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σ 4,5 WO84 OG03 MI06a
σ 4,3 MI06a
σ 4,6 WO84

C 4+ + C(foil) → C 5+

Table 1 (Experiment)

C.J. Woods, C.J. Sofield, N.E. B. Cowern, M. Murrell, J. Draper // J. Phys. B v.17 p.867 (1984)

E, MeV/amu σ 4,5 , 10 -16 cm 2
3.0 0.088 ± 0.009

Table 2 (Experiment)

H. Ogawa, I. Katayama, Y. Haruyama, M. Saito, K. Yoshida, M. Tosaki, I. Sugai // Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B V.212, p.27 (2003)

E, MeV/amu σ 4,5 + σ 4,6 , π a0 2 σ 4,5 + σ 4,6 , 10 -16 cm 2
10.0 3.96e-2 3.48e-2

Table 3 (Theory, CDW)

T. Miyoshi, K. Noda, Y. Sato, H. Tawara, I.Yu.Tolstikhina, V.P. Shevelko // Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B v.251, p.79 (2006)

E, MeV/amu σ 4,5 , 10 -16 cm 2
without density effects with density effects
4.3 7.21e-2 1.00e-1

C 4+ + C(foil) → C 3+

Table 4 (Theory, OBK with normalization at low energy)

T. Miyoshi, K. Noda, Y. Sato, H. Tawara, I.Yu.Tolstikhina, V.P. Shevelko // Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B v.251, p.79 (2006)

E, MeV/amu σ 4,3 , 10 -16 cm 2
without density effects with density effects
4.3 2.62e-4

C 4+ + C(foil) → C 6+

Table 5 (Experiment)

C.J. Woods, C.J. Sofield, N.E. B. Cowern, M. Murrell, J. Draper // J. Phys. B v.17 p.867 (1984)

E, MeV/amu σ 4,6 , 10 -16 cm 2
3.0 0.012 ± 0.002