Danske Videns.Selskab.Mat.-Fys.Medd. | |
KE | Kernenergie | |
KFI | KFKI Kozlemenyek | |
KFKN | KFK-Nachrichten | |
KNS | Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society | |
KPS | Journal of the Korean Physical Society | |
KRI | Kristallografiya | |
KSF | Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike | |
KT | Kerntechnik | |
KUV | Vestnik Kiev State Univ. | |
KXT | Kexue Tongbao (Chinese Sci.Letters) | |
LEB | Issled.po Neitr.Fiz., Trudy Fiz. Inst. Lebedeva | |
LPS | Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences | |
MAB | Monatsber.d.Deutschen Akad.Wiss.Berlin | |
MED | Medical Physics | |
MET | Metrologia | |
MFC | Matematicko-Fyzikalny Casopis | |
MFF | Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat | |
MPL/A | Modern Physics Letters A | |
MSK/A | Memoirs Faculty of Sci., Kyoto Univ.,Ser.Phys. | |
MSL | Memoires de la Soc.Royale des Sci.de Liege | |
MUPB | Moscow Univ.Physics Bulletin | |
NAP | Nuclear Applications | |
NAT | Nature (London) | |
NAW | Proc.Koninklijke Nederlandse Akad.Wetenschappen | |
NC | Nuovo Cimento | |
NC/A | Nuovo Cimento A | |
NC/B | Nuovo Cimento B | |
NCL | Lettere al Nuovo Cimento | |
NCR | Rivista del Nuovo Cimento | |
NCS | Nuovo Cimento, Supplemento | |
ND/A | Nuclear Data Tables (Nuclear Data Sect.A) | |
ND/B | Nuclear Data Sheets (Nuclear Data Sect.B) | |
NDF | Notas de Fisica | |
NE | Nuclear Engineering International | |
NEN | Nuklearna Energija | |
NF | Nuclear Fusion (IAEA) | |
NIM | Nuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res. | |
NIM/A | Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.A | |
NIM/B | Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.B | |
NIN | Nuclear India | |
NKA | Nukleonika | |
NKK | Nippon Kagaku Kaishi | |
NKN | Nukleon | |
NM | Nuklearmedizin | |
NMB | Int. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology | |
NP | Nuclear Physics | |
NP/A | Nuclear Physics, Section A | |
NP/B | Nuclear Physics, Section B | |
NPW | Nuclear Power | |
NSA | Nuclear Science Abstracts | |
NSB | Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka) | |
NSD | Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka). | |
NSD/A | Nuclear Science and Applications, Series A | |
NSD/B | Nuclear Science and Applications, series B | |
NSE | Nuclear Science and Engineering | |
NSF | Nuclear Science, Taiwan | |
NSJ | Nuclear Science Abstracts of Japan | |
NSP | Nuclear Science and Applications | |
NSP/A | Nuclear Science and Applications A | |
NSP/B | Nuclear Science and Applications B | |
NST | J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, Tokyo | |
NSTS | J.Nucl.Science and Technol.Tokyo,Supplement | |
NT | Nuclear Technology | |
NTC | (Chinese J.of) Nuclear Techniques, Shanghai. | |
NTF | Fusion Technology | |
NTN | Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | |
NUC | Nucleonics | |
NUK | Nukleonik | |
NWS | Naturwissenschaften | |
NYA | Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences | |
OAW | Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber. | |
OAWA | Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger | |
OAWS | Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber. | |
OE | Onde Electrique | |
OSA | Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger | |
PA | Physics Abstracts | |
PAC | Pure and Applied Chemistry | |
PAN | Physics of Atomic Nuclei | |
PAS | Phys. Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion | |
PB | Physikalische Blaetter | |
PC | Physics in Canada | |
PCJ | Journal of Physical Chemistry | |
PCM | Physics of Condensed Matter | |
PCN | Physical and Chemical News (Morocco) | |
PCP | Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc. | |
PCS | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | |
PF | Postepy Fizyki | |
PHCL | Physicalia (Journal of the Belgian Phys.Soc.) | |
PHE | High Energy Physics and Nucl.Physics,Chinese ed. | |
PHF | Physica Fennica | |
PHN | Notes Scientifiques de l'Universite de Grenoble | |
PHY | Physica (Utrecht) | |
PIA | Proc. of the Indian Acad. Sciences, Sect. A | |
PJA | Proceedings of the Japan Academy | |
PJS | Prikladnaya Yadernaya Spektroskopiya | |
PKL | Problemy Yadernoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej | |
PL | Physics Letters | |
PL/A | Physics Letters, Section A | |
PL/B | Physics Letters,Section B | |
PL/C | Phys.Letters,Sect.C, Physics Reports | |
PLY | Polyhedron | |
PM | Philosophical Magazine | |
PMB | Physics in Medicine and Biology | |
PNA | Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. | |
PNE | Progress in Nuclear Energy | |
PNJ | Philippines Nuclear Journal | |
PNP | Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | |
PNV | Physica Norvegica | |
PPA | Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences | |
PPS | Proceedings of the Physical Society (London), | |
PPS/A | Proc.Physical Society (London), Section A | |
PQR | Quarterly Rev.Scientific Publ.Polish Acad.Sci. | |
PR | Physical Review | |
PR/A | Physical Review, Part A, General Physics | |
PR/B | Physical Review, Part B, Condensed Matter | |
PR/C | Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics | |
PR/D | Physical Review, Part D, Particles and Fields | |
PRE | Proceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh | |
PRE/A | Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A | |
PRL | Physical Review Letters | |
PRM | Pramana | |
PRN | Physics Reports | |
PRS | Proc. of the Royal Society (London) | |
PRS/A | Proc. Royal Society (London), Series A | |
PS | Physica Scripta | |
PSPS | Planetary and Space Science | |
PSS | Physica Status Solidi | |
PT | Physics Today | |
PTE | Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta | |
PTP | Progress of Theoretical Physics | |
PTP/S | Progress of Theoretical Physics, Suppl. | |
PZ | Physikalische Zeitschrift | |
RAK | Radiokhimiya | |
RBF | Brasilian Journal of Physics | |
RCA | Radiochimica Acta | |
RE | Radiation Effects | |
REA | Atomic Energy Review, IAEA | |
REF | Referativnyi Zhurnal, Fizika | |
RFT | Reactor and Fuel-Processing Technology | |
RI | Radioisotopes | |
RIC | Ricerca Scientifica | |
RIZ | Radioaktivni Izotopi i Zracenja. | |
RJP | Romanian Journal of Physics | |
RJP/S | Romanian Journal of Physics, Supplement | |
RM | Radiation Measurements | |
RMF | Revista Mexicana de Fisica | |
RMP | Review of Modern Physics. | |
RPA | Revue de Physique Appliquee | |
RPC | RPCC Newsletter | |
RPD | Radiation Protection Dosimetry | |
RPP | Reports on Progress in Physics | |
RPQ | Revista Portugesa de Qimica | |
RR | Radiation Research | |
RRIP | Romanian Reports in Physics | |
RRL | Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters | |
RRP | Revue Roumaine de Physique | |
RSA | Rumanian Scientific Abstracts, Natural Sciences | |
RSE | Transactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh | |
RSI | Review of Scientific Instruments | |
RSR | Review of Science Research | |
RST | Reactor Science and Technology | |
SAJ | South African Journal of Science | |
SAP | South African Journal of Physics | |
SCF | Studii si Cercetari de Fizica | |
SCI | Science | |
SCP | Scient.Papers Inst.Phys.Chem.Res.,Tokyo | |
SCS | Science in China, Series A | |
SIA | Surface and Interface Analysis | |
SJA | Soviet Atomic Energy | |
SJA/S | Soviet Atomic Energy, Supplement | |
SJPN | Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei | |
SNP | Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics | |
SPC | Soviet Physics-Crystallography | |
SPD | Soviet Physics-Doklady | |
SPL | Soviet Physics - Lebedev Inst.Report | |
SPS | Soviet Physics-Solid State | |
SPT | Soviet Physics-Technical Physics | |
SPU | Soviet Physics-Uspekhi | |
SRA | Soviet Radiochemistry | |
SSC | Solid State Communications | |
TAL | Talanta | |
TMF | Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika | |
TNS | The Nucleus (Lahore) | |
TRS/A | Philosophical Transactions, Series A | |
TRTU | Fac. of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. Tech. Report | |
TUG | Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskolas Handlingar | |
UFN | Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk | |
UFZ | Ukrainskii Fizichnii Zhurnal | |
UPJ | Ukrainian Physics Journal | |
UZHV | Naukovny Visnyk Uzhgorods'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz. | |
VAC | Vacuum | |
VAN | Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR | |
VAT/F | Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Fiziki | |
VAT/I | Vopr.Atomn.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Nucl.Phys.Invest. | |
VAT/O | Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshch. | |
VAT/R | Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Reak. | |
VAT/Y | Voprocy Atomn.Nauki i Tekhniki,Ser.Fiz.Yad.Reak. | |
VBF | Vestsi Ak.Navuk, Ser.Fiz.En. | |
VDPG | Verhandlung.Deutsch.Physik.Ges. | |
VKHU | Visnyk Kharkivs'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz. | |
VLU | Vestnik Leningradskogo Univ., Fizika, Khimiya | |
VMU | Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ., Seriya Fiz.Astron. | |
VTYF | Voprosy Teoreticheskoy i Yadernoy Fiziki | |
WULI | Wuli (Physics) | |
WZD | Wiss.Zeitschr.der Univ.Dresden | |
YF | Yadernaya Fizika | |
YFE | Yaderna Fizika ta Energetika | |
YK | Vop. At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yadernye Konstanty | |
YTN | Yuan Tzu Neng (Atomic Energy) | |
ZAP | Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Physik | |
ZEC | Zeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie | |
ZEP | Zhurnal Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., Pisma v Redakt. | |
ZET | Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoret. Fiziki | |
ZK | Z.fuer Kristallographie | |
ZMM | Z.fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | |
ZMP | Zeit. fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik | |
