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σ -1,0 HA52

I - + Ne → I 0

Table 1 (Experiment)

J.B.Hasted // Proc.Roy. Soc. (London) A212, 235 (1952)

S.K.Allison, M. Garsia-Munoz // Atomic and molecular processes.v.19, ed. D.R.Bates, Academic Press, EFINS-61-4 (1961)

E, MeV/amu E, MeV σ-1,0 , 10 -16 cm 2
0.0000016 0.0002 1.7
0.0000031 0.0004 2.6
0.0000047 0.0006 3.1
0.0000063 0.0008 3.6
0.0000078 0.001 3.9
0.0000157 0.002 5.0
0.0000236 0.003 5.8