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σ 0,1 HE56

N 0 + H 2 → N +

Table 1 (Experiment)

F.S. Heer // ph. d. thesis, University of Leyden (1956)

S.K.Allison, M. Garsia-Munoz // Atomic and molecular processes.v.19, ed. D.R.Bates, Academic Press, EFINS-61-4 (1961)

E, MeV/amu E, MeV σ 0,1 , 10 -16 cm 2 /atom
0.000214 0.003 0.14
0.000286 0.004 0.19
0.000357 0.005 0.24
0.000500 0.007 0.31
0.000643 0.009 0.37
0.000786 0.011 0.43
0.000929 0.013 0.47
0.00107 0.015 0.50
0.00143 0.020 0.62
0.00179 0.025 0.77