ZN | Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung | |
ZN/A | Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section A | |
ZN/B | Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section B | |
ZNJD | Zbirnik Nauk. Institutu Yadernikh Doslidzhen | |
ZP | Zeitschrift fuer Physik | |
ZP/A | Zeitschrift fuer Physik A, Hadrons and Nuclei | |
ZP/B | Zeitschrift fuer Physik B, Condensed Matter | |
ZPC | Z. Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig) | |
ZPF | Z. Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt) | |
ZTF | Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki | |
Information Sources are organized by name. |
Reports |
Books see below
Code |
Name |
Choose Reference(s) |
A-AEP- | Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing, Annual Report | |
A-ALB- | State Univ. of New York at Albany Reports | |
A-ARK- | Univ. of Arkansas Reports | |
A-BNT- | Beijing Nat. Tandem Accel. Lab., Prog. Report | |
A-CSN- | C.S.N.S.M., Orsay Reports | |
A-INS- | Univ.Tokyo,Inst.f.Nucl.Study, Annual Report | |
A-IPS- | Res. Inst. of Phys., Stockholm Annual Rept. | |
A-JCL- | Cyclotron Lab., I.P.C.R., Saitama Reports | |
A-KTY- | Univ.of Kentucky annual report | |
A-MSU- | Michigan State Univ.Cyclotron Lab., annual rept. | |
A-PAD- | Padua Univ. and Lab. Naz. Legnaro annual report | |
A-RCNP- | Res. Centre for Nucl. Phys., Osaka, annual rept. | |
A-RPI- | R.P.I. annual progress report | |
A-TNL- | Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report | |
A-WAU- | Univ.of Washington, Seattle, annual report | |
AAEC/ | Australian AEC reports | |
AAEC/AP/PR- | Australian AEC Applied Phys.Div. Prog. Report | |
AAEC/E- | Australian AEC Reports | |
AAEC/PD/PR- | Australian AEC Physics Div. Progress Report | |
AAEC/PR- | Australian AEC Progress report | |
AAEC/TM- | Australian AEC Technical Memo | |
ABO-ANN- | Abo Akademi Annual Reports | |
ACO/UK- | Aldermaston Reports | |
ACRH- | Argonne Cancer Res. Hospital Reports | |
AD- | Dept. of Defence Reports | |
AE- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi,Stockholm/Studsvik Repts | |
AE-FFN- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports | |
AE-FN- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm,internal rpt. | |
AE-RFT- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm/Studsvik rpt. | |
AEA-TRS- | AEA Technol.Winfrith, Thermal Reactor Serv.,rpt. | |
AEC(NZ)- | New Zealand A.E.C. Reports | |
AEC-TR- | Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translation | |
AECD- | Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC | |
AECD/ | Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports | |
AECD/EP- | Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports | |
AECD/MISC- | Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Progress Report | |
AECD/TP- | Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka Reports | |
AECL- | Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Reports | |
AECU- | Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports | |
AEET- | Atomic Energy Est. Trombay Reports | |
AEET-ANAL- | Trombay Reports | |
AEET-NP- | Trombay Reports | |
AEEW- | A.E.E.W. Winfrith report series | |
AEEW-M- | A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports | |
AEEW-R- | A.E.E.W. Winfrith Reports | |
AERE- | A.E.R.E. Harwell report series | |
AERE-C/R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-I/R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-M- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-N/M- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-N/R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-NP/GEN | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-NP/M- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-NP/R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-PR/NP- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-R/M- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-R/R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-RP/R- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AERE-TRANS- | A.E.R.E. Harwell translations | |
AERE-X/PR- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
AES- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Studsvik, Reports | |
AFOSR- | Dept. of Defense Reports | |
AFSWC- | Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts. | |
AFSWC-TDR- | Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts. | |
AFSWC-TR- | Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts. | |
AFSWP- | Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Reports | |
AFWL- | Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts. | |
AFWL-TDR- | Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts. | |
AFWL-TR- | Air Force Spec.Weap.Center Kirtland A.F.B.Repts. | |
AHSB(S)R- | U.K. AEA Health and Safety Branch Risley Reports | |
AI- | Atomics International Reports | |
AI-AEC- | Atomics International Reports | |
AIF- | | |
AIP- | Conf.proceedings by Am.Inst.of Phys. | |
AKO-UK- | Aldermaston Internal Report | |
ALBERTA- | Nucl.Res.Centre, U.of Alberta, Edmonton Reports | |
AN- | Aerojet General Nucleonics Reports | |
ANCR- | Aerojet Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
ANL- | Argonne National Laboratory report series | |
ANL-NDM- | Argonne National Laboratory Reports | |
ANL-TRANS- | Argonne National Laboratory, translations | |
ANU- | Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports | |
ANU-P- | Australian National Univ., Canberra Reports | |
AP/CTR/TM- | Argonne Nat. Lab., Appl.Phys.Div., Techn. Memo | |
APDA- | Atomic Power Devel. Assoc., Detroit Reports | |
APED- | General Electric, Atomic Power Equipm.Dept.Repts | |
APEX- | General Electric, Aircraft Nucl.Prop.Dept.Repts. | |
ARB.BER- | Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports | |
AREAEE- | Atomic Energy Establishment Reports | |
ARF- | Armour Research Foundation Reports | |
ARL- | Aerospace Res.Labs,Wright-Patterson A.F.B.Repts. | |
ASTM- | American Soc. of Testing and Materials, reports | |
ASTM-STP- | American Soc. of Testing and Materials Reports | |
ATOMKI-AR- | Atomki Annual Reports | |
AWRE- | A.W.R.E. Aldermaston report series | |
AWRE-CNR/PR | A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports | |
AWRE-NR/C- | A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports | |
AWRE-NR/P- | A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports | |
AWRE-O- | A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Reports | |
BARC- | B.A.R.C., Trombay report series | |
BARC/I- | B.A.R.C., Trombay Reports | |
BAW- | Babcock and Wilcox Co. Reports | |
BCDL- | Bull. Centro Dannykh LIYAF, Leningrad-Gatchina | |
BIPM- | Bureau Int. des Poids et Mesures Reports | |
BLG- | Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucl.,Bruxelles,Rept | |
BLM-JB- | Beschleunigerlab. Univ. Muenchen annual report | |
BMI- | Battelle Memorial Inst. Reports | |
BMWF-FBK- | Bundesmin.f.Wiss.Forschg. Reports | |
BNL- | Brookhaven National Laboratory report series | |
BNL-C- | Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports | |
BNL-NCS- | Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports | |
BNL-TR- | Brookhaven National Laboratory translations | |
BNWL- | Battelle-Northwest report series | |
BNWL-B- | Battelle-Northwest Reports | |
BNWL-SA- | Battelle-Northwest Reports | |
BNWL-TR- | Battelle-Northwest Reports | |
BR- | Cavendish Lab. Reports | |
BRL- | Ballistic Research Labs report series | |
BRL-MR- | Ballistic Research Labs Reports | |
BRL-R- | Ballistic Research Labs Reports | |
BUP- | Bergen Univ. Dept. of Physics Reports | |
CC- | Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports | |
CCDN- | C.C.D.N. Saclay report series | |
CCDN-CI- | C.C.D.N. Saclay Reports | |
CCDN-NW- | C.C.D.N. Saclay Newsletters | |
CCEN- | Comun.do Centro de Energia Nuclear,Recife,Repts. | |
CDFE- | Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data | |
CDFE-IND- | Fotoyadernye Dannye (Photonuclear Data) Index | |
CDFE-IND2- | Photonuclear Data Index (Photofission | |
CEA- | Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires report series | |
CEA-CONF- | Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Conf.reports | |
CEA-N- | Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, note | |
CEA-R- | Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports | |
CEA-SMNF- | Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay Reports | |
CEC- | Centro di Calcolo, CNEN, Bologna Reports | |
CEN(BG)- | C.E.N. Bordeaux-Gradignan Reports | |
CERN- | CERN Europ. Org. for Nuclear Res. Reports | |
CF- | Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports | |
CISE- | Centre Inform. Studi Esp. Reports | |
CLOR- | Biuro Pelnom. Rzadu do Spraw Wykorzyst. En. Jad. | |
CN- | Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports | |
CNAEM- | Cekmece Nuclear Res. and Training Centre Reports | |
CNEA- | Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica report ser. | |
CNEA-CAB- | Centro Atomico Bariloche, internal report | |
CNEA-CAB-IT | Centro Atomico Bariloche, internal report | |
CNEN-RT/FI- | Com.Naz. per l'Energia Nucleare Reports | |
CNIC- | China Nucl. Information Center Reports | |
CONF- | Conference proceedings report series | |
COO- | Chicago Operations Office,A.E.C.,Contract rept. | |
CP- | Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports | |
CR- | *** Code obsolete *** Use AECL-number | |
CRC- | National Research Council Reports | |
CRGP- | AECL . | |
CRNL- | AECL Chalk River Reports | |
CRP- | AECL Chalk River Reports | |
CRRP- | AECL Chalk River Reports | |
CRT- | Natn'l Res.Council of Canada, Chalk River Repts | |
CS- | Chicago University Metallurgical Labs Reports | |
CSIR-FIS- | Council f.Scient.and Indust.Res.,Pretoria,Repts. | |
CTH-RF- | Chalmers Univ. of Technol., Gothenburg Reports | |
CU(PNPL)- | Columbia Univ. progress report | |
CU- | Columbia Univ. report series | |
CUD- | Columbia Univ. report series | |
CVAC- | Vultee Aircraft Corp. Reports | |
CWR- | Curtiss-Wright Corp. Reports | |
D2- | Boeing Aircraft Reports | |
DASA- | Defense Atomic Support Agency Reports | |
DAV- | Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis Reports | |
DC- | General Electric, Aircraft Nucl. Prop. Proj. | |
DNA- | Defense Nuclear Agency Reports | |
DOE- | U.S. Dept.of Energy Reports | |
DOE-ER- | U.S. Dept.of Energy, Fusion Energy Series | |
DOE-NDC- | U.S. D.O.E. Nuclear Data Committee Reports | |
DP- | Du Pont, Savannah River Reports | |
DP-MS- | Du Pont, Savannah River Reports | |
DUB- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
DUB-E- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
DUB-P- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
EANDC(CAN)- | Canadian report to EANDC | |
EANDC(E)- | Report from Euratom-countries + Euratom to EANDC | |
EANDC(J)- | Japanese report to EANDC | |
EANDC(OR)- | Report from misc. OECD Countries to EANDC | |
EANDC(UK)- | U.K. report to EANDC | |
EANDC(US)- | U.S. report to EANDC | |
EANDC- | European-American Nucl. Data Committee Documents | |
ECN- | Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports | |
ECN-C- | Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports | |
ECN-R- | Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports | |
ECN-RX- | Energy Research Foundation,Petten Reports | |
EDF- | Electricite de France Reports | |
EDF-HX- | Electricite de France Reports | |
EFI- | Erevanskij Fisicheskij Institut Reports | |
EIR- | Eidg.Inst.Reaktorforsch.Wuerenlingen Reports | |
ENDF- | Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) Reports | |
ENEA/RT/IN- | E.N.E.A., Area Innovazione Reports | |
ENEA/RT/NU- | E.N.E.A., Area Nucleare Reports | |
ENICO- | Exxon Nuclear Idaho Company Reports | |
EPA- | Exp.Physics Inst. Arzamas Reports | |
EPRI- | Electric Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto reports | |
EPRI-NP- | Electric Power Res. Inst., Nuclear Phys. Series | |
ERDA- | U.S. Energy Res. and Development Admin. Reports | |
ERDA-NDC- | U.S. E.R.D.A. Nuclear Data Committee Reports | |
ESL- | Univ. of Texas technical report | |
EUR- | Euratom Reports | |
FEI- | Fiz.-Energ Institut, Obninsk Reports | |
FIAN- | Fiz. Inst. Akad. Nauk Lebedev, Moscow Reports | |
FIZ-KA- | Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Reports | |
FOA4- | Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4 reports | |
FOA4-A- | Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4A Reports | |
FOA4-C- | Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4C Reports | |
FOA4-D- | Res. Inst. National Defence Dept. 4D Reports | |
FRA-TM- | FRA Technical Memorandum, Argonne Nat. Lab. | |
FRM- | Forschungs Reactor Muenchen Reports | |
FRNC-TH- | French non CEA Reports | |
FTI- | Fiz-Tech. Inst. Ioffe, Leningrad Reports | |
FZK- | General Dynamics Reports | |
FZKA- | Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports | |
GA- | General Atomic Div. Reports | |
GACD- | General Atomic Div. Reports | |
GAMD- | General Atomic Div. Reports | |
GEAP- | General Electric, California Reports | |
GEMP- | General Electric, Flight Prop. Lab. Reports | |
GKSS- | Ges.Kernen.-Verwertung, Schiffbau and Schiffahrt | |
GSI- | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports | |
GSI-J- | Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung Reports | |
GULF- | Gulf Radiation Technology report series | |
GULF-RT- | Gulf Radiation Technology Reports | |
GULF-RT-A- | Gulf Radiation Technology Reports | |
HASL- | USAEC Health and Safety Lab, New York Reports | |
HEDL-TME- | Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports | |
HEW(FDA)- | Public Health Service, F.D.A. Reports | |
HH- | Hamburg Univ.,Inst.f.Experimentalphysik Reports | |
HIMAC- | Nat.Inst.of Radiological Sciences, HIMAC Reports | |
HMI- | Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin report series | |
HMI-B- | Hahn-Meitner Inst., Berlin Reports | |
HNS- | Hazleton-Nuclear Science Co. Reports | |
HSJ- | Inst. of Atomic Energy, Beijing Reports | |
HW- | Hanford Reports | |
HW-SA- | Hanford Reports | |
IA- | Israel AEC Reports | |
IAE- | Inst. Atomnoy Energii, Kurchatov Reports | |
IAEA- | I.A.E.A. technical report, Vienna | |
IAEA-NDS- | Nuclear Data Services (Doc. series of NDS | |
IAEA-R- | I.A.E.A. Research Contract Report | |
IAEA-SM- | I.A.E.A. Symposium Collection -extended synopses | |
IAEA-TECDOC | I.A.E.A. Technical Documents | |
IAEA/ | I.A.E.A., Vienna, report series | |
IAEA/RL- | I.A.E.A. Div. of Res. + Labs Reports | |
IAEA/TA- | I.A.E.A. Technical Assistance Reports | |
IAN- | Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota, reports | |
IAN-E- | Inst. de Asuntos Nucleares, Bogota Reports | |
IAN/E- | Izvestia Estonian Akad.Nauk, Reports | |
IBJ- | | |
IBK- | Inst. Boris Kidrich Reports | |
ICD- | Bull. Centr po Jadernym Dannym, Obninsk | |
ICP- | Allied Chem. Corp., Idaho Chem. Programs | |
ICRU- | Int.Comm.on Radiation Units and Meas. Reports | |
IDO- | Philips Petrolium Co., Idaho Falls Reports | |
IEA- | Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, Reports | |
IEA-INF- | Inst. de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo, prog. rept. | |
IEAV/NT- | Inst. de Estudos Avancados, Technical Note | |
IF- | Akad. Nauk Ukrainskaja, Kiev | |
IFA- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. reports | |
IFA-CRD- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-DNBR- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-DNR- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-EP- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-FN- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-FR- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-NF- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-NR- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-R- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFA-RN- | Inst. Fis. Atomica, Romanian Acad. Sci. Reports | |
IFIN-NR- | Inst. de Fiz. si Ing.Nucleara,Bucharest Reports | |
IFJ- | | |
IFUSP/P- | Univ. of Sao Paulo, Inst.of Phys. Reports | |
IFVE- | Inst. Fiz. Vysokikh Energij, Serpukhov Reports | |
IIT- | Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports | |
IITRI- | Illinois Inst.of Technology Reports | |
IJAI- | Inst. Yad. Issledovanii Communications,Kiev | |
IJAI-P- | Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports | |
IJE- | Inst. of Nucl. Energetics, Bjelorus. Acad. Sci. | |
IJS- | Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, reports | |
IJS-P- | Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports | |
IJS-R- | Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports | |
IKDA- | Inst. f. Kernphysik,Darmstadt Reports | |
IKE- | Stuttgart u. Inst. f. Kernenergetik Reports | |
IKF- | Inst.fuer Kernphysik, Frankfurt Reports | |
IN- | Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
INDC(ARG)- | Argentine report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(AUL)- | Australian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(AUS)- | Austrian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(BAN)- | Bangladesh report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(BLG)- | Belgian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(BLR)- | Belorus report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(BOL)- | Bolivian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(BUL)- | Bulgarian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(BZL)- | Brazilian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(CAN)- | Canadian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(CCP)- | USSR report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(CHL)- | Chile report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(CPR)- | Chinese report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(CSR)- | CSSR report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(CUB)- | Cuban report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(EGY)- | Egyptian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(EUR)- | Comm. of the European Commun. report to I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(FIN)- | Finnish report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(FR)- | French report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(GDR)- | Germ.Dem.Rep.report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(GER)- | Fed.Rep.Germ.report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(HUN)- | Hungarian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(IND)- | Indian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(IRN)- | Iran report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(IRQ)- | Iraq report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(ISL)- | Israel report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(ITY)- | Italian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(JAP)- | Japanese report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(JPN)- | Japanese report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(KOR)- | Korean report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(MOR)- | Morocco report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(NDS)- | IAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(NDU)- | IAEA Nucl.Data Section report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(NED)- | Netherlands report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(NOR)- | Norwegian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(PAK)- | Pakistan report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(POL)- | Polish report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(ROM)- | Romanian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(RUM)- | Romanian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(SAF)- | South-African report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(SEC)- | I.N.D.C. Secretariat Report Series | |
INDC(SLK)- | Slovakian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(SLN)- | Slovenian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(SUD)- | Sudanese report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(SWD)- | Swedish report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(TAI)- | Thailand report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(TUR)- | Turkish report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(UK)- | U.K. report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(UKR)- | Ukrainian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(US)- | | |
INDC(USA)- | U.S. report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(VN)- | Vietnam report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC(YUG)- | Yugoslavian report to the I.N.D.C. | |
INDC- | International Nucl. Data Committee report series | |
INDSWG- | Int. Nuclear Data Sci. Working Group Reports | |
INER- | Inst. of Nucl.Energy Research Reports | |
INFN/BE- | Inst. Naz. Fisica Nucleare Reports | |
INIS-MF- | INIS microfiche | |
INIS-SU- | INIS Reports | |
INP- | Inst. Fiz. Jadr. (Nucl.Phys.), Krakow Reports | |
INR- | Inst.Badan Jadr.(Nucl.Res.),Swierk+Warsaw,Repts | |
INR-FIA- | Inst. Badan Jadr., Swierk+Warsaw Reports | |
INS- | Inst.of Nuclear Sciences, Progress Reports | |
INS-J- | Univ.Tokyo, Inst.for Nucl.Study, Reports | |
INTEL-RT- | Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports | |
INTELRT- | Intelcom Radiation Technology reports | |
IPEN- | Inst.de Pesquisas Energ.e Nucl.,Sao Paulo,Repts | |
IPF-SP- | Inst.de Phys., U. de Fribourg, Physics Series | |
IPNO- | Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay reports | |
IPNO-PHN- | Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Progress Report | |
IPNO-RC- | Inst. de Phys. Nucleaire Orsay Reports | |
IPNO-TH- | Inst. de Physique Nucleaire Orsay thesis | |
IPPCZ- | Czechoslovak A.S. Plasma Physics Reports, Prague | |
IRK-PR- | Inst. f. Radiumforschung Progress Report | |
IRMM- | Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel | |
IRMM-R- | Inst. of Ref.Materials and Meas. Repts., Geel | |
IRNE- | Inst. Nuclear Power Reactors Reports | |
IRT- | Intelcom Radiation Technology Reports | |
IS- | Iowa State Univ. Reports | |
IS-T- | Iowa State Univ., thesis | |
IS/P- | Brookhaven National Laboratory Reports | |
ISINN- | Int.Sem.on Interactions of Neutrons with Nuclei | |
ISN- | U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports | |
ISN-TS- | U. de Grenoble, Inst. des Sciences Nucl. reports | |
ISTC- | Internat.Science and Technology Center, Reports | |
ITE- | Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts | |
ITEF- | Inst. Teoret. i Experiment. Fiziki, Moscow Repts | |
IYFK-P- | Inst. Nucl.Phys., Alma-Ata, preprints | |
JAEA-C- | JAEA Conference proceedings | |
JAERI- | JAERI Reports | |
JAERI-C- | JAERI Conference proceedings | |
JAERI-D- | JAERI Data collection / Computer code reports | |
JAERI-M- | JAERI-M Reports | |
JAERI-MEMO- | JAERI-Memo Reports | |
JAERI-R- | JAERI Research Reports | |
JEN- | Junta de Energia Nuclear Reports | |
JENER- | Joint Establ. Nucl. Res., Kjeller Reports | |
JIA- | Inst. Nucl. Res., Russian Acad. Sci. Preprint | |
JINR- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna, reports | |
JINR-D- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-D15- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-D3- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-D6- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-D7- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-E- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-E1- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-E15- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-E3- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-E4- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-E7- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P1- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P10- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P11- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P12- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P13- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P14- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P15- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P2- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P3- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P4- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P6- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JINR-P7- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
JU-RR- | Univ. of Jyvaeskylae, Dept.of Physics Reports | |
JUEL- | Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich, report series | |
JUEL-SPEZ- | Kernforschungsanlage Juelich, Progress Report | |
KAERI/GP- | Korean Atomic Energy Research Inst. Reports | |
KAPL- | Knolls Atomic Power Lab. report series | |
KAPL-M- | Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports | |
KAPL-M-ECH- | Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports | |
KAPL-M-EFC- | Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports | |
KAPL-M-JBN- | Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports | |
KAPL-P- | Knolls Atomic Power Lab. Reports | |
KAPL/CSNL- | Knolls At. Power Lab. Cross-Section Newsletter | |
KDK- | Swedish Nuclear Data Committee Reports | |
KFK- | Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports | |
KFK-EXT- | Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Reports | |
KFK-TR- | Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe translation ser. | |
KFKI- | Central Research Inst. of Physics Reports | |
KFKI-YB- | KFKI Yearbook (progress-report | |
KHFTI- | Ukrainsk. Fiz. Tekhn. Inst. Reports | |
KIYAI- | Inst. Yad. Issledovanii, Kiev Reports | |
KR- | Inst. for Atomenergi, Kjeller Reports | |
KUR- | | |
KURRI- | Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Reports | |
KURRI-AR- | Kyoto Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Annual Report | |
KURRI-TR- | Kyoto-Univ.,Res.Reactor Inst., Tech. Report | |
LA- | Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports | |
LA-DC- | Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports | |
LA-TR- | Los Alamos Scientific Lab. translations | |
LA-UR- | Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports | |
LADC- | Los Alamos Scientific lab. Reports | |
LAFI- | Inst. Fiziki Latvijskoi Akad. Sci., Riga Reports | |
LAMS- | Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Reports | |
LAP- | Calif. Inst. of Technology Lemon Aid Preprints | |
LBL- | Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Reports | |
LFF- | Swedish Reports | |
LIB/TRAN- | Australia Translation | |
LIB/TRANS- | Australia Translation | |
LIJAF- | Leningrad Inst. Nucl. Phys. Reports | |
LMSC- | Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports | |
LMSD- | Lockheed Aircraft Co. Reports | |
LNS- | Inst. Rudjer Boskovic Reports | |
LPC- | Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire Reports | |
LPC-T- | Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire thesis | |
LPN-UM- | Univ. of Montreal Reports | |
LR- | Inst. Investigacion Aeronautica y Esp, Reports | |
LRL- | Calif. Research and Development Co. Reports | |
LS- | Soreq Nuclear Research Center Reports | |
LU-NP- | Lund Univ. Reports | |
LUNF-D6- | Lund Univ., Nuclear Physics Series | |
LYCEN- | Univ. of Lyon Reports | |
MAINZ- | Mainz Univ. Reports | |
MC- | Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Montreal Labs Repts | |
MDDC- | Manhatten District Reports | |
MF- | Junta Energia Nuclear, Madrid Reports | |
MIF- | Moscow Inst. of Engineering Physics Reports | |
MIT- | Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports | |
MIT-LNS-PR- | M.I.T. Lab. of Nucl.Science progress report | |
MIT-REP- | Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports | |
MIT-TR- | Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Reports | |
MITNE- | M.I.T. Dept.of Nuclear Engineering Reports | |
MLM- | Mound Lab., Miamisburg Reports | |
MNC- | Maryland Univ., Dept. of Nuclear Chem. Reports | |
MOH- | Univ. Mohammed V, Rabat, Annual Report | |
MON-N- | Chemistry Division Reports | |
MR-A- | Vultee Aircraft Corp., Ft.Worth Reports | |
MSU-INP- | Moscow State Univ.Inst.of Nucl.Phys.Reports | |
MTR-L- | Idaho Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
N- | N.A.S.A. Reports | |
N70- | *** Code obsolete *** Write N-70- | |
NAA- | North American Aviation report series | |
NAA-SR- | North American Aviation Reports | |
NAA-SR-M- | North American Aviation Reports | |
NAA-SR-MEMO | North American Aviation Reports | |
NAA-SR-TDR- | North American Aviation Reports | |
NARF- | Nuclear Aerospace Research Facility Reports | |
NAS-NRC- | Nat. Acad. of Sci., Nat. Res. Council Reports | |
NASA- | N.A.S.A. Reports, TM = Technical Memo, | |
NASA-TM- | N.A.S.A. Technical Memo | |
NASA-TN- | N.A.S.A. Technical Note | |
NASA-TN-D- | N.A.S.A. Technical Note | |
NASA-TP- | N.A.S.A. Technical Paper | |
NBS-MONO- | National Bureau of Standards Monograph | |
NCSAC- | U.S.AEC Nucl.Cross Sections Advisory Comm. Repts | |
NDA- | United Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
NDA-MEMO- | United Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
NDA-PHYS- | United Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
NDL-TR- | U.S. Army Chem.Corps. Nuclear Def. Lab. Reports | |
NEA-NSC- | NEA Nuclear Science Committee Reports | |
NEACRP-L- | NEA internal report NEANDC(E)-NEACRP-L | |
NEANDC(CAN) | Canadian report to NEANDC | |
NEANDC(E)- | Report from CEC-Countries and CEC to NEANDC | |
NEANDC(J)- | Japanese report to NEANDC | |
NEANDC(OR)- | Report from misc. OECD countries to NEANDC | |
NEANDC(UK)- | U.K. report to NEANDC | |
NEANDC(US)- | U.S. report to NEANDC | |
NEANDC- | Nucl. En. Agency Nucl. Data Committee reports | |
NEDO- | General Electric, At.Power Equipm. Dept. | |
NETU- | Tohoku Univ., Dept.of Nucl.Engineering Reports | |
NFL- | Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports | |
NIIAR- | Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports | |
NIIAR-P1- | Inst. Atomnykh Reaktorov, Melekess Reports | |
NIJS- | Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana, report series | |
NIJS-P- | Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports | |
NIJS-R- | Inst. Josef Stefan, Ljubljana Reports | |
NISTIR- | N.I.S.T. Report Series | |
NP- | Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports | |
NP-TR- | Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC translations | |
NPD- | | |
NPL- | U. Colorado, Nucl.Phys.Lab., Techn. Prog. Rept. | |
NR/P- | U.K.AEA Weapons Group,A.W.R.E. Aldermaston Rept. | |
NRCC- | Nat'l Res.Council of Canada, Ottawa Reports | |
NRCN- | Beersheva Nuclear Res. Center Negev Reports | |
NRDC- | A.E.R.E. Harwell Reports | |
NRITB- | Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, reports | |
NRITB-PH- | Nuclear Res. Inst., Tuwaitha, Baghdad, Reports | |
NRL- | Naval Research Lab. Reports | |
NRPB- | National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports | |
NRPB-M- | National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports | |
NRPB-R- | National Radiol. Prot. Board Reports | |
NST- | Inst.of Nucl.Sci.and Technol.,Sichuan U. Reports | |
NUCL-EX- | Cornell University Web Reports | |
NUREG/CP- | Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reports | |
NYO- | New York Operations Office Reports | |
NYO-GEN- | Columbia Univ. Reports | |
NYO-GEN72- | New York Operations Office Reports | |
OAP- | Calif. Inst. of Technology Orange Aid Preprints | |
OAWS- | | |
OKTAV-A- | Osaka Univ., OKTAVIAN Reports | |
OKTAV-C- | Osaka Univ., OKTAVIAN Reports | |
ORNL- | Oak Ridge National Lab. Reports | |
ORNL-CF- | Oak Ridge National Lab. Central File Memo | |
ORNL-P- | Oak Ridge National Lab. preprint | |
ORNL-TM- | Oak Ridge National Lab. technical memo | |
ORNL-TR- | Oak Ridge National Lab. translation | |
ORO- | Oak Ridge Operations Office, contract report | |
P3- | Joint Inst. for Nucl. Res., Dubna Reports | |
PAN- | Polish Academy of Sciences Reports | |
PEL- | Atomic Energy Board, Pelindaba Reports | |
PINST- | Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports | |
PINST-NPD- | Pakistan Inst.Nuc.Sci.Tech.,Nucl.Phys.Div.Repts | |
PINST-RT- | Pakistan Inst. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Reports | |
PNE- | U.S. AEC, Peaceful Nuclear Explosions series | |
PNR- | Cadarache Reports | |
PNR/SETR- | Cadarache Reports | |
PNR/SETR-R- | Cadarache Reports | |
PPAR- | Princeton Pennsylvania Accelerator Reports | |
PR-CM- | AECL Chalk River Reports | |
PR-CMA- | AECL Chalk River Reports | |
PR-P- | AECL Reports | |
PSB-BER- | Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe preprint | |
PTB- | P.T.B., Braunschweig, reports | |
PTB-FMRB- | P.T.B., Braunschweig Reports | |
PTB-N- | Phys.Techn.Bundesanst., Neutronenphysik Reports | |
PTR- | Phillips Petrolium Co., Idaho Falls Reports | |
PTUM-E- | Techn. Univ. Muenchen Reports | |
PUC- | Princeton, Palmer Physics Lab. Reports | |
PWAC- | Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Div. Reports | |
RCN- | Reactor Cent. Nederland, Petten Reports | |
RD/B/M- | Central Electricity Generating Board Reports | |
RD/B/N- | Central Electricity Generating Board Reports | |
RFA- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports | |
RFP- | Dow Chemical Company, Rocky Flats Div. Reports | |
RFP-TRANS- | Dow Chemical Comp., Rocky Flats, translations | |
RFR- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm Reports | |
RI- | Khlopin Radiev. Inst., Leningrad Reports | |
RISO- | RISO Research Institute report series | |
RISO-M- | RISO Research Institute Reports | |
RL- | Lawrence Radiation Lab., Berkeley Reports | |
RLO- | U.S. AEC Reports | |
RPC- | Radioplane Co., Van Nuys, California Reports | |
RPCC- | Reactor Physics Constants Center Newsletter | |
RPI- | Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Reports | |
RPI-PR- | R.P.I. progress report | |
RRC- | Reactor Research Center Kalpakkam Reports | |
RT/FI- | Comitate Nazionale per l'En. Nuc. Fiz. Reports | |
RT/FIMA- | Comitate Nazionale per l'En.Nuc.Fiz.Mat.Repts. | |
RT/TIB- | ENEA Dipart.Technol.Interessettor.di Base Repts | |
S- | Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, Stockholm, prog. rept. | |
SAR-G- | C.E.A. Grenoble Reports | |
SC- | Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, report series | |
SC-R- | Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports | |
SC-RR- | Sandia Corp., Albuquerque Reports | |
SCR- | Sandia Corp. Reports | |
SFL-A- | Sateilyfysiikan Laitos-Radiofys. Inst. Reports | |
SGAE- | Oesterr. Studienges. f. Atomenergie reports | |
SGAE-PH- | Oesterr.Studienges.f.Atomen.,Physikinst., Repts | |
SIB- | Inst. Jad. Fiz., Novosibirsk Reports | |
STI/DOC/10- | I.A.E.A. Technical Document Series | |
STI/PUB- | I.A.E.A. Publications | |
STI/PUB/15- | I.A.E.A. Review Series (1959-1962 | |
STI/PUB/21- | I.A.E.A. Bibliographical Series | |
STUDSVIK- | Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Reports | |
SUI- | Iowa State Univ. Reports | |
SUNI- | Southern Universities Nuclear Inst. Reports | |
TC- | Hanford Engineering Development Lab. Reports | |
TDS- | AECL Nucl.Power Plant Div. Reports | |
THAI-AEC- | Atomic Energy for Peace, Bangkok Reports | |
TI- | Atomics Int., N. American Rockwell, Tech. Inf. | |
TIB/FICS- | ENEA Dpmt. TIB / FICS Reports | |
TID- | Div. of Tech. Info. U.S. AEC Reports | |
TLU- | Uppsala Univ. Tandem Lab. Reports | |
TMO- | Inst.Teplo-Massoobmena Bjeloruss.Acad.Sci.Repts | |
TNC- | Texas Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
TNCC(CAN)- | Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports | |
TNCC(UK)- | Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports | |
TNCC(US)- | Tripartite Nucl Cross Sections Comm. Reports | |
TNCC- | Tripartite Nucl. Cross Sections Comm. Reports | |
TNSD-P- | Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports | |
TNSD-R- | Technion Nuclear Science Dept. Reports | |
TU- | Technische Univ. Dresden, Reports | |
TUNL- | Triangle Univ. Nuclear Lab. annual report | |
U/KTY- | University of Kentucky Reports | |
UARAEE- | Atomic Energy Establishment Reports | |
UCAR- | U.C., Lawrence Livermore Lab., Reports | |
UCD-CNL- | Crocker Nucl. Lab., U.C. at Davis, prog.rep. | |
UCID- | U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab., Reports | |
UCOL-P- | Colorado Univ. Reports | |
UCRL- | U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore | |
UCRL-ID- | U.C., Lawrence Rad.Lab. (Berkeley and Livermore | |
UCRL-TR- | U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation series | |
UCRL-TRANS- | U.C., Lawrence Radiation Lab. translation | |
UFT- | Ukrainskij Fiz. Tech. Inst. Reports | |
UILU-ENG- | Univ.of Illinois, Dept. of Engin. progress rept. | |
UJF- | Ustav Jad. Fyziky (Inst.Nucl.Phys.) Reports | |
UJV- | Ustav Jad. Vyzkumu (Inst Nucl res), Reports | |
UK/C- | AECL Reports | |
UKNDC- | Progress report from U.K. Nuclear Data Comm. | |
UKNDC-P- | Progress report from U.K.N.D.C. | |
UMO- | University Microfilms Order Number | |
UNC- | United Nuclear Corp. Reports | |
UNIV-MI- | University of Michigan Reports | |
UPP- | Uppsala Univ. Annual Report | |
UR- | Univ. of Rochester Reports | |
USNDC- | Report to the U.S. Nuclear Data Comm. | |
USNRDL- | Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports | |
USNRDL-TR- | Naval Radiological Def. Lab. Reports | |
UU-NP- | Uppsala Univ., Neutron Physics Lab. Reports | |
UWFDM- | Univ.Wisconsin Fusion Engineering Program Repts | |
UZB-P- | Inst.of Nucl.Phys., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Repts | |
WADC- | Wright Air Devel. Centre report series | |
WADC-TN- | Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports | |
WADC-TR- | Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports | |
WADD-TR- | Wright Air Devel. Centre Reports | |
WANL- | Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. reports | |
WANL-TME- | Westinghouse Astro-Nuclear Lab. Reports | |
WAPD- | Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) reports | |
WAPD-BT- | Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports | |
WAPD-T- | Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports | |
WAPD-TM- | Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports | |
WAPD-TRANS- | Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Bettis) Reports | |
WARD- | Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division Reports | |
WASH- | Washington AEC Office Reports | |
WCAP- | Westinghouse Atomic Power Div.(Pittsburgh) Repts | |
WL-TR- | General Dynamics, Fort Worth, Techn. Reports | |
XDC- | General Electric Corp., Cincinnati Reports | |
YFI- | Yaderno-Fizicheskie Issledovaniya Reports | |
YK- | Yadernye Konstanty | |
ZAED-M- | Zentralstelle fuer Atomkernenergie-Dokum. | |
ZFK- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
ZFK-DOS- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
ZFK-PHA- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
ZFK-RCH- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
ZFK-RN- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
ZFK-TPH- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
ZFK-WF- | Zentralinst. f. Kernforschung Rossendorf Reports | |
Information Sources are organized by name. |
Books |
Code |
Name |
Choose Reference(s) |
2000PITTSB | PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000 | |
2000STPETR | Conf.Nucl.Spectr.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersbg.,June 2000 | |
2001BERKEL | Nucl.Physics in the 21st Cent.,Berkeley, CA,USA,2001 | |
2001CASTAP | Dyn.Aspects of Nucl.Fiss.,Casta-Papiernicka 2001 | |
2001DUBNA | Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei, Dubna 2001 | |
2001SARAT | Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 2001 | |
2001SAROV | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Sarov, Russia,2001 | |
2001TSUKUB | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Tsukuba 2001 | |
2002BERKEL | Conf. on Frontier of Nuclear Physics, Berkeley 2002 | |
2002DUBNA | Int.Sem.Interaction of Neutrons w.Nuclei,Moscow,2002 | |
2002MOSCOW | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Moscow,Russia,2002 | |
2002PRUHON | Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Pruhonice, 2002 | |
2002SANIB | Fission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,2002 | |
2002SANTA | Meeting on Radiation Shielding,Santa Fe,NM,USA, 2002 | |
2002SEOUL | PHYSOR 2002, Physics of Reactors, Seoul, Korea, 2002 | |
2003DARMST | Worksh.Nucl.Data for Transmutation, Darmstadt, 2003 | |
2003HABAY | Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2003 | |
2003MOSCOW | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Moscow,Russia,2003 | |
2003SDIEGO | Int.Meet.on Nucl.Appl.of Accel.Tech., San Diego 2003 | |
2004ARGON | Conf.on Nuclei at the Limits, Argonne, July 2004 | |
2004BELGOR | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Belgorod,Russia,2004 | |
2004BORMIO | Int.Meeting on Nucl.Physics, Bormio, Italy, 2004 | |
2004EURAD | Conf.Manag.and Disposal of Rad.Waste,Luxembourg 2004 | |
2004SANTA | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Santa Fe 2004 | |
2005BRUSS | Int.Conf.on Isotopes (5ICI), Brussels, April 2005 | |
2005KOS | Frontiers in Nucl.Structure,Kos,Greece,Sept.2005 | |
2005NOTRED | Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Notre Dame 2005 | |
2005PAVIA | Nucl.Phys.Divisional Conf., Pavia, Italy, Sept.2005 | |
2005SANTA | Int.Collab.on Adv.Neutron Sources,Santa Fe,April 2005 | |
2005SEVILL | Int.Conf.on Ion Beam Analysis, Sevilla, 2005 | |
2006BOROVE | Workshop Neutron Meas., Eval.& Appl., Borovets, 2006 | |
2006CERN | 9.Int.Symp.Nuclei in the Cosmos, CERN, Geneva, 2006 | |
2006MANGAL | Nucl.data f.adv.nucl.systems, Mangalore, India, 2006 | |
2006VANCOU | Advances in Nucl.Analysis and Simul.,Vancouver 2006 | |
2007NICE | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci. and Technology, Nice 2007 | |
2007TOKAI | Symp.on Nuclear Data, Tokai, Japan, Jan. 2007 | |
55ANS | Nuclear Sci.and Engineering Congress, Cleveland 1955 | |
55GENEVA | 1st UN Conf.Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy, Geneva 1955 | |
55MOSCOW | USSR Conf. Peaceful Uses of At. En., Moscow 1955 | |
56AMSTERDM | Conf. on Nuclear Reactions., Amsterdam 1956 | |
56BNL | Resonance Absorption Conf., Brookhaven 1956 | |
56KIEV | Kiev Conf., Kiev 1956 | |
57ANS | American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York 1957 | |
57COLUMBIA | Columbia Conf., New York 1957 | |
57PARIS | Radioisotopes in Scient.Res., UNESCO, Paris 1957 | |
58BERKELEY | Application of Pulsed Neutron Source Techniques Symp. | |
58GENEVA | Second Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1958 | |
58PARIS | Nucl. Phys. Congress, Paris 1958 | |
59ANL | Physics of Breeding Conf | |
59CALCUTTA | Low Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Calcutta 1959 | |
59LONDON | Conf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959 | |
59TASHKENT | Peaceful Uses of At. En. Conf., Tashkent 1959 | |
59VIENNA | Panel on Heavy Water Lattices, Vienna 1959 | |
60BASEL | Conf.on Polariz.Phenom.in Nucl.React.,Basel 1960 | |
60KINGSTON | Nuclear Structure Conf., Kingston 1960 | |
60LONDON | Conf.Nucl.Forces and Few-Nucleon Probl.,London 1959 | |
60SVIENNA | Radiation Dosimetry Symp., Vienna, 1960 | |
60VIENNA | Pile Neutron Research Symp., Vienna 1960 | |
60WALTAIR | Low Energy Nuclear Physics Symp., Waltair 1960 | |
60WIEN | Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Vienna 1960 | |
61BOMBAY | Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay 1961 | |
61BRUSSELS | Neutron Time-of-Flight Colloquium, Brussels 1961 | |
61BUCHAR | Research Reactors Conf., Bucuresti,1961 | |
61DUBNA | Slow Neutron Physics Conf., Dubna 1961 | |
61MANCH | Rutherford Conf., Manchester 1961 | |
61RPI | Neutron Physics Symp., Rensselaer Polytech 1961 | |
61SACLAY | Time of Flight Methods Conf., Saclay 1961 | |
61VIENNA | Reactor Physics Sem., Vienna 1961 | |
61WIEN | Programming and Utiliz.of Res.Reactors Symp.Wien,1961 | |
62BNL | Neutron Thermalization Conf., Brookhaven 1962 | |
62CHALKR | Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Chalk River 1962 | |
62HARWELL | Neutron Dosimetry Symp., Harwell 1962 | |
62LOSANG | Radiation Effects Symp., Los Angeles 1962 | |
62MADRAS | Nuclear Physics Symp., Madras 1962 | |
62MEXICO | Peaceful Appl.of Nucl.En.Symp., Mexico City 1962 | |
62PADUA | Nucl. Reaction Mechanisms Conf., Padua 1962 | |
62TRIESTE | Theoretical Physics Lectures, Trieste 1962 | |
62WIEN | Light Water Lattices Panel, Vienna 1962 | |
63ADAM | Expon. and Critical Expts.Symp., Amsterdam 1963 | |
63ANL | Nucl.Physics with Reactor Neutrons Conf.,Argonne 1963 | |
63BOMBAY | Nucl.and Sol.State Physics Symp., Bombay 1963 | |
63GATLNB | Conf.on Compound Nuclear States,Gatlinburg 1963 | |
63HOUSTON | Fast Neutron Physics Conf., Houston 1963 | |
63KRLSRH | Neutron Physics Conf., Karlsruhe 1963 | |
63MANCHST | Nuclear Physics Conf., Manchester 1963 | |
63OXFORD | Neutron Flux Detection Symp., Oxford 1963 | |
63SPAULO | Research Reactor Utilisation Symp., Sao Paulo 1963 | |
64ATHENS | Crystal Diffraction of Nucl.Gamma Rays, Athens,1964 | |
64BOMBAY | Neutron Inelastic Scatt.Symp., Bombay 1964 | |
64CHANDGRH | Nuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Chandigarh 1964 | |
64DUBNA | Neutron Interactions Conf., Dubna 1964 | |
64GENEVA | Third Internat. At.En. Conf., Geneva 1964 | |
64PARIS | Nuclear Physics Congress, Paris 1964 | |
64VIENNA | Plutonium for Power Production Panel, Vienna, 1964 | |
64WIEN | In-Pile Dosimetry Panel, Vienna, 1964 | |
65ANTWERP | Nuclear Structure Conf., Antwerp 1965 | |
65CALCUTTA | Nuclear and Solid State Phys.Symp., Calcutta 1965 | |
65IAEA | Accident Dosimetry Symp., Vienna 1965 | |
65KFK | Polarization Symp., Karlsruhe 1965 | |
65KRLSRH | Pulsed Neutron Symp., Karlsruhe 1965 | |
65MINSK | Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Minsk 1965 | |
65SALZBURG | Physics and Chemistry of Fission Conf., Salzburg 1965 | |
66ANL | Fast Critical Experiments Conf., Argonne 1966 | |
66ARGONNE | Capture-Gamma Spectroscopy Conf, Argonne, 1966 | |
66BERKELEY | Radiation Measurements Conf., Berkeley 1966 | |
66BOMBAY | Nuclear and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1966 | |
66DUBNA | Nuclear Pulsed Systems Panel, Dubna 1966 | |
66GATLNBG | Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics, Gatlinburg, 1966 | |
66LYON | Light Nuclei Colloquium, Lyon, 1966 | |
66MOSCOW | Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1966 | |
66OXFORD | Conf.on Nucl.Struct.and Elem.Part.,Oxford 1966 | |
66PARIS | Nuclear Data For Reactors Conf., Paris 1966 | |
66ROME | Measurements in Power Reactors Sem., Rome 1966 | |
66ROSSDF | Nucl. Reactions and Structure Conf., Rossendorf 1966 | |
66SDIEGO | Reactor Physics Conf., San Diego 1966 | |
66TRIESTE | Fundamentals in Nuclear Theory Lectures, Trieste 1966 | |
66VIENNA | Symp.on Standardization of Radionuclides,Vienna 1966 | |
66WASH | Neutron Cross-Section Techn. Conf., Washington 1966 | |
67ANNARB | Neutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967 | |
67BORDEAUX | Nuclear Physics Colloquium, Bordeaux 1967 | |
67BRELA | Light Nuclei Symp., Brela 1967 | |
67BRUSSELS | Symp.on Plutonium as a Reactor Fuel, Brussels 1967 | |
67BRXL | Neutron Cross-Sections Standards Panel, Brussels 1967 | |
67COLLEG | Nucl.Phys.Res. w.Low Energy Accel., U.Maryland 1967 | |
67GNSVLLE | Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction Conf., Gainsville 1967 | |
67JUELICH | Neutron Physics at Reactors Conf., Juelich 1967 | |
67KANPUR | Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Kanpur 1967 | |
67KARLSR | Symp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Karlsruhe 1967 | |
67KHARKOV | Nucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Kharkov 1967 | |
67KRAKOW | Nuclear Spectroscopy Sem., Krakow 1967 | |
67LUBLIN | Polish Physics Congress, Lublin 1967 | |
67MARYLD | Symp.on Nucl.Phys.Res.w.Low En.Accel., Maryland 1967 | |
67MCHG | Neutron Thermalization Symp. Ann Arbor, Mich, 1967 | |
67ROS | Second Nucl.Reactions+Structure Conf.Rossendorf 1967 | |
67SCHFFHSN | Swiss Physical Soc. Meeting, Schaffhausen 1967 | |
67TOKAI | Utilization of Research Reactors Meeting,Tokai,1967 | |
67TOKYO | Nuclear Structure Conf., Tokyo 1967 | |
67VIENNA | Panel on Delayed Fission Neutrons, Vienna 1967 | |
67WIEN | Panel on Fuel Burn-Up Predictions,Vienna 1967 | |
68BOMBAY | Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Bombay 1968 | |
68COPENHGN | Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Copenhagen 1968 | |
68DEBRECEN | Electron Capture in Nucl. Decays Conf.,Debrecen,1968 | |
68DUBNA | Nuclear Data for Computations Sem., Dubna 1968 | |
68DUBPA | Nuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968 | |
68DUBSY | Symp.on Nuclear Structure, Dubna, USSR, 4-11 Jul 1968 | |
68JINR | Nuclear Structure Studies Panel, Dubna 1968 | |
68MADRAS | Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madras 1968 | |
68RIGA | Nucl. Spectroscopy and Structure Conf., Riga 1968 | |
68WASH | Nuclear Cross-Sections Techn. Conf., Washington 1968 | |
69BOCHUM | Clustering Phenomena Conf., Bochum,Germany,1969 | |
69CHAND | Chemistry Symp., Chandigarh 1969 | |
69EREVAN | Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Erevan 1969 | |
69HOUSTON | Welch Found.Conf.on Chem.Res.,Houston,1969,Vol.13 | |
69KINSHASA | Peaceful Uses of At.Energy in Africa,Kinshasa,1969 | |
69LONDON | Physics of Fast Reac.Oper.+ Design,Conf.,London 1969 | |
69MONTRL | Conf.on Properties of Nuclear States,Montreal,1969 | |
69RIO | Nuclear Physics Symp., Rio de Janeiro 1969 | |
69ROORKEE | Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Roorkee 1969 | |
69STUDSVIK | Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy,Studsvik,1969 | |
69TRIESTE | Trieste Lectures 1969 | |
69VIENNA | Physics and Chemistry of Fission Symp., Vienna 1969 | |
69WIEN | Instrumentation for Neut.Inelast.Scat.Res.,Vienna1969 | |
70ANL | Neutron Standards Symp., Argonne 1970 | |
70BARCEL | 7.Int.Conf.on Corpuscular Photography, Barcelona 1970 | |
70CHICAGO | APS Meeting Chicago 1970 | |
70HELSINKI | Nuclear Data for Reactors Conf., Helsinki 1970 | |
70LENING | Nucl.Spectroscopy Conf.,Leningrad 1970 | |
70LVEG | ANS Nucl.Expl.Symp.,Las Vegas 1970 | |
70MADISON | Polarization Phenomena Conf., Madison 1970 | |
70MADRAS | Chemistry Symp., ITT, Madras 1970 | |
70MADURAI | Nucl. and Solid State Physics Symp., Madurai 1970 | |
70MARBG | 7.Int.Conf.on Electrom.Isotope Separatn, Marburg 1970 | |
70PARIS | Reactor Shielding Specialist Meeting, Paris, 1970 | |
70SFE | Plutonium 1970 Symp. Santa Fe 1970 | |
71ALBANY | Conf.on Statistical Properties of Nuclei,Albany,1971 | |
71BUDAPEST | Symp.on The Nuclear 3-Body Problem, Budapest 1971 | |
71CANT | Chemical Nucl. Data Conf.,Canterbury 1971 | |
71KIEV | Neutron Physics Conf., Kiev 1971 | |
71KNOX | 3rd Conf.Neutron Cross-Sections+Tech.,Knoxville 1971 | |
71MOCKBA | Neutron Metrology Conf, Moskva 1971 | |
71MOSCOW | Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Moscow 1971 | |
71VIENNA | Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra Meeting, Vienna 1971 | |
72ALUSHTA | Nucl.Structure Lectures, Alushta 1972 | |
72BOMBAY | 14.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp, Bombay 1972 | |
72BUD | Nucl.Structure Conf.,Budapest 1972 | |
72CHANDG | 15.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp. Chandigarh 1972 | |
72DENVER | 18.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Denver 1972 | |
72GRENOBLE | Neutron Inelastic Scattering Symp., Grenoble 1972 | |
72KIAMESHA | Conf.on Developm.in Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1972 | |
72KIEV | 22. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf, Kiev 1972 | |
72LANZH | Conf.on Low Energy Nucl.Phys.,Lanzhou,1972 | |
72LOSANG | Conf. on Few-Particle Problems, Los Angeles 1972 | |
72NEUHER | 1.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry,Munich-Neuherberg,May1972 | |
72PARIS | 4.Int.Reactor Shielding Conf., Paris 1972 | |
72PREDEAL | Summer School Nucl.Data and React.Phys.,Predeal 1972 | |
72SENDAI | Conf.Nucl.Structure Studies, Sendai, Japan, 1972 | |
72VIENNA | Panel on Neutron Standard Reference Data,Vienna,1972 | |
73BANGLO | 16.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bangalore,1973 | |
73BOLOGNA | IAEA Panel on Fission-Product Nuclear Data | |
73BOSTON | 19.Conf.on Magnetism and Magnetic Mat.,Boston 1973 | |
73DUBNA | 13. Nuclear Spectroscopy Symp., Dubna 1973 | |
73GAUSSIG | 3.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1973 | |
73KARLSR | Capture Cross-Sections Panel, Karlsruhe 1973 | |
73KIEV | 2.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev 1973 | |
73MUNICH | Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics,Munich 1973 | |
73PACIFI | Int.Conf.on Photonucl.Reactions,Pacific Grove 1973 | |
73PARIS | Applications of Nuclear Data Symp., Paris 1973 | |
73PETTEN | Nuclear Physics Symp., Petten 1973 | |
73ROCH | 3.Physics+Chemistry of Fission Symp., Rochester 1973 | |
73TBILISI | 23. Nuclear Spectroscopy Conf., Tbilisi 1973 | |
73TOKAI | Meeting on Fast Reactor Physics, Tokai 1973 | |
73TRIEST | Int.Extend.Sem.on Nucl.Physics,Trieste 1973 | |
74AMSTER | Conf.on Nucl.Struct.and Spectroscopy,Amsterdam 1974 | |
74BOMBAY | 17.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Bombay 1974 | |
74CALCUT | Int.Symp.on Radiation Physics, Calcutta 1974 | |
74COLUMB | 2.Conf.on Nucl.Meth.in Envir.Res.,Columbia 1974 | |
74DACCA | Physics Symp., Dhaka,18-21 Nov.1974 | |
74GAUSSIG | 5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1974 | |
74KHARKOV | 24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974 | |
74KHARKV | 24.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1974 | |
74NASH | Int.Conf.on React.Betw.Complex Nuclei,Nashville 1974 | |
74PETTEN | 2.Symp.on Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Petten 1974 | |
74SHANGH | Conf.on Nucl.Physics,Shanghai 1974 | |
74SMOLEN | Int.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1974 | |
75CALCUTTA | 18.Nucl.and Solid State Physics Symp.,Calcutta,1975 | |
75DEBREC | Symp.on Fast Neutr.Interactions,Debrecen 1975 | |
75DELHI | 7.Conf.on Few-Body Problems,Delhi Dec.1975/Jan.1976 | |
75GAUSSIG | 5.Sem.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1975 | |
75GOTHEN | Conf.in Physics,Gothenburg,10-12 Jun 1975 | |
75HARWELL | Europhysics Conf.on Nucl.Interactions, Harwell 1975 | |
75KARLSR | Seminar on Aspects of Cf-252,Karlsruhe 1975 | |
75KIEV | 3.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,9-13 Jun 1975 | |
75LENING | 25.Conf.on Nucl.Spect.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1975 | |
75MRYLND | 2.Conf.on Clustering Phen.in Nuclei,Maryland 1975 | |
75WASH | Conf.on Nucl.Cross-Sect.and Techn.,Washington 1975 | |
75ZUERI | 7.Int.Conf.on Cyclotrons,Zuerich 1975 | |
75ZURICH | 4.Int.Symp.on Polarization Phen.,Zuerich 1975 | |
76AHMEDABA | 19.Nucl.Phys.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Ahmedabad,1976 | |
76ANL | Meet.Fast Neutr.Cross Sect.of U and Pu,Argonne 1976 | |
76ANL-2 | Symp.on Macrosc.React.of Heavy Ion Coll.,Argonne 1976 | |
76BAKU | Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Baku 1976 | |
76BOMBAY | Symp.on Reactor Physics, Bombay, 1-3 Mar 1976 | |
76CAEN | European Conf.on Nucl.Phys.with Heavy Ions,Caen 1976 | |
76CORSICA | 3.Int.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Cargese,1976 | |
76GARMIS | 9th Symp. on Fusion Technology, Garmisch 1976 | |
76LOWELL | Int.Conf.on Interact.of Neutr.with Nuclei,Lowell 1976 | |
76NEUHER | 9.Conf.Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Neuherberg 1976 | |
76RIGA | School on Neutron Metrology, Riga, 22 Nov-3 Dec 1976 | |
77BNL | Symp.on Neutr.Cross-Sect. 10 - 40 Mev,Brookhaven 1977 | |
77BNL-2 | Meeting on Accelerator Breeding,Brookhaven 1977 | |
77GEEL | Meet.on Neutr.Data of Struct.Mat.,Geel 1977 | |
77KIEV | 4.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,18-22 Apr 1977 | |
77MANNHE | Reaktortagung 1977, Mannheim, Germany, Mar 1977 | |
77NBS | Symp.on Neutron Standards,Gaithersburg 1977 | |
77PARIS | Meeting on Natural Fission Reactors,Paris 1977 | |
77PUNE | 20.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Poona 1977 | |
77TASHKENT | 27.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1977 | |
77TENN | Conf.on Heavy Ion Collisions,Falls Creek,Tenn. 1977 | |
77TOKYO | Int.Conf.on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo, 5-10 Sep 1977 | |
77VIENNA | Symp.on Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vienna 1977 | |
78ALMAATA | 28.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1978 | |
78ALUSHTA | 3.Int.School on Neutron Physics, Alushta 1978 | |
78BNL | 3.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma Ray Spectr.,Brookhaven 1978 | |
78BNL-2 | Meet.Nucl.Data Higher Pu and Am Isot.,Brookhaven 1978 | |
78BOMBAY | 21.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp., Bombay 1978 | |
78GRAZ | Int.Conf.on Few Body Syst.and Nucl.Forces,Graz 1978 | |
78HARWELL | Int.Conf.on Neutr.Phys.and Nucl.Data,Harwell 1978 | |
78HEIDLB | Meet.on Nucl.and High Energy Physics,Heidelberg 1978 | |
78LUSHAN | 3.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lushan,China,Aug.1978 | |
78MAYAG | Conf.on Computers in Activ.Analysis,Mayaguez 1978 | |
79AIX | Symp.on Fast Reactor Physics,Aix-en-Provence 1979 | |
79BOLOGN | Meet.Neutr.Cross Sect.of Fiss.Prod.Nucl.,Bologna 1979 | |
79GAUSSIG | 9.Symp.on Interact.of Fast Neutrons,Gaussig 1979 | |
79GEEL | Meet.on Neutr.Cross Sect.For Struct.Mat.,Geel 1979 | |
79GHENT | Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Ghent, 26-30 Mar 1979 | |
79INNSBR | 17.Meet.of the Ges.f.Nuklearmedizin,Innsbruck 1979 | |
79JUELICH | IAEA Symp.on Phys.and Chem.of Fission,Juelich 1979 | |
79KNOX | Conf.on Nucl.Cross Sections F.Techn.,Knoxville 1979 | |
79LYON | 10.Conf.on Solid State Nucl.Track Detect.,Lyon 1979 | |
79MADRAS | 22.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Madras 1979 | |
79RHODES | Conf.on Structure of Medium-Heavy Nuclei, Rhodes 1979 | |
79RIGA | 29.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Riga 1979 | |
79SMOLENIC | 2.Symp.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1979 | |
80BEIJING | Theories and Meth.of Nucl.Reactions,Beijing 1980 | |
80BERKELEY | Int.Conf.Nuclear Physics, Berkeley,California,1980 | |
80BNL | Symp.on Neutr.Cross Sect.10-50 MeV,Brookhaven 1980 | |
80BNL-2 | Conf.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methods,Brookhaven 1980 | |
80DELHI | 23.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,New Delhi 1980 | |
80KIEV | 5.All Union Conf.on Neutron Phys.,Kiev,15-19 Sep 1980 | |
80KOPPENN | Meet.Technol.Contr.Nucl.Fusion,King of Prussia 1980 | |
80LANZHO | 4.Chinese Nucl.Phys.Conf.,Lanzhou,China,Oct.1980 | |
80LENGRD | 30.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1980 | |
80MUNICH | Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Munich, 17-22 Mar 1980 | |
80SANTA | 5.Symp.on Polar.Phen.in Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980 | |
80SANTA FE | 5.Symp.on Polar.Phen.in Nucl.Phys.,Santa Fe 1980 | |
80WALTAI | Nucl.Chem.and Radiochem.Symp.,Waltair,India 1980 | |
81ANL | Neutron Scattering Conf.,Argonne Nat.Lab. 1981 | |
81BOMBAY | 24.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Bombay 1981 | |
81GRENOB | 4.Symp.Neutr.Capt.Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Grenoble 1981 | |
81NEUHERBG | 4.Symp.on Neutron Dosimetry, Munich-Neuherberg 1981 | |
81SAMAR | 31.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Samarkand 1981 | |
82ANTWER | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Antwerp 1982 | |
82KIAMES | Meet.on Adv.in Reactor Phys.,Kiamesha Lake 1982 | |
82KIEV | 32.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Kiev 1982 | |
82SMOLEN | Conf.on Neutron Induced Reactions,Smolenice 1982 | |
82VARANA | 25.Nucl.Phys.A.Solid State Phys.Symp.,Varanasi 1982 | |
82WASH | 4.Symp.on Radiation Dosimetry,Washington D.C. 1982 | |
83GAUSSG | 13.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1983 | |
83KIEV | 6.All-Union Conf.on Neutron Physics,Kiev,2-6 Oct.1983 | |
83MOSCOW | 33.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Moscow 1983 | |
83MOSKVA | 3.Meet.on Neutron Radiation Metrology,Moscow 1983 | |
83MYSORE | 26.Nucl.Phys.and Solid State Phys.Symp.,Mysore 1983 | |
83TOKYO | Symp.on High Energy Photonucl.Reactions, Tokyo 1983 | |
83TURKU | 3.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1983 | |
83WASH | Symp.Ultrashort-Lived Radionucl.,Washington D.C.1983 | |
84ALMAAT | 34.Conf.on Nucl.Spectr.A.Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1984 | |
84DEBREC | Int.Symp.on In-Beam Nucl.Spectroscopy, Debrecen 1984 | |
84FUJI | Int.Symp.on Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics,Fuji 1984 | |
84GAUSSIG | 14.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Gaussig,DDR,1984 | |
84GEESTH | 5.Symp.on Reactor Dosimetry,Geesthacht,1984 | |
84KNOX | Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy,Knoxville 1984 | |
84OHIO | Conf.on Neutron-Nucleus Collisions,Glouster 1984 | |
84OSAKA | Symp.on Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Interact.,Osaka 1984 | |
84TRIUMF | TRIUMF-ISOL Workshop, Mont Gabriel, Quebec, 1984 | |
84UPPSAL | Conf.on Transactinium Isotope Nucl.Data,Uppsala 1984 | |
84VARESE | 13th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Varese,Sept.1984 | |
84VENICE | 6.Symp.Safeguards and Nucl.Mat.Managem.,Venice 1984 | |
85CHIANG | Fast Neutrons in Sci.and Techn.Symp.,Chiang Mai 1985 | |
85CHICAG | Nuclei Off Line of Stability Symp.,Chicago,1985 | |
85GAUSSI | 15.Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Nucl.Fission,Gaussig,DDR,1985 | |
85JAIPUR | Symp.on Nucl.Phys.,Jaipur,16-20 Dec.1985 | |
85JUELIC | Conf.on Neutron Scatt.in the Nineties,Juelich 1985 | |
85LENING | 35.Conf.Nucl.Spectr.and Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1985 | |
85SANTA | Conf.on Nucl.Data f.Basic a.Appl.Sci.,Santa Fe 1985 | |
86BEIJIN | Int.Conf.Nucl.Radiochemistry, Beijing, 1-5 Sept.1986 | |
86BIRMIN | Delayed Neutr.Prop.Meeting, Birmingham 1986 | |
86DUBRO2 | Conf.Nucl.Struct.,Reactions,Symmetries,Dubrovnik 1986 | |
86DUBROV | Int.Conf.on Fast Neutr.Phys.,Dubrovnik,26-31 May 1986 | |
86HABAY | Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve,Belgium,22-23 May 1986 | |
86HARROG | Int.Nucl.Phys.Conf., Harrogate,U.K.,25-30 Aug.1986 | |
86KHARKO | 36.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Kharkov 1986 | |
86TEL-AV | Nucl.Soc.of Israel Meeting,Tel Aviv,17-18 Feb.1986 | |
86TURKU | 4.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1986 | |
86WASH | Conf.3-Body Force in 3-Nucleon Syst.,Washington D.C. | |
87BADHON | Symp.on Dynamics of Collective Phen.,Bad Honnef 1987 | |
87JURMAL | 37.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Jurmala 1987 | |
87KIEV | 1.Int.Conf.on Neutron Physics, Kiev,14-18 Sep 1987 | |
87LEUVEN | 6.Conf.on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Leuven 1987 | |
87ROSSEA | 5.Conf.on Nuclei Far from Stability,Rosseau Lake 1987 | |
87VIENNA | IAEA Meet.on Fusion Eval.Nucl.Data,Vienna,Nov.1987 | |
88BADHON | Conf.on Nucl.Struct.of the Zr Region,Bad Honnef 1988 | |
88BAKU | 38.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct., Baku 1988 | |
88BOMBAY | 31.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 27 - 31 Dec.1988 | |
88GAUSSI | 18.Int.Conf.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1988 | |
88JACKHO | Int.Reactor Phys.Conf.,Jackson Hole,18-22 Sep.1988 | |
88MITO | Conf.on Nucl.Data For Sci.and Technol.,Mito 1988 | |
88SMOLEN | Symp.on Nucleon Induced Reactions, Smolenice 1988 | |
88TRIEST | Worksh.on Applied Nucl.Theory, Trieste 1988 | |
89ALBUQU | High En.&Heavy Ion Beams in Mat.An.,Albuquerque 1989 | |
89ALIGAR | 32nd Nuclear Physics Symp., Aligarh, 26-30 Dec.1989 | |
89BANGLO | Int.Sem.on Direct Nucl.Reactions,Bangalore, 1989 | |
89BERLIN | Int.Conf.on 50 Years Res.in Nucl.Fiss., Berlin 1989 | |
89BRAUNS | Nuclear Decay Data Symp., Braunschweig 1989 | |
89LENING | Int.Conf.50th Anniv.of Nucl.Fission, Leningrad 1989 | |
89TASHKE | 39.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.and Nucl.Struct.,Tashkent 1989 | |
89TURKU | 5.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1989 | |
89WASH | 50 Years Nucl.Fission Conf., Washington D.C., 1989 | |
90ASILOM | 7.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spectrosc.,Asilomar 1990 | |
90BOMBAY | Indo-Japan Sem.on Thorium Utilization,Bombay 1990 | |
90LENING | 40.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Leningrad 1990 | |
90MARSEI | Int.Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Marseille 1990 | |
91BEIJIN | Symp.on Fast Neutron Physics, Beijing, 9-13 Sep 1991 | |
91GAUSSG | 21.Int.Symp.on Nucl.Phys., Gaussig 1991 | |
91JUELIC | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Technol.,Juelich 1991 | |
91MINSK | 41.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Minsk 1991 | |
91UPPSAL | Meet.on Neutron Cross Section Standards, Uppsala 1991 | |
91VILLIG | 4.Int.Worksh.on Targetry, Villigen, Switzerland,1991 | |
92ADELAI | 13.Int.Conf.on Few Body Problems,Adelaide,Jan.1992 | |
92ALMAAT | Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectroscopy Nucl.Struct.,Alma-Ata 1992 | |
92BNL | Int.Symp.on Nucl.Data Eval.Methodology, BNL, Oct.1992 | |
92BOMBAY | 35.Nuclear Physics Symp., Bombay, 21 - 24 Dec.1992 | |
92KARLSR | Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Karlsruhe, July 1992 | |
92TRIEST | Workshop on Comput.and Anal.of Nucl.Data,Trieste 1992 | |
92TURKU | 6.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1992 | |
93DUBNS | 43.Int.Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,Dubna 1993 | |
93FRIBOU | 8.Int.Conf.Capture Gamma-Ray Spectrosc.,Fribourg 1993 | |
94AQUI | Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos, L'Aquila, 1994 1994 | |
94BOLOGN | Meas.,Calc.and Eval.of Photon Prod.Data,Bologna 1994 | |
94DENTON | Conf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1994 | |
94GATLIN | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn.,Gatlinburg 1994 | |
94PETRBG | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1994 | |
95ARLES | Conf.Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Arles, 1995 | |
95HABAY | Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1995 | |
95OBNIN | 13.Meeting on Physics of Nucl.Fission, Obninsk 1995 | |
95PETRBG | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct.,St.Petersburg 1995 | |
95TURKU | 7.Symp.on Med.Appl.of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland,1995 | |
95VANCOU | 6th Worksh.on Targetry, Vancouver, Canada,1995 | |
96BUDA | 9.Symp.on Capture Gamma Ray Spect., Budapest, 1996 | |
96DENTON | Conf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,USA,1996 | |
96MITO | Conf.on the Physics of Reactors, Mito, Japan 1996 | |
96MOSCOW | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1996 | |
96NOTRED | Conf.on Nuclei in the Cosmos IV, Notre Dame, 1996 | |
96SAROV | Worksh.Exact Meas.in Nucl.Spect., Sarov, Russia 1996 | |
97OBNIN | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Obninsk 1997 | |
97PHILAD | Symp.Synth.Isot.Labelled Comp.,Philadelphia,PA 1997 | |
97SANIB | Fission,Prop.of Neutron-Rich Nucl.,Sanibel,USA,1997 | |
97TOKYO | Symp. New Facet of Spin of Giant Res.,Tokyo 1997 | |
97TRIEST | Conf.on Nucl.Data for Sci.and Techn., Trieste 1997 | |
98BELAIR | Conf.Exotic Nuclei & At.Masses, Bellaire, USA, 1998 | |
98CAEN | 15.Conf.on Cyclotrons and Appl., Caen, France, 1998 | |
98DENTON | Conf.on Appl.of Accel.in Res.and Ind.,Denton,TX,1998 | |
98GATLIN | Nuclear Structure 98 Conf., Gatlinburg, USA, 1998 | |
98MARSEI | 20.Symp.on Fusion Technology, Marseille,France, 1998 | |
98MOSCOW | Conf.Nucl.Spectrosc.Nucl.Struct., Moscow, June 1998 | |
98SEYSS | Nucl.Fiss.&Fiss.-Prod.Spectr.,Seyssins,France, 1998 | |
98VOLOS | 5. Nuclei in the Cosmos Conf., Volos, Greece, 1998 | |
99BUCHAR | Symp.on Adv.in Nucl.Phys., Bucharest, Romania, 1999 | |
99HABAY | Sem.on Fission, Habay-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1999 | |
99PRAHA | Conf.on Accelerator Driven Transmutation, Prague 1999 | |
99RAB | Conf.Cluster.Aspects of Nucl.Struct.& Dynam.,Rab 1999 | |
99SANTA | Symp.on Capt.Gamma Ray Spectroscopy, Santa Fe,NM 1999 | |
99SARAT | Workshop on Beam Dynamics and Optimiz, Saratov 1999 | |
99ST.AND | Conf.on Fission+Neutron-Rich Nucl.,St.Andrews, 1999 | |
99TSUKUB | Conf.on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 1999 | |
99VANCOU | Int.Conf.on Isotopes (3ICI), Vancouver, Sept.1999 | |